



  • 中文名:毛康珊
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:理學博士
  • 職務:四川大學碩士生導師
  • 職稱:教授


· 2000-2004 蘭州大學生命科學學院生物科學專業,理學學士
· 2004-2010 蘭州大學生命科學學院生態學專業,理學博士
· 2012-2016 四川大學生命科學學院,副研究員
· 2017至今 四川大學生命科學學院,教授


· 國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基金項目,森林資源學、2017/01-2019/12、主持;
· 國家自然科學基金委面上項目,山楊複合體的地理分布變遷動態歷史研究、2016/01-2019/12、主持;
· 四川省傑出青年學術技術帶頭人資助計畫,中國西部柏科植物高海拔環境適應性的遺傳機制研究、2015/01-2017/12、主持;
· 國家自然科學基金委面上項目,青藏高原兩對柏木屬姊妹群的物種形成研究、2014/01-2017/12、主持;
· 國家自然科學基金委青年基金項目,青藏高原小子圓柏與密枝圓柏之間的雜交滲入和遺傳界定、2012/01-2014/12、主持。




· 2018年 教育部長江學者獎勵計畫青年學者
· 2018年 四川省千人計畫青年人才項目
· 2018年 四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選
· 2017年 四川大學青年科技人才獎
· 2017年 四川大學課堂教學質量優秀獎
· 2016年 四川大學唐立新優秀學者獎
· 2016年 獲得國家優秀青年基金項目資助
· 2015年 四川大學課堂教學質量優秀獎
· 2014年 入選四川省傑出青年學術技術帶頭人資助計畫
· 2014年 獲得四川大學優秀青年學者項目資助
· 2013年 教育部自然科學獎一等獎(第二完成人)
· 2007年 國家留學基金委聯合培養博士獎學金


