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  • 中文名:楊麒
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:湖南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境工程
  • 任職院校:湖南大學



1993.9-1997.6 南京理工大學化工學院環境工程專業,獲工學學士學位
2000.9-2003.6 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院環境工程專業,獲工學碩士學位
2003.9-2008.3 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院環境工程專業,獲工學博士學位


1997.7-2000.8 中國航空第三設計研究院,工程師
2003.6-2004.6 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院,助教
2004.6-2009.6 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院,講師
2009.6-2019.1 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院,副教授
2019.1-至今 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院,教授
2013.10-2014.10 美國亞利桑那州立大學訪問學者


2018-2021 主持國家自然科學基金“基於厭氧甲烷氧化的水體中高氯酸鹽和硝酸鹽複合污染生物自養還原機制研究”(項目編號:51779088)
2014-2017 主持國家自然科學基金“基於胞內儲存物質及相關功能酶的強化生物除磷過程重金屬脅迫回響機制與最佳化調控研究”(項目編號:51378188)
2015-2016 主持湖南省科技計畫項目“利用粉煤灰研製新型曝氣生物濾池濾料技術與示範”(項目編號:2015SF2067-2)
2014-2016 主持教育部博士點新教師基金“污泥水解-微生物電解電池耦合體系的構建及調控最佳化研究”(項目編號:20130161120021)
2009-2010 主持湖南省科技計畫項目“外加酶強化污泥生物水解的機理及關健技術參數”(項目編號:2009WK3048)
2007-2008 主持湖南省科技計畫項目“規模化養殖場廢水中磷氮化學沉澱回收新工藝研究”(項目編號:2007NK3100)
2004-2007 參與國家自然科學基金項目“單級自養脫氨氮好氧顆粒污泥培養及其工藝控制研究”(項目編號:50478054)(排名第二)
2004-2008 參與科技部國際合作項目“好氧顆粒的污泥單級自養脫氮技術處理高濃度氨氮廢水”(排名第二)
2007-2009 參與湖南省科技計畫重點項目“城市污水廠剩餘污泥生物水解及生物能製備技術套用研究”(編號:2007WK2004)(排名第二)
2007-2009 參與國家863計畫“基於長壽命發光生物納米探針的病原微生物監測方法研究”(排名第四)


Jiawei Wu, Qi Yang*, Wei Luo, Jian Sun,Qiuxiang Xu, Fei Chen, Jianwei Zhao, Kaixin Yi, Xiaolin Wang, Dongbo Wang*, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Role of free nitrous acid in the pretreatment of waste activated sludge: Extracellular polymeric substances disruption or cells lysis?Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 336: 28-37 (SCI 2016 IF=6.216)
Qi Yang*, Xiaolin Wang, Wei Luo, Jian Sun, Qiuxiang Xu, Fei Chen, Jianwei Zhao, Shana Wang, Fubing Yao, Dongbo Wang, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Effectiveness and mechanisms of phosphate adsorption on iron-modified biochars derived from waste activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 247: 537-544 (SCI 2016 IF= 5.651)
Yu Zhong, Qi Yang*, Guangyi Fu*, Youze Xu, Yingxiang Cheng, Caili Chen, Renjun Xiang, Tao Wen, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Denitrifying microbial community with the ability to bromate reduction in a rotating biofilm-electrode reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 342: 150-157(SCI 2016 IF=6.065)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Shana Wang, Fubing Yao, Jian Sun, Yali Wang, Chen Zhang, Xiaoming Li, Chenggang Niu, Dongbo Wang, Guangming Zeng. Graphene oxide and carbon nitride nanosheets co-modified silver chromate nanoparticles with enhanced visible-light photoactivity and anti-photocorrosion properties towards multiple refractory pollutants degradation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 209: 493-505 (SCI 2015 IF=8.328)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Yali Wang, Jianwei Zhao, Dongbo Wang*, Xiaoming Li, Zhi Guo, Hou Wang, Yaocheng Deng, Chenggang Niu, Guangming Zeng. Novel Ag nanoparticles and g-C3N4 nanosheets co-modified BiVO4 ternary heterojunction: A wider spectrum visible- light-responsive photcocatalyst towards the highly efficient decomposition of refractory pollutant. