德國“洪堡學者”、國務院學位委員會“做出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者”、“山東省專業技術拔尖人才”、“山東省十佳留學歸國科技專家”、國務院“政府特殊津貼獲得者”、中國機械工程學會“青年科技成就獎”、"山東省有突出貢獻的中青年專家"等。主要學術兼職: 中國焊接學會常務理事,中國焊接學會計算機套用技術專業委員會主任,國際焊接學會焊接物理專業委員會委員,美國焊接學會會員,<Frontiers of Materials Science in China><;焊接學報><;焊接><;電焊機><;中國焊接產業>;編委.
《ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering》
(1) 中國焊接學會 常務理事 (2) 中國焊接學會計算機套用技術專業委員會 主任 (3)中國機械工程學會材料分會物理模擬與數值模擬專業委員會 副主任委員 (4) 中國機械工程學會 高級會員(5) 美國焊接學會 會員 (6)《Frontiers of Materials Science in China》編委 (7)《焊接學報》、《焊接》雜誌、《電焊機》雜誌、《中國焊接產業》雜誌編委 (7)國際焊接學會第XII專業委員會“焊接質量與安全”分委會主席(Chair of Sub-Commission“Quality and Safety in Welding”)
研究方向(1) 焊接過程計算機模擬(2) 機器人焊接過程監測(3) 焊接過程智慧型控制
(1)C.S. Wu,H.G. Wang,and Y.M Zhang. A New heat source model for keyhole plasma arc welding in FEM analysis of the temperature profile. Welding Journal,vol.85(12): 284s-291s.
(2)C.S. Wu and C.B. Jia. Statistical characteristic for detecting weld penetration defects in gas metal arc welding. Proc Instn Mech Engrs,Part B,Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2006,vol.220(5): 793-796.(3)C.S. Wu,M.A. Chen and Y.F. Lu. Effect of current waveforms on metal transfer in pulsed gas metal arc welding. Measurement Science and Technology,2005,vol.16: 2459-2465.
(4)C.S.Wu,P.C.Zhao and Y.M. Zhang. Numerical simulation of transient 3-D surface deformation of full-penetrated GTW weld pool. Welding Journal,2004,vol.83(12),30s-335s.
(5)C.S. Wu,J.Q. Gao and M. Zhang. Sensing Weld Pool Geometrical Appearance in Gas Metal Arc Welding. Proc Instn Mech Engrs,Part B,Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2004,vol.218: 813-818.(6)C.S. Wu,M.A. Chen and S.K. Li. Analysis of droplet oscillation and detachment in active control of metal transfer. Computational Materials Science,2004,vol.31:147-154.
(7)C.S. Wu and F. Yan. Numerical simulation of transient development and diminution of weld pool in gas tungsten arc welding. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2004,vol.12(1): 13-20.
(8)C. S. Wu,J.S. Sun and Y.M.Zhang. Numerical simulation of dynamic development of keyhole in double-sided arc welding. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2004,vol.12: 423-442.
(9)C.S. Wu and J.S. Sun. Numerical Analysis of Temperature Field During Double-Sided Arc Welding of Thick Materials. Computational Materials Science,2002,vol.25: 457-468.
(10)C.S. Wu,T. Polte and D. Rehfeldt. A Fuzzy Logic System for Process Monitoring and Quality Evaluation in GMAW. Welding Journal,2001,vol.80(2): 16s-22s.
(11) C.S. Wu,T. Polte and D. Rehfeldt. Gas Metal Arc Welding Process Monitoring and Quality Evaluation Using Neural Networks. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining,2000,vol.5(5): 324-328.
(12)C.S. Wu,J.Q. Gao and K.H. Li. Vision-Based Sensing of Weld Pool Geometry in Pulsed TIG Welding. International Journal for the Joining of Materials,1999,vol.11: 18-22.
(13)C.S. Wu,M. Ushio and M. Tanaka. Modeling the Anode Boundary Layer of High-Intensity Argon Arcs. Computational Materials Science,1999,vol.15: 302-310.
(14)K.C. Tsao and C.S. Wu. Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in GMA Weld Pools. Welding Journal,1988,vol.67(3): 70s-75s.