

楊兵,教授,博導,珞珈青年學者。1999年武漢水利電力大學金屬材料及熱處理專業獲學士學位。2002 年在武漢大學動機學院材料加工工程專業獲工學碩士學位,2005年武漢大學物理科學與技術學院獲得博士學位。2006年 6月留校任教。2015-2016年美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校訪問學者。2009年晉升副教授,2016年12月晉升教授。在國內外重要刊物上發表SCI論文近50 篇,是Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells、Surface& Coatings Technology、Applied Surface Science等雜誌的評審人。申請國家發明專利近40項,獲批20多項。主持和參與了十多項國家項目。主持教育部博士點基金、航空基金、國家自然科學基金-青年基金項目、國家自然科學基金-面上項目、中俄國際合作項目、國防軍品配套研製項目各一項。參與重大研究專項、國家自然基金重點及重大研究計畫培育項目以及多項橫向合作項目的研究。研究論文獲得湖北省第十二屆自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎,開發的電漿教學儀器獲第三屆高等學校自製儀器大賽優秀獎,指導本科生獲三項湖北省優秀學士論文獎論文。先後培養了十多名博士和碩士研究生。為多家企業開發了多套工業化物理氣相沉積(PVD)特種塗層製備設備及塗層技術,在塗層材料和塗層裝備研究方面具有良好的理論基礎和實踐經驗。


  • 中文名:楊兵
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期: 
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 學位/學歷:研究生
  • 專業方向:粒子物理與原子核物理
  • 職務:教授
2. 主持和參與的主要科研項目
(1) 雙相納米晶-非晶氧化物複合塗層的製備、選擇性吸收機理及其性能研究,江蘇省自然科學基金項目,2017-2020,主持;
(2) 特紡材料無損檢測技術研究,航空基金項目,2016-2018.主持;
(3) 強流低能團簇離子束納米加工技術合作研發,中俄國際合作項目,2015-2017,主持;
(4) 納米晶複合陶瓷材料抗輻照損傷機理研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2013-2016,主持;
(5) PVD塗層材料及設備工程化研製,橫向合作,航天精工股份有限公司,2014-2016,主持。
(6) 超臨界機組關鍵技術套用研究之超(超)臨界機組高溫蒸汽氧化腐蝕機理及防護技術,南方電網科技開發項目,2013-2015,主持;
(7) xxx複合塗層材料開發,國防軍品配套研製項目,2011-2013,主持;
(8) 鈦合金高鎖螺栓非平衡磁控濺射鍍鋁膜性能研究及套用,橫向合作,貴州航天精工製造有限公司,2011-2013,主持;
(9) 用於發動機活塞環的PVD塗層技術,中俄國際合作項目,2011-2013,參與;
(10) 納米晶複合刀具塗層的製備、增硬效應及其量子理論研究,國家自然科學基金-青年基金,2009-2012,主持;
3. 近期發表相關論文目錄
[1]. Bing Yang(楊兵), Chunhua Yao, Yanhao Yu, Zhaodong Li& Xudong Wang. Nature Degradable, Flexible, and Transparent Conductive Substrates from Green and Earth-Abundant Materials. Scientific Reports,7: 4936(2017).
[2]. Yao Cai, Huidong Liu, Ye Ma, Qiang Wan, Hao Chen, Yan Liu, Yanming Chen, Qingsong Mei and Bing Yang(楊兵),Effect of Ion Source Current on the Microstructure and Properties of Cr-DLC Coatings Prepared by Ion Beam-Assisted Arc Ion Plating, NANO,12 (2017) 1750053.
[3]. B. Han, Z. S. Wang, Neena Devi, B. Z. Lin, B. Yang(楊兵), C. S. Liu, D. J. Fu, Influence of N2 flow rate on structure and properties of TiBCN films prepared by multi-cathodic arc ion plating and studied with ion beam scattering spectroscopy, Nucl. Sci. Techn. 28 (2017) 59.
[4]. Q.Wan,Y.M. Chen,H.D. Liu,B.Yang(楊兵),Microstructure and mechanical properties of 3-D Ti-Si-N bulk materials synthesized by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 674 (2016) 131-135.
[5]. Y.Cai ,R.Y.Wang,H.D.Liu,C.Luo,Q.Wan,Y.Lin,H.Chen,Y.M.Chen,Q.S.Mei,B.Yang(楊兵),Investigation of (Ti:N)-DLC coatings prepared by ion source assisted cathodic arc ion-plating with varying Ti target currents, Diamond & Related Materials 69 (2016) 183-190.
