Eero Aarnio said about the Bubble Chair: After I had made the Ball Chair I wanted to have light inside it and so I had the idea of a transparent ball where light comes from all directions. The only suitable material is acrylic which is heated and blown into shape like a soap bubble. The bubble was blown and when the cushions were added the chair was ready, and the name was obvious: "bubble.
EERO AARNIO在完成Ball Chair後,忽然有一靈感.他要創作一張能讓光完全透入的椅子,這樣人們就可以在自然光下輕鬆地閱讀了.最後,他發現亞克力材料能讓他的構想成為現實,經過多次的實驗,一張完全超想像的椅子誕生了,不鏽鋼鏈將這可愛的椅子懸掛客廳中,象一個浮在空中的大泡泡,設計師稱它為Bubble.
Eero Aarnio 1932 年生於芬蘭,於 1954 年至 1957 年求學赫爾辛基的 Institute of Industrial Arts,並在 1962 年成立個人工作室,從事室內設計與工業設計。