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  • 中文名:楊永川
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:土木工程
  • 任職院校:重慶大學









1、 重慶都市區“四山”生態監測、保育與恢復技術研究與示範(項目批准號:cstc2018jszx-zdyfxmX0007),重慶市技術創新與套用示範(重點研發項目),負責人,150萬元,2019-2021.
2、 亞熱帶喀斯特山地金佛山植被格局及孑遺植物保護生態學研究(項目批准號:CSTC2016jcyjA0379),重慶市自然科學基金,負責人,5萬元,2016.7-2019.6
3、 栲林、木荷林植被志編研(項目批准號:2015FY210200-16),科技基礎性工作專項專題,負責人,28萬元,2015.5-2020.4
4、 城市雜草對異質生境的回響及適應(項目批准號:106112015CDJXY210011),中央高校基本科研業務費項目,負責人,10萬元,2015.6-2017.5
5、 中國中南部第三紀孑遺植物地形分異格局形成及維持機制(項目批准號:106112014CDJZR210007),中央高校基本科研業務費項目,負責人,10萬元,2014.6-2016.5
6、 重慶都市區殘存常綠闊葉林片段化生態過程研究(項目批准號:CSTC2012JJA00014),重慶市自然科學基金,負責人,5萬元,2012.9-2015.9
7、 中國西南地區孑遺植物銀杉的種群結構、更新特徵及保育對策,日本自然保護助成基金,負責人,10萬元,2012.10-2013.10
8、 三峽庫區消落帶植物被格局及其生物量動態研究,國家水專項專題,負責人,15萬元,2009.9-2011.12
9、 常綠闊葉林片斷化生態過程及其城市化回響(項目批准號:CDJZR10210002),中央高校基本科研業務費面上項目,負責人,6.5萬元,2010.1-2011.12


1、 Cindy Q. Tang*, ……,Yongchuan Yang*,……Identifying long-term stable refugia for relict plant species in East Asia.Nature Communications, 2018, 9: 4488. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06837-3.(SCI)
2、 Qian SH*, Tang CQ, Yi SR, Zhao L, Song K,Yang YC*. Conservation and development in conflict: regeneration of wildDavidia involucrata(Nyssaceae) communities weakened by bamboo management in south-central China.Oryx, 2018, 52(3), 442–451.(SCI)
3、 Shenhua Qian, Meng Qi, Li Huang, Liang Zhao, Dunmei Lin,Yongchuan Yang*. Biotic homogenization of China’s urban greening: A meta-analysis on woody species.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2016, 18: 25–33.(SCI)
4、 Shenhua Qian,Yongchuan Yang*, Cindy Q. Tang, Momohara Arata, Sirong Yi, Masahiko Ohsawa. Effective conservation measures are needed for wildCathaya argyrophyllapopulations in China: Insights from the population structure and regeneration characteristics.Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 361(3): 358–367.(SCI)
5、 Yongchuan Yang*, Huang Li, Qian Shenhua, Fukuda Kenji. Completing the life history ofCastanopsis fargesii: changes in the seed dispersal, seedling and sapling recruitment patterns.European Journal of Forest Research, 2015, 134(6):1143–1154.(SCI)
6、 Cindy Q. Tang*,Yongchuan Yang*, Masahiko Ohsawa, Momohara Arata, Yi Sirong, Robertson Kevin, Song Kun, Zhang Shiqiang, He Longyuan. Community Structure and Survival of Tertiary RelictThuja sutchuenensis(Cupressaceae) in the Subtropical Daba Mountains, Southwestern China.PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4): e0125307.(SCI)
7、 Yongchuan Yang*, Michiro Fujihara, Baizhan Li, Xingzhong Yuan, Keitarou Hara, Liangjun Da, Mizuki Tomita, Yi Zhao.Structure and diversity of the remnant natural evergreen broad-leaved forests at three sites affected by urbanization in Chongqing metropolis, Southwest China.Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2014(1), 10: 137-149.(SCI)
8、 Cindy Q. Tang, Marinus J.A. Werger, Masahiko Ohsawa,Yongchuan Yang. Habitats of Tertiary Relict Trees in China. In Carsten Hobohm (ed.), Endemism in Vascular Plants, Plant and Vegetation 9, P289-308. Springer, 2014.
