


  • 中文名: 楊祖金
  • 出生地:廣西平樂
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:武漢工程大學




2009.09-2012.06 中山大學,化學與化學工程學院,材料物理與化學,博士
2005.09-2008.12 華南理工大學,化學與化工學院,化學工程,碩士
1996.09-2000.06 武漢工程大學,化工系,化學工程與工藝,學士


2017.01—至今: 中山大學化學工程與技術學院,副教授,高級工程師;
2016.02—2016.12: 中山大學化學工程與技術學院,講師,高級工程師;
2012.07—2016.02: 中山大學化學與化學工程學院,講師,高級工程師;
2004.01—2009.08: 中藥提取分離純化國家工程研究中心,高級工程師;
2000.07—2003.12: 廣東肇慶星湖生物科技股份有限公司,工程師;


Journal of Membrane Science、Separation purification technology、Carbohydrate polymer、Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces、Flavour and Fragrance Journal、Supramolecular Chemistry 等10餘種期刊審稿人。


目前承擔的本科生教學課程:分離工程 化工原理 化工專業實驗 無機化學實驗 分析化學實驗 現代化學實驗




  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(批准號21376279,主持人):環糊精模擬酶的作用機制及其擇形催化製備苯甲醛的研究(經費:85萬):2014/01/01-2017/12/31。
  2. 廣東省重大科技專項一項(批准 2012A080103005,中山大學主持人):熱敏性精細化學品分離的低碳技術及裝備(經費:80萬):2013/6/08-2014/12/31。
  3. 高校基本科研業務費(批准號14lgpy28,主持人):環糊精模擬酶擇形驅動包結分離難分離體系及機制(經費:10萬):2014/05/26-2016/12/31。
  4. 大亞灣科技計畫項目(2013A01013,主持人):薑黃素低溶劑殘留的分離技術研究及其產業化(經費:10萬):2014/06/20-2015/09/30。
  5. 廣州市科技計畫項目(2014J4100125,主持人):構築環糊精聚合物催化材料(經費:8萬):2014/09/12-2016/12/31。
  6. 廣東省省級工程中心(2015B090903061,主要負責人):廣東省熱敏性化學品合成與分離工程技術研究中心建設(經費:100萬):2015/12/31-2017/12/31。
  7. 佛山市產學研專項資金項目(2011BC100142,參與人):高效節能型薄膜蒸發與精餾聯用技術及設備的產業化研究,2013/6/06-2015/6/31。




