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  • 中文名:法律英語教程
  • 作者:齊筠 編
  • 出版時間:2007年8月1日
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社 
  • 頁數:495 頁
  • ISBN:9787040160611
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Unit One Legal System
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A The Common Law and Its Competitors
Text B State and Federal Court Structure and Charactenstics
Text C Contemporary Legal Education
Unit Two C0nstitutional Law
Warm-up Exercises-Listening Practice
Text A Judicial Review Structure and Powers
Text B Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Case Study Cohen v.California
Unit Three Criminal Law
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A Introduction to American Criminal Law
Text B Mens Rea
Case Study People v.Zackowitz
Unit Four Criminal Procedure Law
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A An Outline of the Criminal Justice Process
Text B Key Aspects of Modern Criminal Procedure:Defendants Rights
Case Study Ohio v Matthew Reiner
Unit Five Civil Procedure Law
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A Introduction to American Civil Procedure
Text B Summary Judgment
Case Study John 0.Adams v.Philip Morris.Inc
Unit Six Tort Law
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A An Overview of Tort Law
Text B Nlljsance Law
Case Study Spur Industries,Inc.v Del E.Webb Development C0
Unit Seven Contract Law
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A The Common Law of Contracts
Text B Consideration
Case Study Hamer v Sidway
Unit Eight Propeay Law
Warm-up Exercises·Listening Practice
Text A An Overview of Property Law
Text B Adverse Possession
Case Study Gilinsky。Sether
Unit Nine The Law of Corporations
Warm-up Exercises:Listening Practice
Text A Corporations
Text B Piercing the Corporate Veil:Does Incorporation Provide Shareholder Protection from Corporate Liability
Case Study Minton v Cavaney
Unit Ten Evidence Law
Warm-up Exercises-Listening Practice
Text A Rules of Evidence
Text B General Concepts of Relevancy
Case Study Lisa Beth Judd v.Dennis Rodman
Unit Eleven Intellectual Property Law
Warm-up Exercises:Listening Practice
Text A Trade Secret and Patent Law
Text B Copyright and Patent Law
Case Study In Re Nantucket,Inc
Unit Twelve The Antitrust Laws
Warm-up Exercises:Listening Practice
Text A Executive Summa~of the U.S.Antitrust Laws
Text B Monopolization and Merger
Case Study United States v Du Pont&Co
Appendix Ⅰ:Tapcscript
Appendix Ⅱ:Overview of the State and Federal Court System
Appendix Ⅲ:Model Contract
Appendix Ⅳ:Deed
Appendix Ⅴ:Corporate Forms--Simple Form of Certificate of Incorporation Appendix Ⅵ:Case Brief
Appendix Ⅶ:About Case Citations
Appendix Ⅷ:Sample Moot Court Brief
Appendix Ⅸ:The Constitution of the United States of America
Appendix Ⅹ:Vocabulary


