

梁霄,男,醫學博士,浙江大學副教授,博士生導師浙江大學醫學院附屬邵逸夫醫院普外科副主任,肝膽胰外科主任醫師,日間手術中心主任。師從我國著名的腹腔鏡肝臟外科開拓者蔡秀軍教授,開展肝膽胰外科及微創外科的基礎及臨床研究,曾赴著名的美國梅奧醫學中心及法國巴黎Paul Broussel肝膽中心訪問學習。擔任中國醫師協會外科學分會專業信息傳播和醫學教育工作委員會副主任委員,中華醫學會外科學分會脾臟及門脈高壓症學組全國委員,中國醫師協會外科醫師分會膽道外科醫師委員會委員,美國外科學院委員(FACS), 國際腹腔鏡肝切除協會會員(ILLS),浙江省微創技術質量控制中心常務副主任,浙江大學微創外科研究所副所長,中國腹腔鏡肝臟外科學院院長助理,中國醫師協會機器人外科委員會全國青年委員,中國研究型醫院學會加速康復外科專業委員會常委,浙江省醫學會加速康復外科分會副主任委員,浙江省醫學會微創外科學分會青年委員會副主任委員,hepatology 中文版編委會委員,肝膽外科雜誌編委,中華消化外科雜誌通訊編委,入選浙江省衛生高層次創新人才及浙江省151人才工程。


  • 中文名:梁霄
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1975年3月 
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學醫學院
  • 學歷:博士
  • 教學職稱:副教授
  • 臨床職稱:主任醫師
  • 執業地點:浙江大學醫學院附屬邵逸夫醫院
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員 


1993—1998 溫州醫學院(浙江省優秀畢業生恥府和) 臨床醫學 學士
1998—1999 溫州醫學院附屬第一醫院 住院醫師
1999—2002 浙江大學醫學院 外科學 碩士
2004—2008 浙江大學醫學院附屬邵逸夫醫院 主治醫師
2006—2011 浙江大學醫學院 外科學 博士
2009—2013 浙江大學醫學院附屬邵逸夫醫院 副主任醫師
2014—喇甩煮榆 浙江大學醫學院附屬邵逸夫醫院 主任醫師




與浙大化學系合作,在基於質譜技術的腫瘤液體活檢及肝癌的早期診斷領域開展了一系列的研究工作。在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano,Anal. Chem.; Small, Chem. Commun., Adv. Health. Mater., Biosens. Bioelectron., Anal. Chim. Acta., Analyst等重要學術期刊發表論文多篇。




