- 中文名:楊穎梓
- 畢業院校:德國Jülich研究中心
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 就職院校:復旦大學高分子科學系
- 職稱:副教授
1999-2003 復旦大學物理系99級本科
2003-2006 復旦大學高分子科學系03級碩士
2006-2009 德國Jülich研究中心固體物理所博士
2009-2010 德國Jülich研究中心固體物理所科研助理
2010-2012 復旦大學高分子科學系博士後
2012-2019 復旦大學高分子科學系講師
2019-至今 復旦大學高分子科學系副教授
- 帶電生物膜的形變與靜電相互作用
- 半剛性高分子的受限行為
- 自推進粒子的集體行為
- T. C. Zhang, C. Fu,Y. Z. Yang*, F. Qiu, Phase Behaviors and Bridging Properties of Bolaform Tethered Nanoparticles. Macromolecules, 51, 1654 (2018).
- Y. Z. Yang, F. Qiu, H. D. Zhang,Y. L. Yang*, The Rouse Dynamic Properties of Dendritic Chains: A Graph Theoretical Method. Macromolecules, 50, 4007 (2017).
- T. C. Zhang, C. Fu,Y. Z. Yang*, F. Qiu, Extremely Asymmetric Phase Diagram of Homopolymer-Monotethered Nanoparticles: Competition Between Chain Conformational Entropy and Particle Steric Interaction. J. Chem. Phys., 146, 054902 (2017).
- M. Liu,Y. Z. Yang*, F. Qiu, A Strong Segregation Theory for Ring Block Copolymers.Acta Chimica Sinica,75, 884 (2017).
- Ma X, Cheng CY,Yang YZ, Qiu F, Ripple structures of mixed homopolymer brushes grafted on cylinder surfaces: controlling the orientation of the pattern by attuning the substrate curvatures,Soft Matter,10, 6005 (2014) .
- Yang YZ, Qiu F, Gompper G, Self-organized vortices of circling slf-propelled particles and curved active flagella.Physical Review E,89, 012720 (2014).
- Burkhardt TW,Yang YZ, Gompper G. Fluctuations of a long, semiflexible polymer in a narrow channelPhysical Review E,82, 041801 (2010).
- Yang YZ, Marceau V, Gompper G, Swarm behavior of self-propelled rods and swimming flagella,Physical Review E,82, 031904 (2010).
- Yang YZ, Elgeti J, Gompper G, Cooperation of Sperm in Two Dimensions: Synchronization, Attraction and Aggregation through Hydrodynamic Interactions,Physical Review E,78(6), 061903 (2008).
- Yang YZ, Burkhardt TW, Gompper G, Free Energy and Extension of a Semiflexible Polymer in Cylindrical Confining GeometriesPhysical Review E,76(1), 011804 (2007).