[6]. Q. Wan ,H.Ding,M.I.Yousaf,Y.M.Chen,H.D.Liu,Longwei Hu,B.Yang(楊兵),Corrosion behaviors of TiN and Ti-Si-N (with 2.9 at.% and 5.0 at.% Si) coatings by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Thin Solid Films 616 (2016) 601-607.
[7]. Q. Wan, B. Yang, (楊兵),H.D. Liu,Q. S.Mei,Y.M. Chen, Ion irradiation tolerance of Ti-Si-N nanocomposite coating,Surface & Coatings Technology 305 (2016) 165-169.
[8]. H.D. Liu, T. R. Fu,M. H. Duan,Q. Wan,C. Luo,Y. M. Chen,D. J.Fu,F. Ren,Q.Y. Li,X. D. Cheng,B.Yang (楊兵),X. J. Hu,Structure and thermal stability of spectrally selective absorber based on AlCrON coating for solar-thermal conversion applications,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 157 (2016) 108–116.
[9]. H. D. Liu,Q.Wan,X.Li,C.Luo,W.Theiss,L. H.Zhang,Y. M Chen,D. J. Fu,F.Ren,Q. Y.Li,X. D.Cheng,X. J.Hu,B.Yang (楊兵),Optimization of AlCrO-based absorber with Mo infrared reflector for solar selective applications,Vacuum 128 (2016) 27-33.
[10]. B. Han , V.O. Pelenovich,M.I. Yousaf, S.J. Yan,W.Wang, S.Y. Zhou, B.Yang(楊兵), Z.W. Ai, C.S. Liu, D.J. Fu. Properties of CrN/Mo2N nano-multilayer films synthesized by multi-cathodic arc ion plating system.Thin Solid Films 619 (2016) 160–165.
[11]. Wei Wang, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, M.I. Yousaf, Shaojian Yan, Han Bin, Zesong Wang, A.B. Tolstogouzov, P. Kumar, Bing Yang(楊兵), De Jun Fu. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of WC/a-C:H coatings deposited by cathodic arc ion-plating. Vacuum 132 (2016) 31-39.
[12]. C.X. Tian,Q. Wan,H. Ding,M.Q. Hong,R.Y. Wang,H.D. Liu,Y.M. Chen,S.J. Yan,F. Ren,B. Yang(楊兵),V.O. Pelenovich,D.J. Fu,Effects of SiH4 flow rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiSiN nanocomposite coatings by cathodic arc ion plating,Vacuum 117 (2015) 12-16.
[13]. H.D. Liu,Q. Wan,Y.R. Xu,C. luo,Y.M. Chen,D.J. Fu,F. Ren,G. Luo,X.D. Cheng,X.J. Hu,B. Yang(楊兵),Long-term thermal stability of CrAlO-based solar selective absorbing coating in elevated temperature air,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells134(2015)261–267.
[14]. M.I. Yousaf,V.O. Pelenovich,C.S. Liu,D.J. F,B. Yang(楊兵), Influence of substrate rotation speed on the structure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline AlTiN/MoN coatings synthesized by cathodic arc ion-plating,Surface & Coatings Technology265(2015 )117~124.
[15]. M.I. Yousaf,V.O. Pelenovich,C.S. Liu,D.J. F,B. Yang(楊兵), Effect of bilayer period on structural and mechanical properties of nanocomposite TiAlN/MoN multilayer films synthesized by cathodic arc ion-plating,Surface & Coatings Technology 282(2015)94~102
[16]. Y.R. Xu ,H.D. Liu,Y.M. Chen,M.I. Yousaf,C. Luo,Q. Wan,L.W. Hu,D.J. Fu,F. Ren,Z.G. Li,Q.S.Mei,B. Yang(楊兵),In situ synthesized TiC–DLC nanocomposite coatings on titanium surface in acetylene ambient,Applied Surface Science 349 (2015) 93–100.
[17]. S.Y. Zhou, S.J. Yan, B. Han, B. Yang(楊兵), B.Z. Lina, Z.D. Zhang, Z.W. Ai, V.O. Pelenovich, D.J. Fu,Influence of modulation period and modulation ratio on structure andmechanical properties of TiBN/CrN coatings deposited by multi-arcion plating. Applied Surface Science 351 (2015) 1116–1121.