  1. Sui Xinbing, Liang Xiao, Chen Liuxi, et al. Bacterial xenophagy and its possible role in cancer: A potential antimicrobial strategy for cancer prevention and treatment.[J] .Autophagy, 2017, 13: 237-247.
  2. Wei Fangqiang, Lu Chen, Cai Liuxin, Yu Hong, Liang Xiao, et al. Can laparoscopic liver resection provide a favorable option for patients with large or multiple intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas?[J]. Surgical Endoscopy, 2017.
  3. Li Xiao, Chen Xiaoming, Tan Jie, et al. Palladium modified porous silicon as multi-functional MALDI chip for serum peptide detection.[J] .Analyst, 2017, 142: 586-590.
  4. Shen Jiliang, Zhou Senjun, Shi Liang, Liu Xiaolong, Lin Hui, Yu Hong, Liang Xiao, et al. DUSP1 inhibits cell proliferation, metastasis and invasion and angiogenesis in gallbladder cancer.[J] .Oncotarget, 2017, 8: 12133-12144.
  5. Rui Ma, Jiang Chen, Yuelong Liang, Shuang Lin, Linghua Zhu, Xiao Liang, et al. Sorafenib: A potential therapeutic drug for hepatic fibrosis and its outcomes.[J]. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017, 88:459~468.
  6. Zhang F, Xiang S, Cao Y, Li M, Ma Q, Liang H, Li H, Ye Y, Zhang Y, Jiang L, Hu Y, Zhou J, Wang X, Zhang Y, Nie L, Liang X, et al. EIF3D promotes gallbladder cancer development by stabilizing GRK2 kinase and activating PI3K-AKT signaling pathway.[J] .Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8: e2868.
  7. Tong Y, Li Z, Liang Y, Yu H, Liang X, et al. Postoperative adjuvant TACE for patients of hepatocellular carcinoma in AJCC stage I: friend or foe? a propensity score analysis.[J] .Oncotarget, 2017, 8: 26671-26678.
  8. Xu J, Zheng L, Chen J, Sun Y, Lin H, Jin RA, Tang M, Liang X, et al. Increasing AR by HIF-2α inhibitor (PT-2385) overcomes the side-effects of sorafenib by suppressing hepatocellular carcinoma invasion via alteration of pSTAT3, pAKT and pERK signals.[J] .Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8: e3095.
  9. Chen X, Wo F, Chen J, Tan J, Wang T, Liang X, et al. Ratiometric Mass Spectrometry for Cell Identification and Quantitation Using Intracellular "Dual-Biomarkers".[J] .Sci Rep, 2017, 7: 17432.
  10. Shi L, Yan P, Liang Y, Sun Y, Shen J, Zhou S, Lin H, Liang X, et al. Circular RNA expression is suppressed by androgen receptor (AR)-regulated adenosine deaminase that acts on RNA (ADAR1) in human hepatocellular carcinoma.[J] .Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8: e3171.
  11. Jin RenAn,Yu Qingsong,Liang Xiao,Ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma manifesting multiple abdominal masses: A case report.[J] .Medicine (Baltimore), 2017, 96: e8968.
  12. Cai Xiujun,Tong Yifan,Yu Hong, Liang X, et al. The ALPPS in the Treatment of Hepatitis B-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Cirrhosis: A Single-Center Study and Literature Review.[J] .Surg Innov, 2017, 24: 358-364.
  13. Liang Xiao, Ying Hanning, Wang Hongwei, et al. Enhanced recovery care versus traditional care after laparoscopic liver resections: a randomized controlled trial.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2018, 32: 2746-2757.
  14. Liang Xiao,Ying Hanning,Wang Hongwei et al. Enhanced recovery care versus traditional care after laparoscopic liver resections: a randomized controlled trial.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2018, 32: 2746-2757.
  15. Liu H, Cen D, Yu Y, Wang Y, Liang X, et al. Does fibrosis have an impact on survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: evidence from the SEER database?[J] .BMC Cancer, 2018, 18: 1125.
  16. Fang Yifeng, Liang Xiao, Xu Junfen, et al. miR-424 targets AKT3 and PSAT1 and has a tumor-suppressive role in human colorectal cancer.[J] .Cancer Manag Res, 2018, 10: 6537-6547.
  17. Zhang X, Chen J, Jiang S, He S, Bai Y, Zhu L, Ma R, Liang X, et al. N-Acetyltransferase 10 Enhances Doxorubicin Resistance in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines by Promoting the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition.[J] .Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2019, 2019: 7561879.
  18. Zhao Y, Cai H, Zhou P, Lin S, Pan Y, Liang X, et al. Protective effect of ulinastatin on hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury through autophagy activation in Chang liver cells.[J] .J. Cell. Biochem., 2019, 120: 14960-14970.
  19. Cai J, Zheng J, Xie Y, Kirih MA, Tao L, Liang X. Laparoscopic repeat hepatectomy for treating recurrent liver cancer.[J] .J Minim Access Surg, 2019.
  20. Chen X, Gao J, Wang T, Jiang X, Chen J, Liang X, et al. Hepatocarcinoma Discrimination by Ratiometric Lipid Profiles Using Tip-Contact Sampling/Ionization Mass Spectrometry.[J] .Anal. Chem., 2019, 91: 10376-10380.
  21. Cai J, Zheng J, Xie Y, Kirih MA, Jiang G, Liang Y, Liang X, et al. A novel simple intra-corporeal Pringle maneuver for laparoscopic hemihepatectomy: how we do it.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2020, 34: 2807-2813.
  22. Zheng J, Feng X, Liang Y, Cai J, Shi Z, Kirih MA, Tao L, Liang X. Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma with clinically significant portal hypertension: a propensity score-matched study.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2020.
  23. Cai Y, Liang B, Chen S, Zhu Q, Tu T, Wu K, Cao Q, Fang L, Liang X, et al. One-step modification of nano-polyaniline/glucose oxidase on double-side printed flexible electrode for continuous glucose monitoring: Characterization, cytotoxicity evaluation and in vivo experiment.[J] .Biosens Bioelectron, 2020, 165: 112408.
  24. Zheng J, Feng X, Cai J, Tao L, Liang X. Laparoscopic Anatomical Portal Territory Hepatectomy with Cirrhosis by Takasaki's Approach and Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Navigation (with Video).[J] .Ann. Surg. Oncol., 2020.


