《林青詩文選》(Selected Poetry and Prose by Lin Qing)(Chinese-English)是一本中英對照詩集,作者為中國當代女詩人林青(本名李欣君)
外文名:Selected Poetry and Prose by Lin Qing
中英對照詩集《林青詩文選選》(Selected Poetry and Prose by Lin Qing)(Chinese-English),系中國當代女詩人林青(本名李欣君)的詩歌散文選集,青年譯者顏海峰翻譯。詩集前勒口置有作者彩照和英文簡介,後勒口置有作者彩照和中文簡介,書末附有譯者顏海峰中英文簡介。
上輯 行走著 Volume 1 Walking 綠之韻(代序) Rhythm of the Green (In Lieu of a Preface) 綠之韻(八首) Green Rhyme (eight poems) 小溪 The Stream 落花 Fallen Flowers 生命的意義 Meaning of Life 平凡 Be Ordinary 翡翠吟 Ode to the Emerald 荷 Lotus 在菜市場看見藕 Seeing the Lotus at a Food Market 螞蟻 Ants 滿足 Satisfaction 感恩的心 Grateful Heart 這樣的天 Such a Sky 雨中 In the Rain 深淵 Abyss 虎頭蘭 Cymbidium Hookerianum 進入一株花的內部 To Enter the Inside of a Flower 騰衝的春天 Spring of Tengchong 大樹杜鵑王 Queen Azaleas 屈光,我要征服你 Ametropia, I Will Conquer You 頭髮的戰爭 War of Hair 好好愛自己 Love Yourself More 陽台上的童話 Fairy Tale on the Balcony 冬天的路上 On the Road of a Winter Day 騰衝美 Beautiful Tengchong 騰衝 Tengchong 騰衝和順 Heshun of Tengchong 騰衝新城 New City of Tengchong 生活小記(五首) Notes on Life (five poems) 鑲嵌在騰越大地上的十二塊翡翠(十二首) The Twelve Emeralds Framed on the Land 下輯 往事不如煙 Volume 2 Not Transient As Fleeting Clouds 緬桂 Michelia 琴里有學問 Learning in a Piano 有感我的糟糠之妻 Thoughts on My Wife 蘭的中國 Orchid and China 寒友 Friends in Cold Weather 又是春天 Spring Again 紅柳 Red Willow 茶花 Camellia 永遠的春天 Everlasting Spring 門對千竿竹,家有萬年松 “Thousands poles of bamboo outside, long life pines stand inside my yard.” 鶴去留香 Gone is the Crane, but the Aroma Remains 母親河 Mother River 桂花 Osmanthus Flowers 鷺 Egret 說說住房 Comments on Housing 遇見徵婚 Encounter with Marriage-seeking 疊水河 Dieshui River 蘭 Orchid 山茶 Camellia 三角梅 Bougainvillea Speetabilis 鳥鳴聲里話鳥鳴 Birds Singing 愛的使者 An Envoy of Love 夏日隨想 Random Thoughts in Summer 淡定對高考 Be Calm with it-the College Entrance Examination 植物園裡歡樂多 Happiness Abounds in Botany Garden 天堂 Paradise 我願(代後記) I Wish (In Lieu of an Afterword) 譯者簡介 About the translator