


  • 中文名:梅躍松
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校: 北京理工大學


1998年9月----2002年6月 北京理工大學機械電子工程專業,本科
2002年9月----2007年3月 北京理工大學飛行器設計專業,博士


2007年3月-2008年3月 北京理工資產經營有限公司,職員
2008.3-至今 北京理工大學宇航學院,講師。


1. 飛行器總體設計;
2. 飛行器制導控制系統設計。


1. 本科生《飛行器總體設計基礎》;
2. 本科生《虛擬飛行技術基礎》;
3. 本科生《飛行器系統分析與設計》;
4. 碩士生課程《飛行器總體分析與設計》;



1. Huadong Sun, Jianqiao Yu, Yuesong Mei. Numerical investigation of static and dynamic aerodynamic characteristics for a guided projectile with fin slot. Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 998-999. 442-445. 2014.
2. Guanchen Luo, Jianqiao Yu, Siyu Zhang and Yuesong Mei. UAV path planning in mixed-obstacle environment via artificial potential field method improved by additional control force. Asian Journal of Control. Accept. 2014.
3. Yongbo Chen, Guanchen Luo, Yuesong Mei, Jianqiao Yu and Xiaolong Su. UAV path planning using artificial potential field method updated by optimal control theory. International Journal of Systems Science. DOI:10.1080/00207721.2014.929191. 1-14. 2014.
4. Qibo Deng, Jianqiao Yu, and Yuesong Mei. Deadlock-Free Consecutive Task Assignment of Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Aircraft. Vol.51 No.2. 596-605. 2014.
5. Yuesong Mei, JianqiaoYu, Tianpeng Yu and Jingxu Li. Determining the characteristics of the initial fixed-focus of laser beam riding guidance information field. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1. 6-11. 2013.
6. Jianqiao Yu, Guanchen Luo and Yuesong Mei. Surface-to-air Missile Autopilot Design Using LQG/LTR Gain Scheduling Method. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. Vol. 24. No. 3. 279-286. 2011.
7. 梅躍松,於劍橋,周亮,孟宏志,張偉. 基於微分進化算法的飛彈起飛質量最佳化設計. 北京理工大學學報,31卷11期,1270-1272,2011.
8. Jianqiao Yu, Yuesong Mei and Chao Han. Trajectory design and simulation in injection phase for hyper-velocity kinetic energy missile. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology.Vol. 20. No.1. 18-22. 2011.
9. 梅躍松, 於劍橋, 陳曦. 移動背景下的運動目標跟蹤,紅外與雷射工程,40卷4期, 757-761, 2011.
10. 於劍橋, 梅躍松, 孟宏志. 鴨式氣動布局單通道控制滾轉飛彈轉速設計. 彈道學報. 22卷2期, 32-34, 2010.
11. 梅躍松,楊樹興,莫波. 一種改進的基於互信息的自動圖像配準算法. 雷射與 紅外. 第37卷第5期,470-473,2007.
12. 梅躍松, 楊樹興, 莫波. 一種基於新的相似性測度的自動圖像配準算法. 儀器儀表學報. 第28卷第4期增刊,336-339,2007.


1. Huchao Jiang, Yuesong Mei, Jianqiao Yu, Jingxu Li and Xi Chen. Trajectory Optimization Design of the Trajectory about Gun-Launched Missile Based on SQP. Proceedings of the 33nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC). Accept. 2014.
2. Yongxuan Han, Jianqiao Yu, Yuesong Mei and Bin Dai. Roll angle measurement system of guided projectile based on scanning laser beam. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference. 5059-5064. 2013.
3. Yongxuan Han, Yuesong Mei, Jianqiao Yu and Bin Dai. The application of integral filter in guided projectile to determine the initial roll angle. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC). 5111-15. 2013.
4. Yuesong Mei and Jianqiao Yu. An algorithm for automatic extraction of moving object in the image guidance. 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application, ISDEA 2010, 226-230, 2010.