  1. 2008年浙江省科技廳重大科技專項重點社會發展項目—內支架結腸穿孔一期修補技術的研究. 項目編號2008C13026-1. 2008.9-2011.12
  2. 2018年浙江省自然基金面上項目—LncRNA-HOTAIRM1調控自噬介導肝癌索拉非尼耐藥性研究. 項目編號LY18H160029. 2018.1-2020.12
  3. 2018年國家自然基金重大科研儀器研製項目—多模態影像融合肝臟微創手術導航儀器系統的研發. 2019.1-2023.12


與浙大化學系合作,在基於質譜技術的腫瘤液體活檢及肝癌的早期診斷領域開展了一系列的研究工作。在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano,Anal. Chem.; Small, Chem. Commun., Adv. Health. Mater., Biosens. Bioelectron., Anal. Chim. Acta., Analyst等重要學術期刊發表論文多篇。




  1. Sui Xinbing, Liang Xiao, Chen Liuxi, et al. Bacterial xenophagy and its possible role in cancer: A potential antimicrobial strategy for cancer prevention and treatment.[J] .Autophagy, 2017, 13: 237-247.
  2. Wei Fangqiang, Lu Chen, Cai Liuxin, Yu Hong, Liang Xiao, et al. Can laparoscopic liver resection provide a favorable option for patients with large or multiple intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas?[J]. Surgical Endoscopy, 2017.
  3. Li Xiao, Chen Xiaoming, Tan Jie, et al. Palladium modified porous silicon as multi-functional MALDI chip for serum peptide detection.[J] .Analyst, 2017, 142: 586-590.
  4. Shen Jiliang, Zhou Senjun, Shi Liang, Liu Xiaolong, Lin Hui, Yu Hong, Liang Xiao, et al. DUSP1 inhibits cell proliferation, metastasis and invasion and angiogenesis in gallbladder cancer.[J] .Oncotarget, 2017, 8: 12133-12144.
  5. Rui Ma, Jiang Chen, Yuelong Liang, Shuang Lin, Linghua Zhu, Xiao Liang, et al. Sorafenib: A potential therapeutic drug for hepatic fibrosis and its outcomes.[J]. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017, 88:459~468.
  6. Zhang F, Xiang S, Cao Y, Li M, Ma Q, Liang H, Li H, Ye Y, Zhang Y, Jiang L, Hu Y, Zhou J, Wang X, Zhang Y, Nie L, Liang X, et al. EIF3D promotes gallbladder cancer development by stabilizing GRK2 kinase and activating PI3K-AKT signaling pathway.[J] .Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8: e2868.
  7. Tong Y, Li Z, Liang Y, Yu H, Liang X, et al. Postoperative adjuvant TACE for patients of hepatocellular carcinoma in AJCC stage I: friend or foe? a propensity score analysis.[J] .Oncotarget, 2017, 8: 26671-26678.
  8. Xu J, Zheng L, Chen J, Sun Y, Lin H, Jin RA, Tang M, Liang X, et al. Increasing AR by HIF-2α inhibitor (PT-2385) overcomes the side-effects of sorafenib by suppressing hepatocellular carcinoma invasion via alteration of pSTAT3, pAKT and pERK signals.[J] .Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8: e3095.
  9. Chen X, Wo F, Chen J, Tan J, Wang T, Liang X, et al. Ratiometric Mass Spectrometry for Cell Identification and Quantitation Using Intracellular "Dual-Biomarkers".[J] .Sci Rep, 2017, 7: 17432.
  10. Shi L, Yan P, Liang Y, Sun Y, Shen J, Zhou S, Lin H, Liang X, et al. Circular RNA expression is suppressed by androgen receptor (AR)-regulated adenosine deaminase that acts on RNA (ADAR1) in human hepatocellular carcinoma.[J] .Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8: e3171.
  11. Jin RenAn,Yu Qingsong,Liang Xiao,Ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma manifesting multiple abdominal masses: A case report.[J] .Medicine (Baltimore), 2017, 96: e8968.
  12. Cai Xiujun,Tong Yifan,Yu Hong, Liang X, et al. The ALPPS in the Treatment of Hepatitis B-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Cirrhosis: A Single-Center Study and Literature Review.[J] .Surg Innov, 2017, 24: 358-364.
