在工作和學習期間發表論文三十餘篇,其中SCI/EI收錄論文20篇(一作SCI/EI收錄論文14篇);以第一發明人申請中國發明專利3項,均已進入實審; 主持國家自然科學基金項目1 項(題目:非晶合金微零件的超聲振壓注射成形研究,NO.51605304)、廣東省自然科學基金項目(題目:超高分子量聚乙烯微塑件超聲塑化模壓成型工藝及其塑化機理,NO.2016A030310036 )1 項和深圳市科技研發(基礎研究)項目1項(NO.JCYJ20150525092941026),作為骨幹成員重點參與國家自然科學基金面上項目1項(NO.51175348)和國家自然科學基金青年基金項目1項(NO.51501116)。
[1].Liang X, Ma J, Wu XY, et al. Micro injection of metallic glasses parts under ultrasonic vibration[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33(7): 703-707.
[2].Liang X, Wu XY, Zeng K, et al. Micro ultrasonic powder molding for semi-crystalline polymers[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2014, 24(4): 045014.
[3].Liang X, Wu XY, Xu B, et al. Phase structure development as preheating UHMWPE powder temperature changes in the micro-UPM process[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2016, 31(1): 015014.
[4].Liang X, Li B, Wu XY, et al. Micro UHMW-PE column array molded by the utilization of PCB as mold insert[J]. Circuit World, 2013, 39(2): 95-101.
[5].Liang X, Li B, Fu LY, et al. Mechanical drilling of PCB micro hole and its application in micro ultrasonic powder molding[J]. Circuit World.2015, 41(2): 87-94.
[6].Ma J, Liang X, Wu XY, et al. Sub-second thermoplastic forming of bulk metallic glasses by ultrasonic beating[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016,5:17844.
[7].Zeng K, Wu XY, Liang X, et al. Process and properties of micro-ultrasonic powder molding with polypropylene[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 70(1-4): 515-522.
[8].Peng TJ, Shi HY, Liang X, et al. Experimental investigation on sandwich structure ring-type ultrasonic motor[J]. Ultrasonics, 2015, 56: 303-307.
[9].Xu B, Wu XY, Ma J, Liang X, et al. Micro-electrical discharge machining of 3D micro-molds from Pd40Cu30P20Ni10 metallic glass by using laminated 3D micro-electrodes[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2016, 26(3): 035004.
[10].Peng TJ, Wu XY, Liang X, et al. Investigation of a rotary ultrasonic motor using a longitudinal vibrator and spiral fin rotor [J]. Ultrasonics, 2015, 61: 157-161.
[11].馬將, 楊燦, 龔峰, 伍曉宇, 梁雄*. 金屬玻璃的熱塑性成型 [J]. 物理學報, 2017, 66(17): 176404.(SCI)
[12].梁雄, 馬將, 徐斌, 等. 超聲粉末模壓成型超高分子量聚乙烯微塑件的相結構演變規律[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2016, 32(4): 111-114.
[13].梁雄, 李兵,伍曉宇, 等. 帶有測溫模組的可視化超聲模壓粉末塑化成型實驗平台的研製[J]. 儀器儀表學報, 2015, 36: 92-96.
[14].梁雄, 伍曉宇, 李兵, 等. 超聲粉末模壓成型超高分子量聚乙烯微塑件的兩相結構[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2014, 30(12): 103-108.
[15].梁雄, 伍曉宇, 李兵, 等. 微型塑膠雙聯齒輪的超音波焊接工藝[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2013, 29(7): 114-117.
[16].彭太江, 伍曉宇, 梁雄, 等. 螺旋葉片轉子超聲電機運動特性分析與測試[J]. 中國電機工程學報, 2014,34(26): 4534-4538.
[17].曾昆, 伍曉宇, 梁雄, 等. 微塑件超聲模壓成型對等規聚丙烯結晶行為的影響[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2014, 30(6): 82-86.
[1].梁雄,伍曉宇,馬將等.一種電阻焊和超音波複合成型裝置及成型方法:中國, CN201610231952.3 [P]. 2016.04.14.
[2].梁雄,伍曉宇,徐斌等. 一種帶有測溫模組的可視化超聲塑化成型裝置及成型方法: 中國, ZL201510686377.1 [P]. 2015-10-17.
[3].梁雄,劉永堅,詹慶鑫等. 紙幣整理裝置: 中國, ZL201610288101.2[P]. 2016-05-04.
[4].徐斌,伍曉宇,梁雄等. 一種基於雙向三維特徵疊加的三維微結構加工方法: 中國, ZL 201610070770.2 [P]. 2016-01-28.
[5].彭太江,伍曉宇,梁雄. 一種液體介質縱振非接觸式超音波電機: 中國, ZL 200910105954.8[P]. 2009-03-10.
[6].伍曉宇,費躍農,梁雄等. 一種選擇性阻焊熔化粉末快速成形方法: 中國, ZL 200710124264.8[P]. 2007-11-02.
[7].伍曉宇,李積彬,梁雄. 一種加固型快速粉末冶金模具製造方法: 中國, ZL 200710075882.8[P]. 2007-07-12.