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  • 中文名:楊婷
  • 外文名:Ting Yang
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校清華大學
  • 職業:教師


2008.08-2012.07 清華大學環境學院給排水科學與工程專業 學士
2012.09-2015.07 清華大學環境學院環境科學與工程專業堡凶堡 碩士
2015.09-2019.01約克大學(University of York,英國)環境與地理系環境科學專業 博士






[1] Li Y,Yang T, Qiu S, Lin W, Yan J, Fan S, Zhou Q*. Uniform N-coordinated single-atomic iron sites dispersed in porous carbon framework to activate PMS for efficient BPA degradation via high-valent iron-oxo species. Chemical Engineering Journal2020; 389: 124382.
[2] Yang T*, Hodson ME. Investigating the use of synthetic humic-like acid as a soil washing treatment for metal contaminated soil. Science of The Total Environment2019; 647: 290-300.
[3] Zhuang L,Yang T, Zhang J*, Li X. The configuration, purification effect and mechanism of intensified constructed wetland for wastewater treatment from the aspect of nitrogen removal: A review. Bioresource Technology2019; 293: 122086.
[4] Zhuang L,Yang T, Zhang B, Wu Y, Hu H*. The growth model and its application for microalgae cultured in a suspended-solid phase photobioreactor (ssPBR) for economical biomass and bioenergy production. Algal Research2019; 39: 101463.
[5] Shen Y, Zhuang L*, Zhang J, Fan J,Yang T, Sun S. A study of ferric-carbon micro-electrolysis process to enhance nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Chemical Engineering Journal2019; 359: 706-712.
[6] Li Y, Chen D*, Fan S,Yang T. Enhanced visible light assisted Fenton-like degradation of dye via metal-doped zinc ferrite nanosphere prepared from metal-rich industrial wastewater. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers2019; 96: 185-192.
[7] Yang T*, Hodson ME. Investigating the potential of synthetic humic-like acid to remove metal ions from contaminated water. Science of The Total Environment2018; 635: 1036-1046.
[8] Yang T*, Hodson ME. The impact of varying abiotic humification conditions and the resultant structural characteristics on the copper complexation ability of synthetic humic-like acids in aquatic environments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2018; 165: 603-610.
[9] Yang T*, Hodson ME. The copper complexation ability of a synthetic humic-like acid formed by an abiotic humification process and the effect of experimental factors on its copper complexation ability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research2018; 25: 15873-15884.
[10]Yang T, Sun W, Yue D*. Characterizing the Effects of Biologically Active Covers on Landfill Methane Emission Flux and Bio-Oxidation. Journal of Environmental Engineering2017; 143: 04017059.
[11]Sun Y, Yue D*, Li R,Yang T, Liu S. Assessing the performance of gas collection systems in select Chinese landfills according to the LandGEM model: drawbacks and potential direction. Environmental Technology2015; 36: 2912-2918.
[12]Wang X, Yue D*, Zhao K, Han B,Yang T. Mitigation of non-methane organic compounds through landfill soil cover and its environmental implications. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management2015; 17: 616-625.
[13]Yue D*, Han B, Sun Y,Yang T. Sulfide emissions from different areas of a municipal solid waste landfill in China. Waste Management2014; 34: 1041-1044.


[1] PICO presentation of “Removal of Cufrom aqueous solution by an optimal synthetic humic-like acid formed by the abiotic humification process” on the “European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018”, April 2018, Vienna, Austria
[2] Oral presentation of “A study on the copper complexation ability of a synthetic humic-like acid formed by an abiotic humification process” on the “Early Careers Researcher Conference 2017”, April 2017, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
[3] Oral presentation of “Determination of Field Methane Oxidation Efficiency at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in the north of China” on the 1st Symposium of IWWG Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB), March 2013, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan;
[4] Poster of “Field Methane Oxidation Efficiency at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Located In the North of China” on the 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT), October 2013, Shanghai, China
[4] Zhuang L,Yang T, Zhang B, Wu Y, Hu H*. The growth model and its application for microalgae cultured in a suspended-solid phase photobioreactor (ssPBR) for economical biomass and bioenergy production. Algal Research2019; 39: 101463.
[5] Shen Y, Zhuang L*, Zhang J, Fan J,Yang T, Sun S. A study of ferric-carbon micro-electrolysis process to enhance nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Chemical Engineering Journal2019; 359: 706-712.
[6] Li Y, Chen D*, Fan S,Yang T. Enhanced visible light assisted Fenton-like degradation of dye via metal-doped zinc ferrite nanosphere prepared from metal-rich industrial wastewater. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers2019; 96: 185-192.
[7] Yang T*, Hodson ME. Investigating the potential of synthetic humic-like acid to remove metal ions from contaminated water. Science of The Total Environment2018; 635: 1036-1046.
[8] Yang T*, Hodson ME. The impact of varying abiotic humification conditions and the resultant structural characteristics on the copper complexation ability of synthetic humic-like acids in aquatic environments. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2018; 165: 603-610.
[9] Yang T*, Hodson ME. The copper complexation ability of a synthetic humic-like acid formed by an abiotic humification process and the effect of experimental factors on its copper complexation ability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research2018; 25: 15873-15884.
[10]Yang T, Sun W, Yue D*. Characterizing the Effects of Biologically Active Covers on Landfill Methane Emission Flux and Bio-Oxidation. Journal of Environmental Engineering2017; 143: 04017059.
[11]Sun Y, Yue D*, Li R,Yang T, Liu S. Assessing the performance of gas collection systems in select Chinese landfills according to the LandGEM model: drawbacks and potential direction. Environmental Technology2015; 36: 2912-2918.
[12]Wang X, Yue D*, Zhao K, Han B,Yang T. Mitigation of non-methane organic compounds through landfill soil cover and its environmental implications. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management2015; 17: 616-625.
[13]Yue D*, Han B, Sun Y,Yang T. Sulfide emissions from different areas of a municipal solid waste landfill in China. Waste Management2014; 34: 1041-1044.


[1] PICO presentation of “Removal of Cufrom aqueous solution by an optimal synthetic humic-like acid formed by the abiotic humification process” on the “European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018”, April 2018, Vienna, Austria
[2] Oral presentation of “A study on the copper complexation ability of a synthetic humic-like acid formed by an abiotic humification process” on the “Early Careers Researcher Conference 2017”, April 2017, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
[3] Oral presentation of “Determination of Field Methane Oxidation Efficiency at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in the north of China” on the 1st Symposium of IWWG Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB), March 2013, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan;
[4] Poster of “Field Methane Oxidation Efficiency at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Located In the North of China” on the 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT), October 2013, Shanghai, China


