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  • 中文名:楊增玲
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:農產品加工與貯藏工程
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2008.10-2008.12:赴比利時Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W)進行合作研究(顯微近紅外技術);
2011.10-2011.11:赴比利時Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W)進行合作研究(顯微近紅外成像技術);
2014.08-2015.08:赴美國普渡大學Purdue University訪學;






獨立主持國家/省部級科研項目17項,獲國家科技進步獎二等獎1項、神農中華農業科技獎優秀創新團隊獎1項、北京市高等教育教學成果獎二等獎1項,以及其它各級各類科研教學成果獎3項。在Nature Communications、Analytical Chemistry、Applied Energy、Carbohydrate Polymers等學術期刊累計發表SCI/EI收錄論文130餘篇,另有4篇中文論文入選中國知網《學術精要資料庫》2011-2022年高影響力論文;參編學術著作4部、科普著作1部;獲授權國家發明專利10餘件,以授權實施許可方式轉讓3項;獲國家計算機軟體著作權近20件;制定獲頒國家農業行業標準9件。研發的基於近紅外光譜技術的農業生物質多參數現場、線上速測技術與設備,在3家企業得到示範套用,並以專利授權實施許可方式轉讓2家企業套用。



JunjieXue, Zengling Yang*, Lujia Han, Yuchen Liu, Yao Liu, Chengcheng Zhou.On-line measurement of proximates and lignocellulose components of corn stover using NIRS.Applied Energy, 2015, 137, 18-25. (SCI, IF=5.261)
JunjieXue, Zengling Yang*, Lujia Han, Longjian Chen.Study of the influence of NIRS acquisition parameters on the spectral repeatability for on-line measurement of crop straw fuel properties. Fuel, 2014, 117, 1027-1033. (SCI, IF=3.357)
Zengling Yang, Chengte Wang, Lujia Han*, Jing Li, Xian Liu.Rapid screening and visual tracing of melamine in soybean meal by NIR microscopy imaging.Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2014, 7(4). DOI: 10.1142S1793545813500727 (SCI, IF=0.630)
Xunpeng Jiang, Zengling Yang, Lujia Han*. A Markov random field based approach to the identification of meat and bone meal in feed by near-infrared spectroscopic imaging. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014, 406, 4705-4714. (SCI, IF=3.578)
Xingfan Zhou, Zengling Yang, Simon A. Haughey, Pamela Galvin-King, Lujia Han*, Christopher T. Elliott*. Classification the geographical origin of corn distillers dried grains with solubles by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy combined with chemometrics: A feasibility study. Food Chemistry, 2014, (SCI, IF=3.259)
Xiuli Shen, Zengling Yang, Guangqun Huang, Lujia Han*.Near infrared spectroscopy detection of copper in pig manure and the spectral basis of the analysis. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 2014, 22, 305-312. (SCI, IF=1.48)
ChengxuLv, Longjian Chen, Zengling Yang, Xian Liu, Lujia Han*.Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy (2D-COS) Variable Selection for Near-Infrared Microscopy Discrimination of Meat and Bone Meal in Compound Feed.Applied Spectroscopy, 2014, 68(8), 844-851. (SCI, IF=2.014)
Juan Antonio FernándezPierna*, Damien Vincke, Pierre Dardenne, Zengling Yang, Lujia Han, Vincent Baeten.Line scan hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy for the early detection of melamine and cyanuric acid in feed. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 2014, 22, 103-112. (SCI, IF=1.48)
楊增玲,楚天舒,韓魯佳,劉賢. 關於秸稈綜合利用工程建設標準體系的研究. 工程建設標準化,2014,54-60.
張安琪,黃光群,張紹英,楊增玲,韓魯佳. 好氧堆肥反應器試驗系統設計與性能試驗. 農業機械學報,2014,45(7):156-161.(EI)
Longjian Chen, Zengling Yang, Lujia Han*. A review on the use of near infrared spectroscopy for feed protein materials. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 2013, 48(7):509-522. (SCIEI, IF=3.385)
He Cheng, Yang Zengling, Huang Guangqun, Chen Longjian, Liao Na, Hanlujia*.Qualitative and quantitative analysis of straw content in straw-coal blends using VisNIR spectroscopy. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2013, 29(17), 188-1952. (EI)
Zengling Yang, Lujia Han*.Analysis and comparison of nutrient contents in different animal manures from Beijing suburbs. Agricultural Sciences, 2013,4 (12A), 50-55.
