- 中文名:櫟生小煤炱
- 編號:NFG-91-24
拉丁菌名 | Tuber gigantosporum Y.Wamg et Z.P.Li sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 櫟生小煤炱 |
定名人 | 胡海 |
Nomencla | Wang Yun and Li zijian |
發表文章 | 小煤炱一個新種和一個新紀錄 |
Article | A New Species of Tuber from China |
作者 | 胡海 |
Author | Wang Yun and Li Zijing |
作者單位 | 廣東省微生物研究所, 廣 州 510070 |
摘要 | 本文報導了我國湖南地區小煤 炱屬(Meliola)一個新種和一個國內新記錄種. 新種是櫟 生小煤炱(Meliola quercicola H.HU), 新紀錄種是二個 小煤炱草野變種[Melioladichotoma B. & C. var. kusanoi (p.Henn.) Hansf.]. |
Abstract | A new species of Tuber (Tuberaceae) , Tuber gigantosporum Y.Wang et Z.P.Li is reported. It was collected from Huidong County, Sichuan prov., China in 1989. It differs from all other known species ofTuber in the large ascospores which reach (80-) 105-(120) X (55-) 70-75 (80) μm diam. The type specimen is deposited in the Herbarium of the Instiute of Applied Ecology, Academia Sinica (IFS), Shenyang. China. |
關鍵字 | 小煤炱屬, 櫟生小煤炱 |
期刊 | 真菌學報 10(2):101-103, 1991 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 10(4):pp., 1991 |
分享省市 | 湖南省通道侗族自治縣 |
Place | Huidong County, Sichuan Province, China |
採集地 | 攏底鄉殼斗科植物大紫櫟帶有黑色病斑 的葉片 |
Environment | The mushroom is hypogeal fungus which collected the calcareous clay soil under Pinus yunnanesis forest. |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶濕潤季風氣候闊葉林區 |
寄主 | 殼斗科植物大紫櫟 |
Habitat | subtropical alpine superland monsoon climate neddle-leaf forest area |
Host | the calcareous clay soil containing rotten woods of neddle-leaf tree |
採集人 | 胡海 |
Isolation Person | Li Ziping |
保存單位 | 廣東省微生物研究所真菌標本室, 廣州 510070 |
Preservation Unit | The Herbarium of Botany, The Instiute of Applied Ecology, Thw Chinese Academy oc Sciences, Shenyang 110015, Liaoning Province, China. |
Speciman No. | WANG 89921 |
全文 | |
備註 | 該菌是櫟屬樹木的病害菌, 櫟屬的樹是我國重要的工業用材. |