


  • 中文名:楊兵
  • 出生日期:1977年11月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:副教授
楊兵,珞珈青年學者。1999年畢業於武漢水利電力大學金屬材料及熱處理專業。1999-2002 年在武漢大學材料工程系攻讀碩士學位,進行納米複合氮化碳功能薄膜材料的研究。 2002年入武漢大學物理科學與技術學院就讀粒子物理與原子核物理專業,師從付德君和范湘軍教授攻讀博士學位。2005年 12月畢業後留校任教。以第一作者在Surface & Coating Technology、Applied Surface science等雜誌上發表論文近20 篇。提交專利20多項,獲批15 項。主持了教育部博士點基金(20090141120067)、國家自然科學基金-青年基金項目(項目編號:50905130)、國家自然科學基金-面上項目(11275141)各一項。作為骨幹人員參加了國家科技重大專項“高檔數控工具機與基礎製造裝備”子課題及中俄國際合作項目“用於發動機活塞環的環境友好 PVD 技術”(項目編號:2011DFR50580)項目的研究。此外還參與多項國家自然基金重點及重大研究計畫培育項目以及橫向合作項目。在塗層材料研究方面具有良好的理論基礎和實踐經驗。
[1]. H.D. Liu, Q. Wan, Y.R. Xu, C. luo, Y.M. Chen, D.J. Fu, F. Ren, G. Luo, X.D. Cheng, X.J. Hu, B. Yang(楊兵),Long-term thermal stability of CrAlO-based solar selective absorbing coating in elevated temperature air. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 134, March 2015, Pages 261-267. (SCI,影響因子:5.205).
[2]. B. Yang(楊兵), C.X. Tian, Q. Wan, S.J. Yan, H.D. Liu, R.Y. Wang, Z.G. Li, Y.M. Chen, D.J. Fu, Synthesis and characterization of AlTiSiN/CrSiN multilayer coatings by cathodic arc ion-plating, Volume 314, 30 September 2014, Pages 581-585, Applied Surface Science. (SCI,影響因子:2.09)
[3]. H.D. Liu,Q.Wan, B.Z. Lin, L.L. Wang , X.F. Yang, B. Yang(楊兵) ,The spectral properties and thermal stability of CrAlO-based solar selective absorbing nanocomposite coating. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 122 (2014) 226–232. (SCI,影響因子:5.205).
[4]. R.Y. Wang, L.L. Wang, H.D. Liu, S.J. Yan, Y.M. Chen, D.J. Fu, B. Yang(楊兵). Synthesis and characterization of CrCN-DLC composite coatings by cathodic arc ion-plating. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 307 (2013) 185-188.
[5]. P.Z. Shi, J. Wang, C.X. Tian, Z.G. Li, G.D. Zhang, D.J. Fu, B. Yang(楊兵). Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of CrN thick coatings deposited by circular combined tubular arc ion plating, Surface & Coatings Technology 228 (2013) S534–S537. (SCI,影響因子:2.10).
[6]. C.X. Tian, B. Yang(楊兵), S.J. Yan, Z.H. Lu, Z.H. Huang, D.J. Fu. Influence of substrate rotation speed on the structure and mechanical properties of AlTiN/CrN coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology 228 (2013) S228–S232. (SCI,影響因子:2.10).
[7]. Tian Can-Xin, Yangbing(楊兵), Hejun, Wang Hong-Jun, Fu, De-Jun,Structural and Mechanical Properties of CrN(x) Coatings Deposited by Medium-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering with and without Ion Source Assistance. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011(2011)1-7.
[8]. Huangzhi, Lu Yuxuan, Qin Hanshi, Yangbing(楊兵), Hu Xuejiao,Rapid Synthesis of Wettability Gradient on Copper for Improved Drop-Wise Condensation,Advanced Engineering Materials, 14(2012)491-496.
[9]. Z.T. Yang, B. Yang(楊兵), L.P. Guo, D.J. Fu, Synthesis of Ti-Si-N nanocomposite coatings by a novel cathodic arc assisted middle-frequency magnetron sputtering, Applied surface science.255 (2009) 4720–4724.(SCI)
[10]. Z.T. Yang, B. Yang(楊兵), L.P. Guo, D.J. Fu, Effect of bias voltage on the structure and hardness of Ti-Si-N composite coatings synthesized by cathodic arc assisted middle-frequency magnetron sputtering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds473 (2009)437-441.
[11]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, Z.Y. Zeng, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Characterization and properties of Ti-containing amorphous carbon nanocomposite coatings prepared by middle frequency magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol. 200 (2006) 5812-5818. (SCI)
[12]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, Z.Y. Zeng, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Tribological performance and liquid impact erosion resistance of Ti-containing amorphous carbon coatings, Surf. Coat. Technol. Volume 201, Issues 9-11,26 February 2007,Pages 5157-5160.
[13]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Droplet-free TiC-DLC nanocomposite coatings deposited by combined cathodic arc MF-magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol.Volume 201, Issue 15,23 April 2007,Pages 6808-6811.
[14]. Z.H. Huang, B. Yang(楊兵), C.S. Liu, L.P. Guo, X.J. Fan and D.J. Fu Effect of annealing on the composition, structure and mechanical properties of carbon nitride films deposited by middle-frequency magnetron sputtering. Materials Letters,61 (2007) 3443–3445.
[15]. Z.H. Huang, B. Yang (楊兵), C.S. Liu, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, A cathodic arc enhanced middle-frequency magnetron sputter system for deposition of hard protective coatings.Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli, v 17, n 3, June, 2006, p 135-142.
[16]. Z.H. Huang, B. Yang (楊兵), C.S. Liu, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Formation of β-C3N4 nanocrystals in Ti-doped carbon nitride films prepared by cathode arc-assisted middle-frequency magnetron sputtering. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters, v 45, n 20-23, Jun 2, 2006, pL562-L564.
[17]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Structure and tribological properties of Ti-containing amorphous carbon coatings prepared by cathode arc-enhanced middle-frequency magnetron sputtering. Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli, v 17, n 2,April, 2006, p 78-82.
[18]. B. Yang (楊兵), Z.H. Huang, C.S. Liu, Z.Y. Zeng, X.J. Fan, D.J. Fu, Ti-containing amorphous carbon nanocomposite coatings prepared by means of eight-target arc-assisted middle frequency magnetron sputtering. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.44, No.32, 2005, pp. L1022-L1025.


