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  • 中文名:林華珍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1967年10月 
  • 畢業院校四川大學華西醫科大學美國華盛頓大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:機率論與數理統計
  • 主要成就:國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:教授


林華珍主要從事非參數統計理論及套用研究,先後有論文發表在Annals of Statistics、JRSSB、Biometrika及Biometrics等國際統計學頂級期刊上。已先後4次主持國家自然科學基金項目。獲教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫。2015年榮獲第十巴糊一批四川省學術和技術帶頭人。擔任《Biometrics》,《Statistics and Its Interface》《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》Associate Editor,同時也是國內重要學術期刊《數理統計與管理》、《套用機率統計》及《系統科學與數學》的編委。


2003年11月-2005年12月 博士後,華盛頓大學生戶灶跨物統計系,美國;
1996年 9月-1999年12月 博士,華西醫科大學公共衛生學院;
1989年 9月-1992年 7月 碩士,四川大學數學系;
1985年 9月-1989年 7月 學士,四川大學數學系;


2010年1月-至今 教授,西南財經大學統計學院
2006年1月-2009年12月 教授,四川大學數學學院
2008年11月-2009年6月 副研究員,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校;
2008年5-6月 訪問學者,英國Manchester大學數學系;
2008年4月-5月 訪問學者,香港科技大學數學系;
2007年5月-2007年6月 訪問教授,加拿大滑鐵盧大學統計與精算系;
2007年4月-2007年5月 訪問教授,美國華盛頓大學生物統計系;
2007年1月-2007年2月 訪問學者,香港大學統計與精算系;
2006年5月-2006年7月 訪問學者,香港大學統計與精算系;
2003年5月-2003年7月 訪問學者,香港大學統計與精算系;
2002年少恥愉8月-2002年10月 訪問學者,香港大學統計與精算系;
2001年12月-2002年驗凶艱1月 訪問學者,香港中文大學統計系;
2000年07月-2003年采迎茅鍵11月 副教授,四川大學數學學院
1999年戲祖跨05月-2000年7月 講師,四川大學數學學院
1992年07月-1999年5月 講師,成都科技大學套用數學系。


1. Kani Chen, Huazhen Lin and Yong Zhou (2012). Efficient estimation for the Cox model with varying coefficients. Biometrika, 2, 379-392.
2. Huazhen Lin, Xiao-hua Zhou and Gang Li (2012). A Direct Semiparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Regression with Unknown Link and Baseline Functions. Statistica Sinica, Online.
3. Huazhen Lin, Paul S. F. Yip and Richard M. Huggins (2011). A Nonparametric Estimation of the Infection Curve. Science China, 54, 1815-1828.
4. Huazhen Lin, Ling Zhou, Heng Peng and Xiao-Hua Zhou (2011). Selection and combination of biomarkers using ROC method for disease classification and prediction. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 39, 324-343.
5. Huazhen Lin and Peter X.-K. Song (2010), Longitudinal Semiparametric Transition Models with Unknown Link and Variance Functions, Statistics and Its Interface, 3, 197-209.
6. Huazhen Lin, Danping Liu, Xiao-Hua Zhou (2010), A correlated random effects model for longitudinal data with nonignorable missingness, Statistics in Medicine, 29, 236-247.
7. Lin, H. Z. and Zhou, X. H. (2009). A semi-parametric two-part mixed-effects heteroscedastic transformation model for correlated right-skewed semi-continuous data. Biostatistics, 10, 640-658.
8. Zhou, X. H., Lin, H. Z and Johnson, E. (2009). Nonparametric heteroscedastic transformation regression models for skewed data with an application to health care costs. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70, pp. 1029-1047.
9. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP and Feng Chen (2009), Estimating the Population Size for a Multiple List Problem with an Open Population, Statistica Sinica, 19, 177-196.
10. Zhou, X. H., and Lin, H. Z. (2008). Semi-parametric maximum likelihood estimates for ROC curves of continuous-scale tests. Statistics in Medicine, 10, 5271-5290.
11. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP and Richard M. Huggins (2008) A Double-nonparametric Procedure for Estimating the Number of Delay-reported Cases. Statistics in Medicine, 27, 3325-3339.
12. Huazhen Lin, Peter X.-K. SONG, and Qian M. Zhou (2007).Varying-coefficient generalised linear models for longitudinal data. Sankhya, 69, 582-615.
13. Zhou, X. H., Qin, G., Lin, H. Z., and Li, G. (2006), Inferences in Censored Cost Regression Models with Empirical Likelihood, Statistica Sinica, 16, 1213-1232.
14. Jianqing Fan, Huazhen Lin and Yong Zhou (2006), Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data. Annals of Statistics, 34, 290-325.
15. Paul S.F.Yip, Huazhen Lin and Liqun Xi (2005), A Semiparametric Method for Estimating Population Size for Capture-Recapture Experiments with Random Covariates in Continuous Time. Biometrics, 61, 1085-1092.
2. Huazhen Lin, Xiao-hua Zhou and Gang Li (2012). A Direct Semiparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Regression with Unknown Link and Baseline Functions. Statistica Sinica, Online.
3. Huazhen Lin, Paul S. F. Yip and Richard M. Huggins (2011). A Nonparametric Estimation of the Infection Curve. Science China, 54, 1815-1828.
4. Huazhen Lin, Ling Zhou, Heng Peng and Xiao-Hua Zhou (2011). Selection and combination of biomarkers using ROC method for disease classification and prediction. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 39, 324-343.
5. Huazhen Lin and Peter X.-K. Song (2010), Longitudinal Semiparametric Transition Models with Unknown Link and Variance Functions, Statistics and Its Interface, 3, 197-209.
6. Huazhen Lin, Danping Liu, Xiao-Hua Zhou (2010), A correlated random effects model for longitudinal data with nonignorable missingness, Statistics in Medicine, 29, 236-247.
7. Lin, H. Z. and Zhou, X. H. (2009). A semi-parametric two-part mixed-effects heteroscedastic transformation model for correlated right-skewed semi-continuous data. Biostatistics, 10, 640-658.
8. Zhou, X. H., Lin, H. Z and Johnson, E. (2009). Nonparametric heteroscedastic transformation regression models for skewed data with an application to health care costs. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70, pp. 1029-1047.
9. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP and Feng Chen (2009), Estimating the Population Size for a Multiple List Problem with an Open Population, Statistica Sinica, 19, 177-196.
10. Zhou, X. H., and Lin, H. Z. (2008). Semi-parametric maximum likelihood estimates for ROC curves of continuous-scale tests. Statistics in Medicine, 10, 5271-5290.
11. Huazhen Lin, Paul S.F.YIP and Richard M. Huggins (2008) A Double-nonparametric Procedure for Estimating the Number of Delay-reported Cases. Statistics in Medicine, 27, 3325-3339.
12. Huazhen Lin, Peter X.-K. SONG, and Qian M. Zhou (2007).Varying-coefficient generalised linear models for longitudinal data. Sankhya, 69, 582-615.
13. Zhou, X. H., Qin, G., Lin, H. Z., and Li, G. (2006), Inferences in Censored Cost Regression Models with Empirical Likelihood, Statistica Sinica, 16, 1213-1232.
14. Jianqing Fan, Huazhen Lin and Yong Zhou (2006), Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data. Annals of Statistics, 34, 290-325.
15. Paul S.F.Yip, Huazhen Lin and Liqun Xi (2005), A Semiparametric Method for Estimating Population Size for Capture-Recapture Experiments with Random Covariates in Continuous Time. Biometrics, 61, 1085-1092.