Fan LQ, Zheng HL, Milne RI, Zhang L, Mao KS*. 2018. Strong population bottleneck and repeated demographic expansions of Populus adenopoda (Salicaceae) in subtropical China.
· Liang QL, Xu XT, Mao KS, Wang MC, Wang K, Xi ZX, Liu JQ. 2018. Shifts in plant distributions in response to climate warming in a biodiversity hotspot, the Hengduan Mountains.
· Tso S, Li J, Xie S, Miao JB, Hu QJ, Mao KS*. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Juniperus microsperma (Cupressaceae), a rare endemic from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
  • Li J, Wu J, Zhang L, Wang L, Mao KS*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome of Cupressus jiangeensis (cupressaceae), a critically endangered conifer species in China.
  • Xu TT, Wang Q, Olson MS, Li ZH, Miao N, Mao KS*. 2017. Allopatric divergence, demographic history, and conservation implications of an endangered conifer Cupressus chengiana in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Tree Genetics & Genomes 13:100.
  • Miao N, Zhang L, Li MP, Fan LQ, Mao KS*. 2017. Development of EST-SSR Markers for Taxillus nigrans (Loranthaceae) in Southwestern China Using Next-Generation Sequencing.
  • Guo XY, Liu JQ, Hao GQ, Zhang L, Mao KS, Wang XJ, Zhang D, Ma T, Hu QJ, Al-Shehbaz IA, Koch MA. 2017. Plastome phylogeny and early diversification of Brassicaceae.
  • Zheng HL, Fan LQ, Milne RI, Zhang L, Wang YL, Mao KS*. 2017. Species delimitation and lineage separation history of a species complex of aspens in China.
  • Du FK, Hou M, Wang WT, Mao KS, Hampe A. 2016. Phylogeography of Quercus aquifolioides provides novel insights into the Neogene history of a major global hotspot of plant diversity in south-west China.
  • Hu QJ, Peng HC, Bi H, Lu ZQ, Wan DS, Wang Q, Mao KS*. 2016. Genetic homogenization of the nuclear ITS loci across two morphologically distinct gentians in their overlapping distributions in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
  • Zheng HL, Fan LQ, Wang TJ, Zhang L, Ma T, Mao KS*. 2016. The complete chloroplast genome of Populus rotundifolia (Salicaceae).
  • Wang Q, Mao KS*. 2016. Puzzling rocks and complicated clocks: how to optimize molecular dating approaches in historical phytogeography.
  • Ru DF, Mao KS, Zhang L, Wang XJ, Lu ZQ, Sun YS. 2016. Genomic evidence for polyphyletic origins and interlineage gene flow within complex taxa: a case study of Picea brachytyla in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau.
  • Jiang D, Feng J, Dong M, Wu GL, Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2016. Genetic origin and composition of a natural hybrid poplar Populus× jrtyschensis from two distantly related species.
  • Wan DS, Feng JJ, Jiang DC, Mao KS*, Duan YW, Miehe G, Opgenoorth L. 2016. The Quaternary evolutionary history, potential distribution dynamics, and conservation implications for a Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic herbaceous perennial, Anisodus tanguticus (Solanaceae).
  • Hui-Ying Shang HY, Li ZH, Dong M, Adams RP, Miehe G, Opgenoorth L, Mao KS*. 2015. Evolutionary origin and demographic history of an ancient conifer (Juniperus microsperma) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
  • Jiang DC, Wu GL, Mao KS, Feng JJ. 2015. Structure of genetic diversity in marginal populations of black poplar (Populus nigra L.).
  • Li ZH, Yang C, Mao KS, Ma YZ, Liu J, Liu ZL, Deng TT, Zhao GF. 2015. Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variation.
  • Kou YX, Shang HY, Mao KS*, Li ZH, Rushforth K, Adams RP. 2014. Nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA sequence data further illuminate the genetic composition of Leyland Cypresses. Journal of American
  • Wang GN, He XY, Miehe G, Mao KS*. 2014. Phylogeography of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic alpine herb Pomatosace filicula (Primulaceae).
  • Lu X, Xu HY, Li ZH, Shang HY, Adams RP, MaoKS*. 2014. Genetic diversity and conservation implications of four Cupressus species in China as revealed by microsatellite markers.
  • Liu BB, Tian B, Ma H, Lu ZQ, Qiu Q, Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2014. Development and Characterization of EST-SSR Markers in Ostryopsis (Betulaceae).
  • Chen LY, Zhao SY, Mao KS, Les DH, Wang QF, Moody ML. 2014. Historical biogeography of Haloragaceae: An out-of-Australia hypothesis with multiple intercontinental dispersals.
  • Feng JJ, Jiang DC, Shang HY, Dong M, Wang GN, He XY, Zhao CM, Mao KS*. 2014. Barcoding poplars (Populus L.) from western China.
  • Adams RP†, Mao KS†, Liu JQ. 2013. The volatile leaf oil of Juniperus microsperma and its taxonomy.
  • Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2012. Current ‘relicts’ more dynamic in the history than previously thought.
  • Mao KS, Milne RI, Zhang LB, Peng YL, Liu JQ, Thomas P, Mill RR, Renner SS. 2012. Distribution of living Cupressaceae reflects the breakup of Pangea.
  • Jia DR, Abbott RJ, Liu TL, Mao KS, Bartish IV, Liu JQ. 2012. Out of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: evidence for the origin and dispersal of Eurasian temperate plants from a phylogeographic study of Hippophaërhamnoides (Elaeagnaceae).
  • Li ZH, Zou JB, Mao KS, Lin K, Li HP, Liu JQ, Källman T, Lascoux M. 2012. Population genetic evidence for complex evolutionary histories of four high altitude juniper species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
  • Tian XM, Luo J, Wang AL, Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2011. On the origin of the woody buckwheat Fagopyrum tibeticum (=Parapteropyrum tibeticum) in the Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau.
  • Mao KS, Hao G, Liu JQ, Adams RP, Milne RI. 2010. Diversification and biogeography of Juniperus (Cupressaceae): variable diversification rates and multiple intercontinental dispersals.
  • Opgenoorth L†, Vendramin GG†, Mao KS†, Miehe G, Miehe S, Liepelt S, Liu JQ, Ziegenhagen B. 2010. Tree endurance on the Tibetan Plateau marks the world's highest known tree line of the Last Glacial Maximum.
  • Xu TT, Abbott RJ, Milne RI, Mao KS, Du FK, Wu GL, Zhaxiciren, Miehe G, Liu JQ. 2010. Phylogeography and allopatric divergence of cypress species (Cupressus L.) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions.
  • Xia T, Meng LH, Mao KS, Tian B, Miehe G, Liu JQ. 2008. Genetic Variation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Endemic and Endangered Conifer Cupressus gigantea, Detected Using RAPD and ISSR Markers.
  • Mao KS*, Yao XL, Huang ZH. 2005. Molecular Phylogeny and Speciation of Adoxaceae s.s.