[18]. Dianqing Gong, Huidong Liu, GanLuo, PuZhang, XudongCheng , BingYang(楊兵), YanbinWang , JieMin, WenxianWang, ShaopingChen, ZeqinCui, KeweiLi, Lifang Hu. Thermal aging test of AlCrNO-based solar selective absorbing coatings prepared by cathodic arc plating. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells136(2015)167–171.
[19]. M. Q. Hong, F. Ren, Y. Q. Wang, H. X. Zhang, X. H. Xiao, D. J. Fu, B. Yang(楊兵), C. Z. Jiang, Size-dependent radiation tolerance and corrosion resistance in ion irradiated CrN/AlTiN nanofilms, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 342 (2015) 137.
[20]. V. O. Pelenovich, R. Z. Xiao, Y. Liu, P. K. Liu, M. K. Li, Y. B(楊兵). He, D. J. Fu, Characterization of Bi2Se3:Fe epitaxial films grown by pulsed laser deposition, Thin Solid Films 577 (2015) 119.
[21]. B. Z. Lin, L. L. Wang, Q. Wan, S. J. Yan, Z. S. Wang, B. Yang(楊兵), D. J. Fu, Low friction-coefficient TiBCN nanocomposite coatings prepared by cathode arc plasma deposition, Plasma Sci. Technol. 17 (2015) 221.
[22]. C. Li, S. Xu, Y. Yue, B. Yang(楊兵), X. Wang, Thermal Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Fiber by Time-Domain Differential Raman, Carbon, 103(2016)101-108.
[23]. M. Q. Hong, Y. Q. Wang, F. Ren, H. X. Zhang, D. J. Fu, B. Yang(楊兵), X. H. Xiao, C. Z. Jiang, Helium release and amorphization resistance in ion irradiated nanochannel films, EPL 106 (2014) 12001.
[24]. S. J. Yan, C. X. Tian, Z. H. Huang, B. Yang(楊兵), D. J. Fu, Structure and mechanical properties of CrTiAlN/TiAlN composite coatings deposited by multi-arc ion plating, Plasma Sci. Technol. 16 (2014) 969.
[25]. H.D. Liu ,Q.Wan,B.Z. Lin,L.L.Wang,X.F.Yang,R.Y.Wang,D.Q.Gong,Y.B.Wang,F.Ren,Y.M.Chen,X.D.Cheng,B.Yang (楊兵),The spectral properties and thermal stability of CrAlO-based solar selective absorbing nanocomposite coating,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 122(2014)226–232.
[26]. B. Yang(楊兵),C.X. Tian,Q. Wan,S.J. Yan,H.D. Liu,R.Y. Wang,Z.G. Li,Y.M. Chen,D.J. Fu,Synthesis and characterization of AlTiSiN/CrSiN multilayer coatings by cathodic arc ion-plating,Applied Surface Science,314(2014):581~585.
[27]. Mengqing Hong, Yongqiang Wang,Feng Ren, Hongxiu Zhang, Dejun Fu, Bing Yang(楊兵), Xiangheng Xiao and Changzhong Jiang, Helium release and amorphization resistance in ion irradiated nanochannel films,Europhysics Letters, 106 (2014) 12001.
[28]. R.Y. Wang, L.L. Wang, H.D. Liu, S.J. Yan, Y.M. Chen, D.J. Fu, B. Yang(楊兵). Synthesis and characterization of CrCN-DLC composite coatings by cathodic arc ion-plating. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 307 (2013) 185-188.
[29]. P.Z. Shi, J. Wang, C.X. Tian, Z.G. Li, G.D. Zhang, D.J. Fu, B. Yang(楊兵). Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of CrN thick coatings deposited by circular combined tubular arc ion plating, Surface & Coatings Technology 228 (2013) S534–S537.
[30]. L.L. Wang, R.Y. Wang, S.J. Yan, R. Zhang, B. Yang(楊兵), Z.D. Zhang, Z.H. Huang, D.J. Fu, Structure and properties of Mo-containing diamond-like carbon filmsproduced by ion source assisted cathodic arc ion-plating。Applied Surface Science 286 (2013) 109– 114.
[31]. C.X. Tian, B. Yang(楊兵), S.J. Yan, Z.H. Lu, Z.H. Huang, D.J. Fu. Influence of substrate rotation speed on the structure and mechanical properties of AlTiN/CrN coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology 228 (2013) S228–S232.