1.Zujin Yang, Yanxiong Fang, Zebao Rui*, Hongbing Ji*. Efficient oxidation of cinnamon oil to natural benzaldehyde over β-cyclodextrin functionalized MWCNTs, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 37:2086-2097.
2.Zujin Yang, Liyun Huang, Xingdong Yao, Hongbing Ji*. Host-guest complexes of estragole with β-cyclodextrin: an experimental and theoretical investigation, Flavourand Fragrance Journal, 2017, 32:102-111.
3.Zujin Yang, Jinping Liu, Xingdong Yao, Zebao Rui, Hongbing Ji*. Efficient removal of BTEX from aqueous solution by β-cyclodextrin modified poly(butyl methacrylate) resin, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 158: 417–421.
4.Zujin Yang, Xia Zhang , Xingdong Yao , Yanxiong Fang , Hongyan Chen ,Hongbing Ji*. β-cyclodextrin grafted on lignin as inverse phase transfer catalyst for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol in H2O, Tetrahedron, 2016, 72: 1773-1781.
5.Zujin, Yang, Dan Zhou, Yanxiong Fang, Hongbing Ji*. Shape-selective separation of geraniol and nerol via noncovalent interactions with β-cyclodextrin. Separation Science and Technology, 2016, 51(1): 168–180.
6.Zujin Yang, Zuobing Xiao, Hongbing Ji*. Preparation and release behavior of the inclusion complexes of phenylethanol with β-cyclodextrin. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2016, 31(3):206-216.
7.Zujin Yang,Yanxiong Fang,Hongbing Ji*. Controlled release and enhanced antibacterial activity of salicylic acid by hydrogen bonding with chitosan. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24(3): 421-426.
8.Zujin Yang, Shen Zheng, Zebao Rui, Hongbing Ji*. Enhanced separation and purification of curcuminoids on polyamide column via noncovalent interactions. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 152:155–159.
9.Zujin Yang, Zuobing Xiao, Hongbing Ji*. Solid inclusion complex of terpinen-4-ol/β-cyclodextrin: kinetic release, mechanism and its antibacterial activity. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2015, 30:179–187.
10.Zujin Yang, Zhangfu Zeng , Zuobing Xiao, Hongbing Ji*. Preparation and controllable release of chitosan/vanillin microcapsules and their application to cotton fabric. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2014, 29:114–120.
11.Zujin Yang, Hongbing Ji*. Synergistic effect of hydrogen bonding mediated selective synthesis of benzaldehyde in water, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 35: 590–598.
12.Zujin Yang, Hongbing Ji*.2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin polymer as a mimetic enzyme for mediated synthesis of benzaldehyde in water. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2013, 1 (9):1172–1179.
13.Zujin Yang, Hui Zeng, Xiantai Zhou,Hongbing Ji*. Enhanced catalytic activity and recyclability for oxidation of cinnamaldehyde catalysed by β-cyclodextrin cross-linked with chitosan. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2013, 25(4): 233–245.
14.Zujin Yang, Hui Zeng, Xiantai Zhou, Hongbing Ji*. Mechanism into selective oxidation of cinnamaldehyde using β-Cyclodextrin polymer as phase transfer catalyst, Tetrahedron, 2012, 68: 5912–5919.
15.Zujin Yang, Hongguo Jiang, Xiantai Zhou, Yanxiong Fang, Hongbing Ji*. β-Cyclodextrin polymer promoted green synthesis of cinnamaldehyde to natural benzaldehyde in aqueous solution. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2012, 24(6): 379–384.
16. Zujin Yang, Chai Kungang, Hongbing Ji*. Selective inclusion and separation of cinnamaldehyde and benzaldehyde by insoluble β-cyclodextrin polymer, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 80:209–216.
17. Hongyan Chen, Zujin Yang, Hongbing Ji*. Oxidative cleavage of C=C bond of cinnamaldehyde to benzaldehyde in the presence of β-cyclodextrin under mild conditions. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2012, 24(4): 247–254.
18.Hongguo Jiang, Zujin Yang, Xiantai Zhou, Yanxiong Fang, Hongbing Ji*.Immobilization of β-cyclodextrin as insoluble β-cyclodextrin polymer and its catalytic performance. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2012, 20(4): 784–792.
19. 紀紅兵 楊祖金 江紅果 周賢太 方岩雄 唐萬珍 宋桂珍.一種環糊精聚合物催化肉桂油氧化製備苯甲醛的方法.ZL201010181273.2.
20.紀紅兵 楊祖金 周賢太.一種催化肉桂油或肉桂醛氧化製備苯甲醛的方法及其專用催化劑. ZL201010598626.9.
21.紀紅兵, 周丹, 楊祖金.一種橙花醇、香葉醇同分異構體的包結分離方法[P]: 中國. 201410637485.5, 2014-11-04.
22.紀紅兵, 劉金平, 楊祖金. 一種吸附回收工業廢水中芳香化合物的方法[P]: 中國. 201410523747.5, 2015-01-28.
23.紀紅兵, 劉金平, 楊祖金. 一種固載環糊精分子的改性吸菸樹脂的製備方法[P]: 中國. 201510009997.1, 2015-01-08.
24. 禤耀明,紀紅兵, 楊祖金.一種從苯乙酮和α-苯乙醇混合物中分離苯乙酮、 α-苯乙醇的分離方法[P]: 中國. 201510506839.7, 2015-08-18.
25.紀紅兵, 黃曉玲, 楊祖金. 一種釋香棉織物製備的方法[P]: 中國. 201510345996.4, 2015-06-18.
26.紀紅兵, 黃曉玲, 楊祖金. 一種薰衣草納米膠囊的製備方法[P]: 中國. 201510341988.2, 2015-06-18.
27.紀紅兵, 鄭深, 楊祖金. 一種含聚醯胺複合樹脂的製備方法[P]: 中國. 2015101003731.8, 2015-03-30.
28.紀紅兵,沈海民,楊祖金,《環糊精化學:反應與催化》,科學出版社,北京,2016,ISBN 978-7-03-048760-5,成為國家科技部專著資助出版的項目。