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 205: 133-147 (SCI 2015 IF=8.328)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng, Dongbo Wang*,Chenggang Niu, Jianwei Zhao, Hongxue An, Ting Xie, Yaocheng Deng. Hierarchical assembly of graphene-bridged Ag3PO4/Ag/ BiVO4 (040) Zscheme photocatalyst: An efficient, sustainable and heterogeneous catalyst with enhanced visible-light photoactivity towards tetracycline degradation under visible light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 200: 330-342 (SCI 2015 IF=8.328)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Fubing Yao, Shana Wang, Jian Sun, Hongxue An, Kaixin Yi, Yali Wang, Yaoyu Zhou, Longlu Wang, Xiaoming Li, Dongbo Wang*, Guangming Zeng. Visible-light photocatalytic degradation of multi-antibiotics by AgI nanoparticles sensitized Bi5O7I microspheres: Enhanced interfacial charge transfer based on Z-scheme heterojunction. Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 352: 160-170 (SCI 2016 IF=6.844)
Shana Wang, Qi Yang*, Fei Chen, Jian Sun, Kun Luo*, Fubing Yao, Xiaolin Wang, Dongbo Wang, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Photocatalytic degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctane sulfonate in water: a critical review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328: 927-942 (SCI 2016 IF=6.216)
Cheng Gong, Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Kun Luo*, Fubing Yao, Shana Wang, Xiaolin Wang, Jiawei Wu, Xiaoming Li, Dongbo Wang, Guangming Zeng. Heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by Fe-Co layereddoubled hydroxide for efficient catalytic degradation of Rhoadmine B. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 321: 222-232 (SCI 2016 IF=6.216)
Jian Sun, Qi Yang*, Dongbo Wang*, Shana Wang, Fei Chen, Yu Zhong, Kaixin Yi, Fubing Yao, Chen Jiang, Sibei Li, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Toxicity to the performance and microbial community of enhanced biological phosphorus removal system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313: 415-423 (SCI 2016 IF=6.216)
Chen Jiang, Qi Yang*, Dongbo Wang*, Yu Zhong, Fei Chen, Xin Li, Guangming Zeng, Xiaoming Li, Meirong Shang. Simultaneous perchlorate and nitrate removal coupled with electricity generation in autotrophic denitrifying biocathode microbial fuel cell. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 308: 783-790 (SCI 2016 IF=6.216)
Xiaolin Wang, Jianwei Zhao, Qi Yang*, Jian Sun, Chuan Peng, Fei Chen, Qiuxiang Xu, Shana Wang, Dongbo Wang, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Evaluating the potential impact of hydrochar on the production of short-chain fatty acid from sludge anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 246: 234-241 (SCI 2016 IF=5.651)
Qi Yang*, Jian Sun, Dongbo Wang, Shana Wang, Fei Chen, Fubing Yao, Hongxue An, Yu Zhong, Ting Xie, Yali Wang, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Effect of nickel on the flocculability, settleability, and dewaterability of activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 224: 188-196 (SCI 2016 IF=5.651)
Fubing Yao, Yu Zhong, Qi Yang, Dongbo Wang, Fei Chen, Jianwei Zhao, Ting Xie, Guangming Zeng, Xiaoming Li. Effective adsorption/electrocatalytic degradation of perchlorate using Pd/Pt supported on N-doped activated carbon fiber cathode. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 323: 602-610 (SCI 2016 IF=6.065)