楊增玲*,薛俊傑,賀城. 不同光譜採集條件下麥秸低位熱值NIRS快速檢測. 農業機械學報, 2013,44(8),139-142. (EI)
楊增玲,楚天舒,韓魯佳*,劉賢,肖衛華,黃光群. 灰色關聯理想解法在秸稈綜合利用方案優選中的套用.農業工程學報, 2013, 29(20), 179-191.(EI)
楊增玲,楚天舒,韓魯佳*,李曉紅,劉賢. 秸稈飼料化集成技術模式及其區域適用性評價.農業工程學報, 2013, 29(23), 186-193.(EI)
黎靜,韓魯佳*,楊增玲. 豆粕中三聚氰胺顯微近紅外成像檢測的掃描條件最佳化.農業工程學報, 2013, 29(13), 244-254.(EI)
Zhou XF, Yang ZL, Huang GQ, Han LJ*. Non-invasive detection of protein content in corn distillers dried grains with solubles: method for selecting spectral variables to construct high-performance calibration model using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 2012;20(3):407-413. (SCI, IF=1.424)
He C, Chen LJ, Yang ZL, Huang GQ, Liao N, Han LJ*. A rapid and accurate method for on-line measurement of straw-coal blends using near infrared spectroscopy. Bioresource Technology. 2012;110:314-320. (SCIEI, IF=4.75)
沈秀麗,楊增玲*,薛俊傑,楊暘.杜馬斯燃燒法與凱氏法測定畜禽糞便中氮含量的比較. 農業工程學報,2012,28(17):205-209(EI)
姜訓鵬,楊增玲,劉賢,韓魯佳*.肉骨粉顯微近紅外標準光譜庫的快速構建方法 [J]. 農業機械學報,2012,43(7):141-144(EI)
周興藩,楊增玲,劉賢,黃光群,韓魯佳*. 酒糟主要成分含量的近紅外反射光譜快速分析. 農業機械學報,2012,43(3):103-107(EI)
牛文娟,楊增玲,李瓊,蒲乾坤,韓魯佳*.不同前處理方法對秸稈金屬元素原子吸收光譜分析結果的影響. 農業工程學報,2012,28(9):178-181(EI)
劉賢,韓魯佳*,楊增玲,黃光群. 基於正交信號校正的秸稈青貯飼料粗蛋白近紅外分析模型傳遞方法. 分析化學,2012,40(4):596-601 (SCI)
黃光群,韓魯佳*,劉賢,楊增玲. 農業機械化工程集成技術評價體系的建立. 農業工程學報,2012,28(16):74-79(EI)
Yang Zengling, Han Lujia*, Pierna J.A.F., Dardenne P., Baeten V*. The potential of near infrared microscopy to detect, identify and quantify processed animal by-products. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 2011, 19(4), 211-231(SCI, IF=1.424)
He C, Yang ZL, Huang GQ, Chen LJ, Han LJ*.A feasibility study on using near infrared spectroscopy to classify straw-coal blends.Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 2011;19(4):277-284. (SCI, IF=1.424)
Liu X, Han LJ*, Yang ZL. Transfer of near infrared spectrometric models for silage crude protein detection between different instruments. Journal of Dairy Science. 2011;94(11):5599-5610. (SCI, IF=2.566)
Cheng He, Guangqun Huang, Zengling Yang, Na Liao, Lujia Han*. Feasibility Study on Quantitative Analysis of Coal Content in Co-firing Biomass-coal Blends By Near Infrared Spectroscopy. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment (ICMREE), 2011, 1: 525-528. Shanghai, China, 20-22 May 2011(EI)
呂程式,楊增玲,韓魯佳*,劉賢. 飼料中動物源性成分顯微近紅外光譜分析,農業機械學報,2011,42(5):171-174(EI)
姜訓鵬,楊增玲,韓魯佳*. 精料補充料中肉骨粉的顯微近紅外成像識別方法研究,農業機械學報,2011,42(7):155-159(EI)
Guangtao Shi, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Longjian Chen, Xian Liu. Near infrared spectroscopy calibration transfer for quantitative analysis of fish meal mixed with soybean meal. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 2010, 18: 217-223 (SCI IF=0.991)