9、 Cindy Q. Tang,Yongchuan Yang*, Masahiko Ohsawa, Momohara Arata, Mu Jingze, Robertson Kevin. Survival of a tertiary relict species,Liriodendron chinense(Magnoliaceae), in southern China, with special reference to village fengshui forests.American Journal of Botany, 2013, 100(10): 2112-2119.(SCI)
10、 Han Guifeng*,Yang Yongchuan, Yan Shuiyu. Vegetation activity trend and its relationship with climate change in the Three Gorges Area, China.Advances in Meteorology, 2013, vol. 2013, Article ID 235378, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/235378.(SCI)
11、 Tang CQ*,Yang YC*, Ohsawa M, Yi SR, Momohara A, Su WH, Wang HC, Zhang ZY, Peng MC, Wu ZL. Evidence for the persistence of wildGinkgo biloba(Ginkgoaceae) populations in the Dalou Mountains, Southwestern China.American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99: 1408-11414.(Cover story)(SCI)
12、 Tang CQ*,Yang YC*, Ohsawa M, Momohara M, Hara M, Chen SL, Fan SH.Population structure of relictMetasequoia glyptostroboides and its habitat fragmentation and degradation in south-central China. Biological Conservation, 2011,144: 279-289. (SCI)
13、 Lu J, Li CD,Yang YC, Zhang XH, Jin M. Quantitative evaluation of urban park cool island factors in mountain city.Journal of Central South University of Technology,2012, 19: 1657−1662.(SCI)
14、 Fujihara M, Hara K, Da LJ,Yang YC, Qin XK, Kamagata N, Zhao Y. Landscape and stand structures in a hilly agricultural area in Fenghua City, Zhejiang Province, China: impact of fuelwood collection.Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 2014, 10: 151-161.(SCI)
15、 Shang KK, Zhang QP, Da LJ, Hara K,Yang YC, Fujihara M, Tomita M, Zhao Y. Effects of natural and artificial disturbance on landscape and forest structure in Tiantong National Forest Park, East China.Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 2014, 10: 163-172.(SCI)
16、 Zhao Y, Tomita M, Hara K, Fujihara M,Yang YC, Da LJ. Effects of topography on status and changes in land-cover patterns, Chongqing City, China.Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 2014, 10: 125-135.(SCI)
17、 Da LJ, Kang MM, Song K, Shang KK,Yang YC, Xia AM, Qi YF. Altitudinal zonation of human-disturbed vegetation on Mt. Tianmu, eastern China.Ecological Research, 2009, 24: 1287-1299.(SCI)
18、 Yang YC, Fujihara M, Sawada Y. Structure and regeneration dynamics of the remnant lucidophyllous forest near Joryuji Temple in Awaji Island, central Japan.Landscape Planning and Horticulture, 2010, 12: 9-15.
19、 田麗娟,黃力,周禮華,陳廷躍,錢深華,楊永川*.貴州少數民族聚居地古樹資源組成及分布特徵-以務川縣為例.生態學雜誌, 2018, 37(9): 2768-2775.
20、 李婷,黃力,錢深華,楊永川*.重慶主城區石牆景觀植物組成特徵及傳播機制. 西部人居環境學刊, 2018, 4: 67-72.
21、 李笑寒,黃力,楊聖賀,楊超,錢深華,趙亮,楊永川*.縉雲山常綠闊葉林雪災受損特徵及影響因素.林業科學研究, 2017, 30(5): 735-742.
22、 楊超,黃力,高祥陽,齊猛,周俠,楊永川*.縉雲山常綠闊葉林凋落動態及組成.林業科學研究, 2016,29(1): 1-9.
23、 高祥陽,黃力,楊超,楊永川*,袁興中.縉雲山常綠闊葉林建群種栲樹的種子萌發特性.重慶師範大學學報:自然科學版, 2016, 2: 127-133.
24、 楊永川*,齊猛,楊柯,盧軍.重慶都市區人工湖的熱濕效應研究. 西部人居環境學刊, 2015, 3: 77-81.
25、 楊永川*,楊軻,王志浩,盧軍.空間插值法在熱環境流動觀測中的套用.中南大學學報(自然科學版) , 2012, 43: 3741-3748. (EI)
26、 楊永川*,穆建平,Tang Cindy Q.,楊軻.殘存銀杏群落的結構及種群更新研究.生態學報, 2011, 31: 6396-6409.
27、 葛斌傑,楊永川*,李宏慶*.天童山森林土壤種子庫的時空格局.生物多樣性, 2010, 18, 489-496.
28、 李楠,楊永川*,李百戰.重慶鐵山坪殘存常綠闊葉林群落結構及動態研究.西南大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 31(7), 12-20.
29、 楊永川,王娟,達良俊.城市化進程中上海植被的多樣性、空間格局和動態回響(Ⅱ):城市廢棄地-上海江灣機場的植物組成研究.華東師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, 4: 42-50.
30、 楊永川*,袁興中,李百戰,孫榮,王強.重慶都市區殘存常綠闊葉林的群落特徵及其意義.生物多樣性, 2007, 15: 247-256.
31、 楊永川*,達良俊.丘陵地區地形梯度上植被格局的分異研究概述.植物生態學報, 2006, 30: 504-513.
32、 楊永川*,達良俊,陳波.天童米櫧-木荷群落主要樹種的結構及空間格局.生態學報, 2006, 26: 2927-2938.
33、 楊永川*,達良俊,由文輝.浙江天童國家森林公園微地形與植被結構的關係.生態學報, 2005, 25: 2830-2840.
34、 達良俊,楊永川,宋永昌.浙江天童國家森林公園常綠闊葉林主要種種群特徵及其更新類型.植物生態學報, 2004, 28: 376-384.
35、 達良俊,楊永川,陳鳴.生態型綠化法在上海“近自然”群落建設中的套用.中國園林, 2004, 3: 38-40.


