



  • 書名:氣象科技英語閱讀
  • 作者:周幼華 等
  • 出版日期:2012年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787502954895, 7502954899
  • 外文名:Selective Reading Course for Meteorology
  • 出版社:氣象出版社
  • 頁數:244頁
  • 開本:16




Unit One
Text Ⅰ The Santa Ana
Text Ⅱ Meteorology(氣象學)
Unit Two
Text Ⅰ Ships in the Desert (Edited)
Text Ⅱ Climate Regions(氣候區)
Unit Three
Text Ⅰ Face to Face with Hurricane Camille
Text Ⅱ Storms(風暴)
Unit Four
Text Ⅰ Weather: You Like It or Not
Text Ⅱ Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father or Weatherman?
Unit Five
Text Ⅰ Noah's Flood
Text Ⅱ Why the Sun Never Sets on the British Isles
Unit Six
Text Ⅰ Global Warming: What We Don' t Know
Text Ⅱ Layers of the Atmosphere & Energy in the Atmosphere
Unit Seven
Text Ⅰ The Dust-Blanketed Land
Text Ⅱ Predicting the Weather
Unit Eight
Text Ⅰ Slower Living for a Rooted Future
Text Ⅱ Guilt-free Sushi
Unit Nine
Text Ⅰ The Catlin Arctic Survey: A Melting Ocean
Text Ⅱ Food That Travels Well
Unit Ten
Text Ⅰ How Can Humanity Avoid or Reverse the Dangers Posed by a Warming Climate?
Text Ⅱ Cloud-talk Decoded: Physics and Lasers Read Honeycomb Cloud Pattern
Unit Eleven
Text Ⅰ The Road to Effective Mitigation of Green House Effect
Text Ⅱ The Greenhouse Effect
Unit Twelve
Text Ⅰ Impact on Agriculture, Food Supply and Human Health
Text Ⅱ Weather Hazards in Agriculture
Unit Thirteen
Text Ⅰ Climate Change Is Beginning to Disrupt Agriculture
Text Ⅱ EPA Rejects Challenges on Greenhouse Gas Threat
Unit Fourteen
Text Ⅰ The Rainbow
Text Ⅱ Solar Wind
Reference Keys to Text Comprehension Ⅰ & Ⅱ of Each Unit