Qi Yang*, Shana Wang, Fei Chen, Kun Luo*, Jian Sun, Cheng Gong, Fubing Yao, Xiaolin Wang, Jiawei Wu, Xiaoming Li, Dongbo Wang, Guangming Zeng. Enhanced visible-light- driven photocatalytic removal of refractory pollutants by Zn/Fe mixed metal oxide derived from layered double hydroxide. Catalysis Communications, 2017, 99: 15-19 (SCI 2015 IF=3.389)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang, Jian Sun, Fubing Yao, Shana Wang, Yali Wang, Xiaolin Wang, Xiaoming Li, Chenggang Niu, Dongbo Wang, Guangming Zeng. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline by AgI/BiVO4 heterojunction under visible-light irradiation: Mineralization efficiency and mechanism. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (48): 32887-32900 (SCI 2015 IF=7.145)
Jianwei Zhao, Dongbo Wang*, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng, Qi Yang*. Improved biological phosphorus removal induced by oxic/extended-idle process using glycerol and acetate at equal fraction. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 86165-86173(SCI 2015 IF=3.289)
Jianwei Zhao, Chang Zhang, Dongbo Wang*, Xiaoming Li, Hongxue An, Ting Xie, Fei Chen, Qiuxiang Xu, Yingjie Sun, Guangming Zeng, Qi Yang*. Revealing the underlying mechanisms mechanisms of how sodium chloride affects short-chain fatty acid production from the co-fermentation of waste activated sludge and food waste. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2016, 4(9): 4675-4684 (SCI 2015 IF=5.267)
Qi Yang*, Fubing Yao, Yu Zhong, Dongbo Wang*, Fei Chen, Jian Sun, Shan Hua, Sibei Li, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Catalytic and electrocatalytic reduction of perchlorate in water-A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016,306:1081-1091(SCI 2015 IF=5.310)
Liqun Wang, Qi Yang*, Dongbo Wang, Xiaoming Li*, Guangming Zeng, Zhijun Li, Yongchao Deng, Jun Liu, Kaixin Yi. Advanced landfill leachate treatment using iron-carbon microelectrolysis-Fenton process: Process optimization and column experiments. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2016, 318: 460-467(SCI 2015 IF=4.836)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li, Dongbo Wang, Yu Zhong, Jianwei Zhao,Yaocheng Deng, Chenggang Niu, Guangming Zeng. Promotion of ZnSn(OH)6 photoactivity by constructing heterojunction with Ag@Ag3PO4 nanoparticles: visible light elimination of single or multiple dyes. Catalysis Communications, 2016,84: 137-141(SCI 2015 IF=3.389)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Yu Zhong, Hongxue An, Jianwei Zhao, Ting Xie, Qiuxiang Xu, Xiaoming Li, Dongbo Wang*, Guangming Zeng. Photo-reduction of bromate in drinking water by metallic Ag and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) jointly modified BiVO4 under visible light irradiation. Water Research, 2016, 101: 555-563 (SCI 2015 IF=5.991)
Qi Yang*, Fei Chen, Xiaoming Li, Dongbo Wang, Yu Zhong, Guangming Zeng. Self-assembly Z-scheme heterostructured photocatalyst of Ag2O@Ag nanoparticles modified bismuth vanadate for efficient photocatalytic degradation of single and dual organic pollutants under visible light irradiation. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 60291-60307 (SCI 2015 IF=3.289)
Yu Zhong, Qi Yang*, Xin Li, Hongbo Chen, Xiaoming Li, Ren Chen, Yang Liu, Guangming Zeng. Multiparameter optimization of bromate sorption on anion exchange resin by a two-step statistical strategy: Plackett-Burman and Box-Behnken experimental design. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(33): 15524-15532 (SCI 2015 IF=1.272)