Yang Zengling, Han Lujia*. Compositional Analysis of Pig Manure in sample bag by NIRS. The Second Asian NIR symposium. [C]. 上海:2010(國際會議)
Caijing Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xian Liu.Exploring the use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict minerals in straw. Fuel, 2009,88:163-168. (SCI IF=3.179)
Caijing Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xian Liu.Ultimate Analysis and Heating Value Prediction of Straw by Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Waste Management, 2009, 29:1793-1797. (SCIEI IF = 2.433)
Lujia Han*, Xian Liu, Rongguang Zhu, Zengling Yang.Quantification of MBM adulteration in compound fertilizers and composts by NIRS. Biotechnology Agronomy Society and Environment, 2009,13(S):15-19. (SCIEI)
Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang.Evaluation of physicochemical models for rapidly estimating pig manure nutrient content.Biosystems Engineering, 2009,103(3):313-320. (SCIEI IF = 1.102)
Longjian Chen, Li Xing, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang.Evaluation of physicochemical models for rapidly estimating cattle manure nutrient content.Biosystems Engineering, 2009,104(1):143-151. (SCIEI IF = 1.102)
楊增玲,韓魯佳*,李瓊飛,樊霞. 基於NIRS的反芻動物飼料中肉骨粉判別. 農業機械學報, 2009,40(7):124-128. (EI)
楊增玲,韓魯佳*,劉賢,李瓊飛. 魚粉中肉骨粉的可見-近紅外光譜快速定性判別方法. 農業工程學報, 2009,25(7):308-311. (EI)
石光濤,韓魯佳*,楊增玲,劉賢. 魚粉中摻雜豆粕的可見和近紅外反射光譜分析研究. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2009,29(2):362-366. (SCI/EI IF=1.256)
皇才進,劉賢,楊增玲,韓魯佳*. 秸稈熱值近紅外光譜模型的外部驗證結果間的統計比較分析. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2009,29(5):1264-1267. (SICEI IF=1.256)
湛小梅,韓魯佳*,劉賢,楊增玲. 遺傳算法在魚粉中肉骨粉近紅外光譜檢測中的套用. 光學學報, 2009,29(10):2800-2803. (EI)
皇才進,韓魯佳*,劉賢,楊增玲. 基於近紅外光譜技術的秸稈工業分析. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2009,29(4):960-963. (SICEI IF=1.256)
劉賢,董蘇曉,韓魯佳*,楊增玲. 青貯飼料近紅外分析模型轉移研究. 農業機械學報, 2009,40(5):153-157. (EI)
Yang Z., Han L., Liu X., Li Q., Detecting and quantifying meat meal or meat and bone meal contamination in fishmeal by visible and near infrared reflectance spectra, Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2008, 147(4):357-367(5-year IF=2.399,Plant & Animal Science 20%)
Guangqun Huang, Lujia Han*, Zengling Yang, Xiaoyan Wang.Evaluation of the nutrient metal content in Chinese animal manure compost using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(17): 8164-8169 (SCIEI IF=4.453)
Caijin Huang, Lujia Han*,Zengling Yang, Xian Liu. Prediction of heating value of straw by Proximate data and near infrared spectroscopy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49: 3433-3438 (SCIEI IF=1.813)
