1.S. Liu, Y. Cong, D. Wang, Y. Sun, L. Deng, Y. Liu, R. Martin-Trevino, L. Shang, S.P. McDermott, M.D. Landis, S. Hong, A. Adams, R. D'Angelo, C. Ginestier, E. Charafe-Jauffret, S.G. Clouthier, D. Birnbaum, S.T. Wong, M. Zhan, J.C. Chang, M.S. Wicha. Breast cancer stem cells transition between epithelial and mesenchymal states reflective of their normal counterparts. Cell: Stem Cell Reports (Advance Online).
2.M. Luo, X. Zhao, S. Chen, S. Liu, M.S. Wicha, J.L. Guan. Distinct FAK activities determine progenitor and mammary stem cell characteristics.Cancer Research 73(17): 5591-602, 2013.
3.S. Liu, S.H. Patel, C. Ginestier, I. Ibarra, R. Martin-Trevino, S. Bai, S. McDermott, L. Shang, J. Ke, S.J. Ou, A. Heath, K.J. Zhang, H. Korkaya, S.G. Clouthier, E. Charafe-Jauffret, D. Birnbaum, G.J. Hannon, and M.S. Wicha. MicroRNA93 Modulates Breast Cancer Stem Cells by Regulating their EMT/MET States, Proliferation and Differentiation.PlosGenetics 8(6), 2012. (*Corresponding Author). PMID: 22685420.
4.S. Liu, H Korkaya, M.S. Wicha. Are cancer stem cells ready for prime time? The Scientist. April 1, 2012.
5.H. Korkaya, G. Kim, A. Davis,F. Malik,L.N. Henry,S Ithimakin,A.A. Quraishi, N. Tawakkol,R. D’Angelo, A.K. Paulson,S. Chung,T. Luther,H.J. Paholak, S. Liu, K.A. Hassan, Q. Zen,S.G. Clouthier,and M.S. Wicha. Activation of an IL6 Inflammatory Loop Mediates Trastuzumab Resistance in HER2+ Breast Cancer by Expanding the Cancer Stem Cell Population.Molecular Cell 47: 1-15, 2012.
6.S. Liu, S.G. Clouthier, M.S. Wicha. Role of microRNAs in the regulation of breast cancer stem cells. Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia February 14 (online), 2012.
7.J. Wu, S. Liu, G. Liu, A. Dombkowski, J. Abrams, R. Martin-Trevino, M.S. Wicha, S.P. Ethier, Z.Q. Yang. Identification and functional analysis of 9p24 amplified genes in human breast cancer. Oncogene. 31(3):333-41, 2012. PMID: 21666724
8.S. Liu*, C. Ginestier, S.J. Ou, S.G. Clouthier, S.H. Shivani, F. Monville, H. Korkaya, A. Heath, J. Dutcher, C. Kleer, Y. Jung, G. Dontu, R. Taichman, M.S. Wicha*. Breast cancer stem cells are regulated by mesenchymal stem cells through cytokine networksBreast cancer stem cells are regulated by mesenchymal stem cells through cytokine networksBreast Cancer Stem Cells Are Regulated by Mesenchymal Stem Cells through Cytokine Networks.Cancer Res 71(2); 614–24, 2011. (Cover featured, *Corresponding Author). PMID: 21224357
9.H. Korkaya, S. Liu, M.S. Wicha. Breast cancer stem cells, cytokine networks, and the tumor microenvironment. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2011 Oct 3;121(10):3804-9.PMID: 21965337
10.I. Kryczek, S. Liu, M. Roh, L. Vatan, W. Szeliga, S. Wei, M. Banerjee, Y. Mao, J. Kotarski, M.S. Wicha, R. Liu, and W. Zou. Expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase and CD133 defines ovarian cancer stem cells. International Journal of Cancer. 2011. PMID: 21480217
11.H. Korkaya, S. Liu, M.S. Wicha*. Regulation of Cancer Stem Cells by Cytokine Networks: Attacking Cancers Inflammatory Roots.Clin Cancer Res. 17(19): 6125-6129,2011. PMID: 21685479.