Qi Yang*, Xiaoli Jing, Kun Luo, Jun Yi, Qiong Zhong, Xiaoming Li*, Yang Liu, Guangming Zeng.Hydrolase activity during microaerobic thermophilic digestion of sludge affected by sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS). Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016,15(2): 367-373(SCI 2015 IF=1.008)
Sibei Li, Qi Yang*, Yu Zhong, Fei Chen, Ting Xie, Fubing Yao, Jian Sun, Chen Jiang, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Adsorptive bromate removal from aqueous solution by commercial strongly basic resin impregnated with hydrated ferric oxide (HFO): Kinetics and Equilibrium studies. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2016, 61 (3):1305-1312(SCI 2015 IF=1.835)
Jianwei Zhao, Yiwen Liu, Bing-Jie Ni, Qilin Wang, Dongbo Wang, Qi Yang, Yingjie Sun, Guangming Zeng, Xiaoming Li. Combined effect of free nitrous acid pretreatment and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate on short-chain fatty acid production from waste activated sludge. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 21622(SCI 2015 IF= 5.228)
Jun Liu, Qi Yang*, Dongbo Wang, Xiaoming Li,Yu Zhong, Xin Li, Yongchao Deng, Liqun Wang, Kaixin Yi, Guangming Zeng. Enhanced dewaterability of waste activated sludge by Fe(II)-activated peroxymonosulfate oxidation. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 206: 134-140 (SCI 2015 IF=4.917)
Yu Zhong, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Fubing Yao, Lixia Xie, Jianwei Zhao, Fei Chen, Ting Xie, Guangming Zeng. Electrochemically induced pitting corrosion of titanium anode: Application to the indirect reduction of bromate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 289: 114-122 (SCI 2014 IF=5.310)
Yu Zhong, Xin Li, Qi Yang*, Dongbo Wang, Fubing Yao,Xiaoming Li*, Jianwei Zhao, Qiuxiang Xu, Chang Zhang, Guangming Zeng.Complete bromate and nitrate reduction using hydrogen as the sole electron donor in a rotating biofilm-electrode reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 307: 82-90 (SCI 2015 IF=4.836)
Zhijun Li, Qi Yang*, Yu Zhong, Xiaoming Li*, Li Zhou, Xin Li, Guangming Zeng. Granular activated carbon supported iron as heterogeneous persulfate catalyst for the pretreatment of mature landfill leachate. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 987-994(SCI 2015 IF=3.289)
Fei Chen, Chenggang Niu, Qi Yang, Xiaoming Li, Guangming Zeng. Facile synthesis of visible-light-active BiOI modified Bi2MoO6 photocatalysts with highly enhanced photocatalytic activity. Ceramics International, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(2): 2515-2525(SCI 2015 IF=2.758)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Chenggang Niu, Xiaoming Li, Chang Zhang, Jianwei Zhao, Qiuxiang Xu, Yu Zhong, Yaocheng Deng, Guangming Zeng. Enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity and mechanism of ZnSn(OH)6 nanocubes modified with AgI nanoparticles. Catalysis Communications, 2016, 73: 1-6 (SCI 2015 IF=3.389)
Jianwei Zhao, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Dongbo Wang, Kun Luo, Yu Zhong, Qiuxiang Xu, Guangming Zeng. Enhanced production of short-chain fatty acid from food waste stimulated by alkyl polyglycosides and its mechanism. Waste Management, 2015, 46: 133-139 (SCI 2014 IF=3.220)
Qi Yang*, Yu Zhong, Hua Zhong, Xin Li, Weixiong Du, Xiaoming Li*, Ren Chen, Guangming Zeng. A novel pretreatment process of mature landfill leachate with ultrasonic activated persulfate: Optimization using integrated Taguchi method and response surface methodology. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2015, 98: 268-275 (SCI 2014 IF=2.551)