[32]. S. J. Yan, T. C. Fu, R. Y. Wang, C. X. Tian, Z. S. Wang, Z. H. Huang, B. Yang(楊兵), D. J. Fu, Deposition of CrSiN/AlTiSiN nano-multilayer coatings by multi-arc ion plating using gas source silicon, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 307 (2013) 143.
[33]. 付酮程,閆少健,田燦鑫,楊兵,黃志宏,付德君,CrAlTiN及CrAlTiSiN納米多層複合塗層的製備及力學性能,中國表面工程 26 (2013) 123.
[34]. Mengqing Hong, Feng Ren, Hongxiu Zhang, Xiangheng Xiao, Bing Yang(楊兵), Canxin Tian, Dejun Fu, Yongqiang Wang, and Changzhong Jiang. Enhanced radiation tolerance in nitride multilayered nanofilms with small period-thicknesses. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101, 153117 (2012).
[35]. Huangzhi, Lu Yuxuan, Qin Hanshi, Yangbing(楊兵), Hu Xuejiao,Rapid Synthesis of Wettability Gradient on Copper for Improved Drop-Wise Condensation,Advanced Engineering Materials, 14(2012)491-496.
[36]. Tian Can-Xin, Yangbing(楊兵), Hejun, Wang Hong-Jun, Fu, De-Jun,Structural and Mechanical Properties of CrN(x) Coatings Deposited by Medium-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering with and without Ion Source Assistance. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011(2011)1-7.
[37]. 劉傳勝,楊種田,楊兵,田燦鑫,付德君,多弧-磁控濺射法製備Ti-Si-N納米複合塗層及塗層的結構和力學性能,粉末冶金材料科學與工程 15 (2010) 543.
[38]. 劉傳勝,閆少健,田燦鑫,楊兵,付德君,多弧離子鍍製備的CrTiAlN塗層的結構和摩擦學性能,粉末冶金材料科學與工程 15 (2010) 554.
[39]. H. J. Wang, C. W. Zou, B. Yang(楊兵), H. B. Lu, C. X. Tian, H. J. Yang, M. Li, C. S. Liu, D. J. Fu, J. R. Liu, Electrodeposition of tubular-rod structure gold nanowires using nanoporous anodic alumina oxide as template, Electrochem. Commun. 11 (2009) 2019.
[40]. Z.T. Yang, B. Yang(楊兵), L.P. Guo, D.J. Fu, Synthesis of Ti-Si-N nanocomposite coatings by a novel cathodic arc assisted middle-frequency magnetron sputtering, Applied surface science.255 (2009) 4720–4724.(SCI)
[41]. Z.T. Yang, B. Yang(楊兵), L.P. Guo, D.J. Fu, Effect of bias voltage on the structure and hardness of Ti-Si-N composite coatings synthesized by cathodic arc assisted middle-frequency magnetron sputtering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds473 (2009)437-441.
[42]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, Z.Y. Zeng, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Characterization and properties of Ti-containing amorphous carbon nanocomposite coatings prepared by middle frequency magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol. 200 (2006) 5812-5818. (SCI)
[43]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, Z.Y. Zeng, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Tribological performance and liquid impact erosion resistance of Ti-containing amorphous carbon coatings, Surf. Coat. Technol. Volume 201, Issues 9-11,26 February 2007,Pages 5157-5160.
[44]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Droplet-free TiC-DLC nanocomposite coatings deposited by combined cathodic arc MF-magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol.Volume 201, Issue 15,23 April 2007,Pages 6808-6811.
[45]. Z.H. Huang, B. Yang(楊兵), C.S. Liu, L.P. Guo, X.J. Fan and D.J. Fu Effect of annealing on the composition, structure and mechanical properties of carbon nitride films deposited by middle-frequency magnetron sputtering. Materials Letters,61 (2007) 3443–3445.
[46]. Z.H. Huang, B. Yang (楊兵), C.S. Liu, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, A cathodic arc enhanced middle-frequency magnetron sputter system for deposition of hard protective coatings.Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli, v 17, n 3, June, 2006, p 135-142.
[47]. Z.H. Huang, B. Yang (楊兵), C.S. Liu, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Formation of β-C3N4 nanocrystals in Ti-doped carbon nitride films prepared by cathode arc-assisted middle-frequency magnetron sputtering. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters, v 45, n 20-23, Jun 2, 2006, pL562-L564.