Xian Liu, Lujia* Han, Zengling Yang, Chongcheng Xu.Prediction of silage digestibility by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Animal and Feed Science, 2008, 17: 631-639(SCI IF=0.386)
C.J., Huang, L.J., Han*, X., Liu, Z.L., Yang.Proximate analysis and calorific value estimation of rice straw by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2008, 81(3), 153-157 (SCIEI IF=0.74)
Caijin Huang, Lujia Han*, Xian Liu, Zengling Yang.Models Predicting Calorific Value of Straw from the Ash content. International Journal of Green Energy, 2008, 5: 533-539 (SCIEI IF=0.371)
楊增玲,韓魯佳*,李瓊飛,劉賢. 反芻動物精料補充料中肉骨粉快速檢測近紅外光譜法[J]. 光譜學與光譜分析,2008,28(6):1278-1282 (SCIEI IF=0.843)
李瓊飛,楊增玲,韓魯佳*. 反芻動物源肉骨粉的近紅外漫反射光譜判別分析[J]. 光譜學與光譜分析,2008,28(3): 572-577 (SCIEI IF=0.843)
呂黃珍,韓魯佳*,楊增玲. 豬糞麥秸反應器好氧堆肥工藝參數最佳化. 農業機械學報,2008,39(3):101-105(EI)
皇才進,韓魯佳*,劉賢,楊增玲. 二維相關光譜用於近紅外光譜建模波長選擇的初步研究. 光譜學與光譜分析,2008,28(10):157-159 (SCIEI IF=0.843)
Yang Z., L. Han* , Q. Li and X. Fan. Use of discriminant analysis on NIRS to detect meat and bone meal content in ruminant concentrates, Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2007,16(suppl.2):442-447(SCI)
劉賢,韓魯佳*,楊增玲,李瓊飛. 近紅外光譜快速分析青貯飼料pH值和發酵產物. 分析化學,2007,35(9):1285-1289(SCI)
李瓊飛,楊增玲,韓魯佳*. 肉骨粉中牛羊源成分含量的近紅外漫反射光譜分析. 紅外與毫米波學報,2007,26(6):414-418 (SCI,EI)
肖衛華,韓魯佳*,楊增玲,劉賢. 回響面法最佳化黃芪黃酮提取工藝的研究. 中國農業大學學報, 2007,12(5):52-56
Zengling Yang,Lujia Han,Xia Fan. Rapidly estimating nutrient contents of fattening pig manure from floor scrapings by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of near infrared spectroscopy,2006,14(4):261~268(SCI )
Zengling Yang,LujiaHan,Qiongfen Li,XiangshuPiao.Estimating nutrient contents of pig slurries rapidly by measurement of physical and chemical properties. Journal of agricultural science,2006,144:261~267(SCI )
朱榮光,韓魯佳,楊增玲,甘利雅弘.近紅外反射光譜分析技術快速檢測複合化學肥料中肉骨粉含量的研究. 紅外與毫米波學報,2006,25(4):267-270 (SCIEI)
李瓊飛,楊增玲. 已評院校“迎評促建”的措施和經驗. 教育教學改革實踐與探索. 中國農業大學出版社,2006,3:181~184
楊增玲,韓魯佳,李瓊飛,朱榮光. 利用NIRS測定肥育豬糞便中主要成分含量的研究. 2005年中國農業工程學會學術年會論文集第五分冊
Zengling Yang, Lujia Han, Rongguan Zhu. Near-infrared sensing of pig manure nutrients. In: International Livestock environment. Proceedings 7th International symposium ASAE, Beijing, China, 309~315 May 2005(EI核心收錄)
楊增玲,韓魯佳,劉依,等.基於攝入養分含量預測豬新鮮糞便肥料成分含量的試驗研究.農業工程學報,2004,20(1):278-283(EI pageone收錄)
Yang Zengling, Han Lujia, Liu Yi,PiaoXiangshu.Experimental Study on Estimating Fertilizer Value of Swine Slurries. 2003國際生物環境與能源工程論壇論文集,2003:294-301
楊增玲,韓魯佳,劉依,等.基於物理指標快速預測豬糞尿肥料成分含量的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2003,19(6):276-280


韓魯佳,楊增玲,劉賢,李瓊飛、牛智有、蘇曉鷗、樊霞和楊振海. 中華人民共和國農業行業標準“魚粉和反芻動物精料補充料中肉骨粉快速定性檢測近紅外反射光譜法”,2007-06-14發布,2007-09-01實施。


2、歐盟第七框架項目“Quality and Safety of Feeds and Food for Europe”(2011-2014)