Fei Chen, Qi Yang*, Chenggang Niu, Xiaoming Li, Chang Zhang, Guangming Zeng. Plasmonic photocatalyst Ag@AgCl/ZnSn(OH)6: Synthesis, characterization and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities in the decomposition of dyes and phenol. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 63152-63164(SCI 2014 IF=3.840)
Kun Luo, Qi Yang, Xiaoming Li, Xingsheng Liao, Ya Pang, Xue Li. Effect of calcium ions on dewaterability of enzymatic-enhanced anaerobic digestion sludge. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 176(8): 2346-2357 (SCI 2014 IF=1.735)(SCI 2014 IF=1.735)
Qi Yang, Kun Luo*, Xiaoming Li*, Yu Zhong, Hongbo Chen, Guojing Yang, Yanwei Shi, Guangming Zeng. Solubilization of waste activated sludge and nitrogenous compounds transformation during solubilization by thermophilic enzyme (S-TE) process. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 176(3): 700-711(SCI 2014 IF=1.735)
Jianwei Zhao, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Dongbo Wang, Hongxue An, Ting Xie, Qiuxiang Xu, Yongchao Deng, Guangming Zeng. Effect of initial pH on short chain fatty acid production during the anaerobic fermentation of membrane bioreactor sludge enhanced by alkyl polyglcoside. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2015, 104: 283-289 (SCI 2014 IF=2.131)
Qi Yang*, Yu Zhong, Xiaoming Li*, Xin Li, Kun Luo, Xiuqiong Wu, Hongbo Chen, Yang Liu, Guangming Zeng. Adsorption-coupled reduction of bromate by Fe(II)-Al(III) layered double hydroxide in fixed-bed column: Experimental and breakthrough curves analysis. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 25: 54-59(SCI 2014 IF=3.512)
Ren Chen, Qi Yang*, Yu Zhong, Xin Li, Yang Liu, Xiaoming Li*, Weixiong Du, Guangming Zeng. Sorption of tracelevels of bromate by macroporous strong base anion exchange resin: Influencing factors, equilibrium isotherms and thermodynamic studies. Desalination, 2014, 344: 306-312 (SCI 2013 IF=3.960)
Xiaoming Li*, Hongbo Chen, Qi Yang*, Dongbo Wang, Kun Luo, Guangming Zeng. Biological nutrient removal in a sequencing batch reactor operated as oxic/anoxic/ extended-idle regime. Chemosphere, 2014,105: 75-81(SCI 2013 IF=3.499)
楊麒*, 鄧曉, 羅琨, 李小明, 伍秀瓊, 鐘宇, 曾光明. 生物表面活性劑對污泥脫水性能的影響. 湖南大學學報, 2014,41(7):64-69 (EI)
Qi Yang*, Jun Yi, Kun Luo, Xiaoli Jing, Xiaoming Li*, Yang Liu, Guangming Zeng. Improving disintegration and acidification of waste activated sludge by combined alkaline and microwave pretreatment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2013, 91(6):521-526(SCI 2012 IF=1.495)
Xin Yi, Kun Luo, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Weiguang Deng, Hongbo Cheng, Zilong Wang, Guangming Zeng. Enhanced hydrolysis and acidification of waste activated sludge by biosurfactant rhamnolipid. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2013, 171(6):1416-1428(SCI 2012 IF=1.893)
Xiuqiong Wu, Qi Yang*, Dechao Xu, Yu Zhong, Kun Luo, Xiaoming Li*, Hongbo Chen, Guangming Zeng. Simultaneous adsorption/reduction of bromate by nanoscale zero-valent iron supported on modified activated carbon. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(35):12574-12581(SCI 2012 IF= 2.206)
Kun Luo, Qing Ye, Xin Yi, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Hongbo Chen, Xian Liu, Guangming Zeng. Hydrolysis and acidification of waste activated sludge in presence of biosurfactant rhamnolipid: Effect of pHs. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(12):5597-5604 (SCI 2011 IF=3.425)