12.S. Liu, M. S. Wicha. Targeting breast cancer stem cells. Journal of Clinical Oncology 28(25): 4006-4012, 2010.PMID: 20498387
13.Y. Li, T. Zhang, H. Korkaya, S. Liu, H.F. Lee, B. Newman, Y. Yu, S.G. Clouthier, S.J. Schwartz, M.S. Wicha, and D. Sun. Sulforaphane, a Dietary Component of Broccoli/Broccoli Sprouts, Inhibits Breast Cancer Stem Cells. Clinical Cancer Research 16(9):2580-90, 2010. PMID: 20388854
14.C. Ginestier, S. Liu, M.E. Diebel, H. Korkaya, M. Luo, J. Dutcher, M. Brown, E. Charafe-Jauffret, D. Birnbaum, J.L. Guan, G. Dontu, M.S. Wicha. CXCR1 blockade selectively targets human breast cancer stem cells in vitro and in xenografts. JCI120(2):485-97.PMID: 20051626
15.C. Ginestier, S. Liu, M.S. Wicha. Getting to the root of BRCA1-deficient breast cancer. Cell Stem Cell 5 (3): 229-230, 2009.PMID: 19733528
16.G Deniz, S. Liu, M.S. Wicha, A. Shukla, D Krag. Identification of Single Chain Antibodies to Breast Cancer Stem Cells Using Phage Display.Biotechnology progress 25(6):1780-7, 2009. PMID: 19899107
17.M. Luo, H. Fan, T. Nagy, H. Wei, C. Wang, S. Liu, M.S. Wicha, J.L. Guan. Mammary Epithelial-Specific Ablation of the Focal Adhesion Kinase Suppresses Mammary Tumorigenesis by Affecting Mammary Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells. Cancer Research 62 (2): 466-474, 2009.PMID: 19147559
18.M. Kakarala, D.E. Brenner, H. Korkaya, C. Cheng, K. Tazi, C. Ginestier,S. Liu, G. Dontu, M.S. Wicha. Targeting breast stem cells with the cancer preventive compounds curcumin and piperine. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009. PMID: 19898931
19.S. Liu, C. Ginestier, E. Charafe-Jauffret, H. Foco, C.G. Kleer, S.D. Merajver, G. Dontu, M.S. Wicha. BRCA1 Regulates Human Mammary Stem/Progenitor Cell Fate. PNAS (USA) 105 (5): 1680-1685, 2008.PMID: 18230721
20.C. Ginestier, M.H. Hur, E. Charafe-Jauffret, F. Monville, J. Dutcher, M. Brown, J. Jacquemier, P. Viens, C.G. Kleer,S. Liu, A. Schott, D. Hayes, D. Birnbaum, M.S. Wicha, D. Dontu. ALDH1 is a marker of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells and a predictor of poor clinical outcome. Cell Stem Cell 1: 555-567, 2007.PMID: 18371393
21.S. Liu, G. Dontu, I. Mantle, S. Patel, N. Ahn, K.W. Jackson, P. Suri, and M.S. Wicha. Hedgehog signaling and Bmi-1 regulate self-renewal of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells. Cancer Research 66: 6063-6071, 2006.PMID: 16778178
22.M.S. Wicha,S. Liu, and G. Dontu. Cancer Stem Cells: An Old Idea--A Paradigm Shift.Cancer Research 66(4): 1883-1890, 2006.PMID: 16488983
23.S. Liu, G. Dontu, and M.S. Wicha. Mammary stem cells, self-renewal pathways, and carcinogenesis. Breast cancer research 7(3): 86-95, 2005.PMID: 15987436
當2003年柳素玲獲得博士學位時,正值美國密西根大學Drs. Max S Wicha,Michael Clarke 和Sean Morrison等,首次利用一些分子標記物分離出了一小部分高效成瘤的乳腺癌細胞,並首次提出了實體瘤幹細胞學說,該學說推測這一小部分成瘤的細胞是癌症幹細胞,它們是癌症轉移、復發以及抗傳統治療的“罪魁禍首”。這一發現,促使柳素玲毅然放棄了赴哈佛大學的博士後培訓機會,加入了密西根大學Dr. Max S Wicha的實驗室,並由此致力於乳腺癌幹細胞分離、鑑定及其調控機制研究,並在此後十年的研究中取得多項高水平成果。