


  • 中文名:植物生理學(全英文課程)
  • 類別:慕課
  • 提供院校:深圳大學
  • 授課老師:莫蓓莘




01Water Relations of Plants
1.1 Why water is important to plants
1.2 Water movement and water potential
1.3 The forces governing water movement in cells
1.4 How plants take up water and transport water
1.5 How plants lose water
02Mineral Nutrients
2.1 Definition of relevant terms and role of nutrients.
2.2 How plants cell absorb mineral nutrients.
2.3 How mineral nutrients are transported within plants.
2.4 How plants utilize nitrogen.
2.5 Biological nitrogen fixation.
03Photosynthesis: The Acquisition of Carbon
3.1 Definition of photosynthesis.
3.2 How sunlight is captured by plants
3.3 Events that are triggered by the perception of sunlight
3.4 How light energy is captured as chemical energy
3.5 How this chemical energy is used in the production of sugars
3.6 Alternative photosynthetic mechanisms and water use efficiency
04Translocation and Distribution of Photoassimilates
4.1 The pathways, directions and transport forms of photoassimilates
4.2 The mechanism of translocation in the phloem
4.3 Photoassimilates loading and unloading
4.4 How photoassimilate allocation and partitioning are regulated
5.1 What occurs during respiration
5.2 Glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway
5.3 Mitochondria and the citric acid cycle
5.4 Energy production by the electron transport chain
5.5 Fermentation
06Secondary Metabolites
6.1 Definition and synthesis of secondary metabolites
6.2 Terpenes
6.3 Simple and complex phenolics
6.4 Nitrogen-containing compounds
07Signal Transduction Pathway
7.1 What is a signal transduction pathway
7.2 Perception of a signal by a receptor
7.3 Trans-membrane signal transduction
7.4 Messenger systems
7.5 Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
08Plant Growth Substances
8.1 Definition and types of growth substances
8.2 History, synthesis, nature and action of auxins
8.3 Gibberellins and cytoki
8.4 Ethylene and abscisic acid
8.5 Other hormones, plant growth regulators
09The Influence of Light on Plant Development
9.1 Concepts of photomorphogenesis and photoreceptors
9.2 Discovery and properties of phytochrome
9.3 Characteristics of different phytochrome-induced responses
9.4 Mechanisms of phytochrome action
9.5 Non-phytochrome responses
10Plant Growth and Development
10.1 Mitosis and regulation of the cell division cycle
10.2 Cells expansion and cell differentiation
10.3 Embryogenesis, seed germination and seedling establishment
10.4 Apical differentiation, organ formation and plant growth
10.5 Tropic and nastic movements
11Plant Reproductive Physiology
11.1 The transition from vegetative and floral meristems
11.2 The induction of flowering by light
11.3 The induction of flowering by cold
11.4 Floral organ identity genes
11.5 Sexual reproduction
12Plant Maturation and Senescence
12.1 The development of seeds and their storage reserves
12.2 The development and ripening of fruit
12.3 What is seed dormancy and how it is broken
12.4 What are senescence and programmed cell death
12.5 What is abscission and what factors influence it
13Physiology of Plants under Stress
13.1 Plants, stress conditions and symptoms
13.2 Impacts of water stress and plant resistance to its effects
13.3 Plant responses to chilling and heat stress
13.4 Plant responses to salinity stress
13.5 Plant responses to pathogen attack


