


  • 中文名:樊綱治
  • 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:房地產投融資、抵押貸款評估、城鎮化、住房經濟與政策等
  • 任職院校:廣州大學工商管理學院


2005年4月畢業於新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)房地產專業,獲博士學位
2001年4月畢業於新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)不動產管理專業,獲理學碩士學位






Seung Han Ro, Paul Gallimore, Sherwood Clements, Gang-Zhi Fan, 2019, “Herding Behavior among Residential Developers,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Niu, Geng, Li Yu, Gang-Zhi Fan*, and Donghao Zhang, 2019, “Corporate Fraud, Risk Avoidance, and Housing Investment in China,” Emerging Markets ReviewDayong Zhang, and Gang-Zhi Fan*, 2019, “Regional spillover and rising connectedness in China’s urban housing prices,” Regional Studies
Yi, Daichun, Xiaoying Deng, Gang-Zhi Fan*, and Seow Eng Ong, 2018, “House Price and co-Residence with Older Parents: Evidence from China,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Ming Pu, Xiaoying Deng, and Seow Eng Ong, 2018, “Optimal portfolio choices and the determination of housing rents under housing market uncertainty,” Journal of Housing Economics
Jia, Shijun, Yourong Wang, and Gang-Zhi Fan*, 2018, “Home-Purchase Limits and Housing Prices: Evidence from China,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Zhang, Dayong, Ziyin Liu, Gang-Zhi Fan*, and Nicholas Horsewood, 2017, “Price Bubbles and Policy Interventions in the Chinese Housing Market,” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Zsuzsa R. Huszár, and Weina Zhang, 2016, “The Helping Hand of the State in Chinese Real Estate Firms: Anti-corruption and Liberalization,” International Real Estate Review
Yi, Daichun, Yuhong Huang, and Gang-Zhi Fan*, 2016, “Social Capital and Housing Affordability: Evidence from China,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Pu, Ming, Gang-Zhi Fan*, and Chunsheng Ban, 2016, “The Pricing of Mortgage Insurance Premiums under Systematic and Idiosyncratic Shocks” Journal of Risk and Insurance
Lv, Xiu-Mei and Gang-Zhi Fan*, 2015, “Overbuilding and Development Cascades under Irrational Expectations,” International Journal of Strategic Property Management
Pu, Ming, Gang-Zhi Fan*, and Yongheng Deng, 2014, “Breakeven Determination of Loan Limits for Reverse Mortgages under Information Asymmetry,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Fan, Gang-Zhi,Zsuzsa R. Huszár and Weina Zhang, 2013, “The Relationships between Real Estate Price and Expected Financial Asset Risk and Return: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Fan, Gang-Zhi and Seung-Woo Shin, 2012, “An Introductory Study on the Economic Development Plan for the Chengdu and Chongqing Regions of Western China,” Korean Management Consulting Review
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Ming Pu and Seow Eng Ong, 2012, “Optimal Portfolio Choices, House Risk Hedging and the Pricing of Forward House Transactions,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Tien Foo Sing and Seow Eng Ong, 2012, “Default Clustering Risks in Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Pu, Ming, Gang-Zhi Fan* and Seow Eng Ong, 2012, “Heterogeneous Agents and the Indifference Pricing of Property Index Linked Swaps,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Liu, Zhan-Yong, Gang-Zhi Fan* and Kian Guan Lim, 2009, “Extreme Events and the Copula Pricing of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Seow Eng Ong and Hian Chye Koh, 2006, “Determinants of House Price: A Decision Tree Approach,” Urban Studies
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Seow Eng Ong and Tien Foo Sing, 2006, “Moral Hazard, Effort Sensitivity and Compensation in Asset-Backed Securitization,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Sing, Tien Foo, Seow Eng Ong, Gang-Zhi Fan and Kian Guan Lim, 2005, “Pricing Credit Risk of Asset-Backed Securitization Bonds in Singapore,” International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Chin, Lawrence and Gang-Zhi Fan, 2005, “Autoregressive Analysis of Singapore’s Private Residential Prices,” Property Management
Sing, Tien Foo, Seow Eng Ong, Gang Zhi Fan and C. F. Sirmans, 2004, “Analysis of Credit Risks in Asset-Backed Securitization Transactions in Singapore,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Fan, Gang-Zhi, Tien Foo Sing, Seow Eng Ong and C. F. Sirmans, 2004, “Governance and Optimal Financing for Asset-Backed Securitization,” Journal of Property Investment & Finance,
黃宇虹、樊綱治,“土地經營權流轉與農業家庭負債狀況”《金融研究》2017年第12 期。
黃宇虹、樊綱治,“農村土地制度改革與新型城鎮化—基於中國家庭金融調查( CHFS) 的證據”《農業技術經濟》2017 年第6 期。
樊綱治、王宏揚,“家庭人口結構與家庭商業人身保險需求—基於中國家庭金融調查(CHFS)數據的實證研究,”《金融研究》2015年7月第7 期。
羅濤、邢祖禮、樊綱治,“不確定環境下的威權機制與經濟發展,”《系統工程理論與實踐》2014年第10期 。
羅濤、樊綱治,“不確定經濟環境下穩增長目標的貫徹與地方投資戰略,”《經濟學(季刊)》2013年7月第 12卷第4期 。
徐承紅、馮堯、樊綱治,“汶川地震對房地產市場的衝擊與政策研究,”《統計研究》 2010 年4月第27卷第4 期。
主要參與人,教育部人文社科青年基金項目:“代際支持對家庭負債行為的影響研究—基於生命周期理論的視角,” 2019.01 - 2021.12
主持National Research Foundation of Korea (韓國國家研究基金會) 研究項目:“The Pricing of Reverse Mortgages and the Determination of Their Optimal Interest Rates,” 2016 - 2017
主持National Research Foundation of Korea (韓國國家研究基金會) 研究項目: “The Pricing of Mortgage Insurance Premiums under Systematic and Idiosyncratic Shocks,” 2014 - 2015


美國房地產和城市經濟學學會會員 (AREUEA) (2004—至今)
美國房地產學會會員 (ARES) (2004—至今)
城市經濟學會會員(UEA) (2016—至今)


【1】房地產學術領導力 2012 - 2016 排名第28(Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL))
【2】房地產學術領導力 2011 -2015 排名第31(Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL))
【5】獲得2011年 Joint AsRES and AREUEA International Conference (2011年亞房與美國房地產和城市經濟協會聯合會議)the Maurice Seldin Advanced Studies Institute best paper award (最佳論文獎)
【6】獲得 2009 年Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC) Annual Meeting(世界華人不動產學會2009年會)最佳論文二等獎
【7】獲得2006 - 2007年度 西南財經大學劉詩白獎勵基金優秀科研成果二等獎


