- 中文名:楊楠
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:羅馬大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
2013年至2014年, 於羅馬大學信息技術工程學院從事博士後研究;
2.Nan Yang, C. Cantoni, V. Foglietti, A. Tebano, A. Belianinov, E. Strelcov, S. Jesse, D. Di Castro, E. Di Bartolomeo, S. Licoccia, S. V. Kalinin, G. Balestrino and C. Aruta, “Defective interfaces in Yttrium-doped Barium Zirconate films and consequences on proton conduction”, Nano Letter, 2015, 15 (4), 2343.
3.Nan Yang, A. Belianinov, E. Strelcov, A. Tebano, V. Foglietti, D. Di Castro, C. Schlueter, Tien-Lin Lee, A. P. Baddorf, N. Balke, S. Jesse, S. V. Kalinin, G. Balestrino, and C. Aruta, “Effect of Doping on Surface Reactivity and Conduction Mechanism in Sm-doped CeO2 Thin Films”, ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (12), 12494.
4.V. Foglietti,Nan Yang, A. Tebano, C. Aruta, E. Di Bartolomeo, S. Licoccia, C. Cantoni, G. Balestrino, “Heavily strained BZY interfaces with enhanced transport properties”, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104 , 081612.
5.A. Kumar, S. Jesse, A. Morozovska, E. Eliseev, A. Tebano,Nan Yangand S.V. Kalinin,Variable Temperature Electrochemical Strain Microscopy of Sm-doped Ceria, Nanotechnology, 2013, 241, 45401.
6.Nan Yang, A. D’Epifani, E. Di Bartolomeo, C. Pugnalini, A. Tebano, G. Balestrino, S. Licoccia, “La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-xthin films for IT-SOFCs: microstructure and transport properties correlation”, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 222,10.