[48]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Structure and tribological properties of Ti-containing amorphous carbon coatings prepared by cathode arc-enhanced middle-frequency magnetron sputtering. Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli, v 17, n 2,April, 2006, p 78-82.
[49]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, Z.Y. Zeng, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Ti-containing amorphous carbon nanocomposite coatings prepared by means of eight-target arc-assisted middle frequency magnetron sputtering. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.44, No.32, 2005, pp. L1022-L1025.
4. 獲批的國家發明專利
[1]. 萬強,楊兵,羅暢,劉輝東,接地網NiP-DLC複合抗腐蝕防護塗層及製備方法,授權,2016.01.13,ZL201410196299.2
[2]. 萬強,楊兵,王如意,劉輝東,陳燕鳴,基於透射電子顯微鏡的T91鋼老化評級方法,授權,2015.04.15,ZL201310240618.0
[3]. 楊兵,萬強,王如意,劉輝東,一種測定鋼中Laves相含量的方法,授權,2015.03.25,ZL201310134969.3
[4]. 萬強,楊兵,王如意,劉輝東,一種高溫水蒸汽氧化與氧化皮剝落模擬裝置,授權,2015.03.25,ZL201310127173.5
[5]. 楊兵,王如意,陳燕鳴,一種AlTiN-AlCrN超硬納米多層複合塗層滾齒刀及其製備方法,授權,2014.10.22,ZL201210368027.7
[6]. 楊兵,王如意,丁輝,付德君,一種CN-MCN超硬自潤滑納米複合塗層及其製備方法,授權,2014.08.17,ZL201210395692.5
[7]. 楊兵,王如意,丁輝,付德君,氮化碳基納米複合塗層發動機燃油泵柱塞及其製備方法,授權,2014.12.03,ZL201210366567.1
[8]. 楊兵,陳燕鳴,王如意,劉輝東,超硬TiN-TiSiN-CN多層交替複合梯度塗層硬質合金刀片及製備方法,授權,2014.12.31,ZL201310061588.7
[9]. 楊兵,萬強,陳燕鳴,王如意,劉輝東,一種管道內壁防腐蝕耐磨Si/Si-DLC/DLC自潤滑塗層及其製備方法,授權,2013.6.5,ZL201310061367.X
[10]. 劉輝東,楊兵,萬強,王如意,一種納米複合Cr-Al-O太陽光譜選擇吸收塗層及其製備方法,授權,2013.8.21,ZL201310189629.0
[11]. 楊小芳,楊兵,王如意,劉輝東,萬強,一種AlTiN-MoN納米多層複合塗層銑刀及其製備方法,授權,2013.6.12,ZL201310094138.8
[12]. 楊兵,陳燕鳴,王如意,劉輝東,一種超硬納米晶TiN-CN-DLC梯度複合塗層合金鑽頭及其製備方法,授權,2013.4.24,ZL201310061358.0
[13]. 楊兵,丁輝,付德君,田燦鑫,超硬類金剛石基納米複合塗層印刷電路板微鑽及其製備方法,授權,2011.12.28,ZL201010174333.8 .
[14]. 張國棟,劉念,楊兵,一種利用自蔓延高溫反應合成SO2納米帶的製備方法,授權,2012.5.23,專利號:ZL201010574924.4.
[15]. 楊兵,丁輝,一種中空陰極電弧離子鍍塗層系統,授權,2011.6.15,專利號:ZL2009102725014.4.
[16]. 楊兵,丁輝,中頻磁控輝光放電法製備複合類金剛石塗層,授權,2011.5.11,ZL200910272795.0.
[17]. 楊兵,楊種田,丁輝,付德君,一種 Ti-Si-N 納米晶-非晶複合超硬塗層的製備方法,授權,2011.3.20,ZL200810197643.4.
[18]. 楊兵,丁輝,付德君,一種納米複合類金剛石塗層製備方法,授權,2009.11.18,ZL 200710053095.
[19]. 楊兵,丁輝,付德君,PVD鉻基陶瓷複合塗層活塞環及其製備方法,授權,2010.6.2,ZL200810236816.9.
[20]. 范湘軍,彭有貴,楊兵,付德君, 一種對靶孿生磁控濺射離子鍍沉積裝置,授權,2008.6.4,ZL200510019161.6.
[21]. 楊兵,付德君,范湘軍,彭有貴,複合類金剛石塗層紡織鋼領及其製備方法,授權,2008.4.9,ZL200510019963.7.


