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  • 中文名:段可
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 專業方向:生物醫學工程,材料學
  • 職務:西南交通大學材料科學與工程學院副教授




  1. Ke Duan, Youxin Hu, Karen Long, Andrew Toms, Helen M Burt, Thomas R Oxland,Bas A Masri, Clive P Duncan, Donald S Garbuz, and Rizhi Wang, Effect of alendronate-containing coatings on osteointegration into porous tantalum in a cortical bone model, Nano Life, in press.
  2. 常立娜, 屈樹新, 林孫忠, 段可, 翁傑, 載黃芪多糖羥基磷灰石的製備及生物學性能評價, 無機材料學報, 2011, 26(1): 22-28.
  3. 史婕, 馮波, 魯雄, 汪建新, 段可, 翁傑, BSA 和 FN 在納米化鈦表面的蛋白吸附及釋放行為, 無機材料學報, 2011, 26 (12): 1299-1303.
  4. 張鋮祖, 屈樹新, 廖躍, 段可, 翁傑, 正交最佳化載藥超高分子量聚乙烯藥物分散及性能, 複合材料學報, 2011, 28(6): 1-9.
  5. 姜曉鑫, 屈樹新, 林孫忠, 段可, 翁傑, 骨碎補載入對磷酸鈣骨水泥性能的影響及體外生物學評價, 無機材料學報, 2011, 26(1): 29-37.
  6. 黃晶,藍琳,肖東琴,羅會濤,智偉,段可,翁傑,張聰,熱化學法製備CaTiO3塗層及塗層的生物相容性, 中國組織工程研究與臨床康復,2011, 15(16): 2901-2904.
  7. J. Zhao, K. Duan, J.W. Zhang, L.Y. Guo, J. Weng, Preparation of Highly Interconnected Porous Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds by Chitin Gel-casting, Mater Sci Eng C, 2011, 31(3): 697-701
  8. 段可;翁傑;Ri-Zhi Wang, 適用於各種親水性基體表面的仿生燐酸鈣塗層製備方法, 化工(台灣化工學會志), 2010, 59(1): 2010, 57(1): 52-58. (Invited article)
  9. Mehdi Kazemzadeh-Narbat, Ke Duan, Jason Kindrachuk, Robert E W Hancock, Rizhi Wang1, Antimicrobial peptides on calcium phosphate-coated titanium for the prevention of implant-associated infection, Biomaterials, 2010, 31(36): 9519-9526.
  10. Jianda Zhang, Jianxin Wang*, Shaobing Zhou, Ke Duan, Bo Feng, Jie Weng, Hongmei Tang, Peizuo Wu, Ionic liquid-controlled synthesis of ZnO microspheres, J Mater Chem, 2010,20: 9798-9804.
  11. J Zhao, X Lu, Ke Duan, LY Guo, SB Zhou, J Weng, Improving mechanical and biological properties of macroporous hydroxyapatite scaffolds through composite coatings, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2009, 74(1): 159-166.
  12. 鮑益富,翁傑,馮波,段可,燃氣流量對超音速氧焰噴塗羥基磷灰石顆粒性能的影響,材料保護,2009,42, 12, .
  13. 鮑益富,翁傑,馮波,段可, 超音速氧焰噴塗HA/BG塗層的製備及表征, 熱加工工藝,2009, 38, 20, 97-99.
  14. 王秀紅, 段可, 馮波, 翁傑, Rizhi Wang, 一種新表面化學處理用於Ti6Al4V合金表面製備仿生磷酸鈣塗層, 高等學校化學學報, 2009, 30, 6, 1071-1074.
  15. Ke Duan, Allen Tang, Rizhi Wang, A new evaporation-based method for the preparation of biomimetic calcium phosphate coatings on metals, Mater Sci Eng C, 29, 4, 1334-1337.
  16. Ke Duan, Rizhi Wang, Accelerating calcium phosphate coating growth on PLGA by evaporation-induced surface crystallization, Appl Surf Sci, 2008, 255, 2442-2448.
  17. WY Kim, YX Hu, K Duan, R Wang, DS Garbuz, BA Masri, CP Duncan, Gap filling and enhanced osteoconduction associated with alendronate coated porous tantalum, J Bone Joint Surg (Br), 2008, 90 (Suppl), 541.
  18. DS Garbuz, YX Hu, WY Kim, K Duan, B Masri, T Oxland, HM Burt, R Wang, CP Duncan, Gap filling and enhanced osteoconduction associated with Alendronate coated porous tantalum, J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2008, 90, 1090-1100.
  19. Ke Duan and Rizhi Wang, Surface Modification of bone implants through wet chemistry, J Mater Chem, 2006, 24, 2309-2321.
  20. Ke Duan, Yuwei Fan, Rizhi Wang, Electrolytically deposited calcium etidronate drug coatings on titanium substrate, J Biomed Mater Res B, 2005, 72, 43-51.
  21. Yuwei Fan, Ke Duan, Rizhi Wang, A composite coating by electrolysis-induced collagen self-assembly and calcium phosphate mineralization, Biomaterials, 2005, 26, 1623-1632.
  22. Ke Duan, Yuwei Fan, Rizhi Wang, Electrochemical deposition and patterning of calcium phosphate bioceramic coatings, Ceram Trans, 2003, 147: 53-61.


  1. 我們小組現有3位碩士研究生,1為博士研究生。他們分別從事多孔鈦金屬製造,不鏽鋼腐蝕電化學,超音速氧焰噴塗,和藥物釋放塗層的研究。


(1)生物醫用材料 (本科課程,雙語)
(2) 高等生物醫學材料 (碩士)
(3) 材料分析方法 (碩士,與屈樹新教授共同開設)


我主要接受本科具有化學,生物,和/或 材料背景的學生從事研究生工作。


