數學天元基金項目各一項,以及中央高校基本科研業務費兩項,並以主要成員參與國家自然科學基金4項。迄今為止,在Numer. Linear. Algebra Appl., J. Comput. Appl. Math., Appl. Math. Model., Appl. Math. Lett., Math. Comput. Model., Numer. Algor. 以及《計算數學》等國內外重要期刊上共發表學術論文三十餘篇,SCI或EI收錄29篇,有兩篇入選ESI高被引論文。
[1]Yue Hao, *Ai-Li Yang, *Yu-Jiang Wu, How to compute the optimal parameters of the parameterized PMHSS preconditioner? Applied Mathematics Letters, (2018) Accepted
[2]*Ai-Li Yang, Scaled norm minimization method for computing the parameters of the HSS and the two-parameter HSS preconditioners, Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications, (2018)
[3]Sheng-Wei Zhou, *Ai-Li Yang, Yu-Jiang Wu. A relaxed block-triangular splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle-point problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94(2017) 1609--1623
[4]Yan Dou, *Ai-Li Yang, Yu-Jiang Wu. Modified parameterized inexact Uzawa method for singular saddle-point problems. Numerical Algorithms, 72 (2016) 325--339.
[5]Sheng-Wei Zhou, *Ai-Li Yang, Yan Dou, Yu-Jiang Wu. The modified shift-splitting preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle-point problems. Applied Mathematics Letters, 59 (2016) 109--114.
[6]*Ai-Li Yang, Yan Dou, Yu-Jiang Wu and Xu Li. On generalized parameterized inexact Uzawa methods for singular saddle-point problems. Numerical Algorithms, 69 (2015) 579--593.
[7]*Ai-Li Yang, Yu-Jiang Wu, Zheng-Da Huang and Jin-Yun Yuan. Preconditioning analysis of nonuniform incremental unknowns method for two dimensional elliptic problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (2015) 5436--5451.
[8]*Ai-Li Yang, Guo-Feng Zhang and Yu-Jiang Wu. General constraint preconditioning iteration method for singular saddle-point problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 282 (2015) 157--166.
[9]*Ai-Li Yang, Xu Li and Yu-Jiang Wu. On semi-convergence of the Uzawa--HSS method for singular saddle-point problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 252 (2015) 88--98.
[10]Wei-Hong Zhang, *Ai-Li Yang, Yu-Jiang Wu. Parameterized preconditioned Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting iteration method for a class of linear matrix equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 70 (2015) 1357--1367.
[11]*Ai-Li Yang and Yu-Jiang Wu. The Uzawa--HSS method for saddle-point problems. Applied Mathematics Letters, 38 (2014) 38--42.
[12]*Ai-Li Yang, Yu-Jiang Wu and Zhen-Jian Xu. The semi-convergence properties of MHSS method for a class of complex nonsymmetric singular linear systems. Numerical Algorithms, 66 (2014) 705--719.
[13]*Ai-Li Yang and Yu-Jiang Wu. Preconditioning analysis of the one dimensional incremental unknowns method on nonuniform meshes. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 44 (2014) 379--395.
[14]Xu Li, *Ai-Li Yang and Yu-Jiang Wu. Lopsided PMHSS iteration method for a class of complex symmetric linear systems. Numerical Algorithms, 66 (2014) 555--568.
[15]Yan Dou, *Ai-Li Yang and Yu-Jiang Wu. On semi-convergence of generalized skew-Hermitian triangular splitting iteration methods for singular saddle-point problems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 459 (2014) 493--510.
[16]Xu Li, *Ai-Li Yang and Yu-Jiang Wu. Parameterized preconditioned Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting iteration method for saddle-point problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91 (2014) 1224--1238.
[17]*Ai-Li Yang, Lun-Ji Song and Yu-Jiang Wu. Algebraic preconditioning analysis of the multilevel block incremental unknowns method for anisotropic elliptic operators. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57 (2013) 512--524.
主持國家自然科學基金青年基金(一類大規模稀疏奇異鞍點問題的高效求解算法及預處理技術研究 ),2015.01--2017.12;
2017年 蘭州大學青年教師講課比賽三等獎
為Appl. Math. Letters., Numer. Algorithms, Comput. Appl. Math., Comput. Math. App., Int. J. Comput. Math., Acta Mechanica, Math Problems Engrg., American J. Comput. Math. 等雜誌擔任審稿人