  13. Liang Xiao, Ying Hanning, Wang Hongwei, et al. Enhanced recovery care versus traditional care after laparoscopic liver resections: a randomized controlled trial.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2018, 32: 2746-2757.
  14. Liang Xiao,Ying Hanning,Wang Hongwei et al. Enhanced recovery care versus traditional care after laparoscopic liver resections: a randomized controlled trial.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2018, 32: 2746-2757.
  15. Liu H, Cen D, Yu Y, Wang Y, Liang X, et al. Does fibrosis have an impact on survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: evidence from the SEER database?[J] .BMC Cancer, 2018, 18: 1125.
  16. Fang Yifeng, Liang Xiao, Xu Junfen, et al. miR-424 targets AKT3 and PSAT1 and has a tumor-suppressive role in human colorectal cancer.[J] .Cancer Manag Res, 2018, 10: 6537-6547.
  17. Zhang X, Chen J, Jiang S, He S, Bai Y, Zhu L, Ma R, Liang X, et al. N-Acetyltransferase 10 Enhances Doxorubicin Resistance in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines by Promoting the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition.[J] .Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2019, 2019: 7561879.
  18. Zhao Y, Cai H, Zhou P, Lin S, Pan Y, Liang X, et al. Protective effect of ulinastatin on hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury through autophagy activation in Chang liver cells.[J] .J. Cell. Biochem., 2019, 120: 14960-14970.
  19. Cai J, Zheng J, Xie Y, Kirih MA, Tao L, Liang X. Laparoscopic repeat hepatectomy for treating recurrent liver cancer.[J] .J Minim Access Surg, 2019.
  20. Chen X, Gao J, Wang T, Jiang X, Chen J, Liang X, et al. Hepatocarcinoma Discrimination by Ratiometric Lipid Profiles Using Tip-Contact Sampling/Ionization Mass Spectrometry.[J] .Anal. Chem., 2019, 91: 10376-10380.
  21. Cai J, Zheng J, Xie Y, Kirih MA, Jiang G, Liang Y, Liang X, et al. A novel simple intra-corporeal Pringle maneuver for laparoscopic hemihepatectomy: how we do it.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2020, 34: 2807-2813.
  22. Zheng J, Feng X, Liang Y, Cai J, Shi Z, Kirih MA, Tao L, Liang X. Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma with clinically significant portal hypertension: a propensity score-matched study.[J] .Surg Endosc, 2020.
  23. Cai Y, Liang B, Chen S, Zhu Q, Tu T, Wu K, Cao Q, Fang L, Liang X, et al. One-step modification of nano-polyaniline/glucose oxidase on double-side printed flexible electrode for continuous glucose monitoring: Characterization, cytotoxicity evaluation and in vivo experiment.[J] .Biosens Bioelectron, 2020, 165: 112408.
  24. Zheng J, Feng X, Cai J, Tao L, Liang X. Laparoscopic Anatomical Portal Territory Hepatectomy with Cirrhosis by Takasaki's Approach and Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Navigation (with Video).[J] .Ann. Surg. Oncol., 2020.


  1. 2008年浙江省科技廳重大科技專項重點社會發展項目—內支架結腸穿孔一期修補技術的研究. 項目編號2008C13026-1. 2008.9-2011.12
  2. 2018年浙江省自然基金面上項目—LncRNA-HOTAIRM1調控自噬介導肝癌索拉非尼耐藥性研究. 項目編號LY18H160029. 2018.1-2020.12
  3. 2018年國家自然基金重大科研儀器研製項目—多模態影像融合肝臟微創手術導航儀器系統的研發. 2019.1-2023.12