Kun Luo, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Hongbo Chen, Xian Liu, Guojing Yang, Guangming Zeng. Novel insights into enzymatic-enhanced anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by three-dimensional excitation and emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy. Chemosphere, 2013, 91(5): 579-585 (SCI 2011 IF= 3.206)
Yu Zhong, Qi Yang*, Kun Luo, Xiuqiong Wu, Xiaoming Li*, Yang Liu, Wangwang Tang, Guangming Zeng, Bo Peng. Fe(II)-Al(III) layered double hydroxides prepared by ultrasound-assisted co-precipitation method for the reduction of bromate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 250-251:345-353 (SCI 2011 IF=4.173)
Hongbo Chen, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Yan Wang, Kun Luo, Guangming Zeng. Post-anoxic denitrification via nitrite driven by PHB in feast-famine sequencing batch reactor. Chemosphere,2013, 92(10):1349-1355(SCI 2012 IF=3.137)
楊麒*, 伍秀瓊, 鐘宇, 李小明, 鄧曉, 李娜. 活性炭負載納米零價鐵去除溴酸鹽的研究. 湖南大學學報,2013, 40(12): 97-103(EI)
許德超, 陳洪波, 李小明*, 楊麒*, 羅冠, 彭波, 汪志龍, 謝繼慈, 伍秀瓊. 進水氨氮濃度對靜置/好氧/缺氧SBR脫氮除磷性能的影響. 中國環境科學, 2013, 33(11): 1779-1784 (EI)
Qi Yang, Kun Luo, Dexiang Liao, Xiaoming Li*, Dongbo Wang, Xian Liu, Guangming Zeng, Xu Li. A novel bioflocculant produced by Klebsiella sp. and its application to sludge dewatering. Water and Environment Journal,2012, 26(4): 560-566.( SCI 2011 IF=0.792)
Zhuoya Zhong, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Kun Luo, Yang Liu, Guangming Zeng. Preparation of peanut hull-based activated carbon by microwave-induced phosphoric acid activation and its application in Remazol Brilliant Blue R adsorption. Industrial Crops and Products, 2012, 37(1): 178-185(SCI 2011 IF= 2.469)
Kun Luo, Qi Yang*, Xiaoming Li*, Guojing Yang, Yang Liu, Dongbo Wang, Wei Zheng, Guangming Zeng. Hydrolysis kinetics in anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge enhanced by α-amylase. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 62(1): 17-21(SCI 2011 IF=2.645)
易欣, 羅琨, 楊麒*,李小明*, 鄧偉光, 張植平. 生物表面活性劑強化污泥水解的研究. 環境科學, 2012, 33(9): 3202-3207
楊慧,劉志華,李小明*,楊麒*,方麗,黃華軍,曾光明,李碩. 外加酶強化剩餘污泥微生物燃料電池產電特性的研究. 環境科學, 2012, 33(1): 216-221.
Kun Luo, Qi Yang, Jing Yu, Xiaoming Li*, Guojing Yang, Fang Yang, Wei Zheng, Guangming Zeng. Combined effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate and enzyme on waste activated sludge hydrolysis and acidification. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(14): 7103-7110 (SCI 2010 IF=4.365).
Qi Yang, Guangming Zeng, Xiaoming Li*, Dexiang Liao, Jianbo Cai, Jingjin Liu. Rapid cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in sequencing batch airlift reactor. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2011, 7(1-2): 49-57(EI收錄).
謝冰心, 羅琨, 楊麒*, 莫創榮, 李小明, 於靜, 劉精今. 絡合劑對剩餘污泥厭氧酶水解的影響研究. 環境科學學報, 2011, 31 (8): 1699-1705.
於靜, 羅琨,楊麒*, 李小明,謝冰心, 楊國靖, 莫創榮. 表面活性劑促進剩餘污泥酶水解的研究. 環境科學, 2011, 32(8): 2328-2333.
Qi Yang, Kun Luo, Xiaoming Li*, Dongbo Wang, Wei Zheng, Guangming Zeng, Jingjin Liu. Enhanced efficiency of biological excess sludge hydrolysis under anaerobic digestion by additional enzymes . Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(9):2924-2930(SCI、EI收錄)
Xiaoming Li, Qi Yang, Ying Zhang, Wei Zheng, Xiu Yue, Dongbo Wang, Guangming Zeng. Biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in a fluidized bed reactor with immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Water Science and Technology,2010,62(4):947-955(SCI、EI收錄)
羅 琨, 楊 麒, 李小明*, 鄭 偉, 羅助強, 劉精今. 外加酶強化剩餘污泥水解的研究. 環境科學, 2010, 31(3):763-767(EI收錄)


