- 中文名:林福財
- 外文名:Lin Fucai
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:泉州安溪
- 出生日期:1979.10.01
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:四川大學
- 主要成就:解決了著名拓撲學家在拓撲代數上的多個公開問題
- 代表作品:On paratopological groups

主要研究方向為基礎數學的拓撲學方向, 主要研究興趣為點集拓撲和拓撲代數。
2011年被聘為《Mathematical Reviews》(美國數學評論)評論員(No. 080581)。
2014年被聘為《zbMATH》(德國數學文摘)評論員(No. 14892)。
2014年被聘為期刊《International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics》編委。
2017年被聘為拓撲學刊物《Applied General Topology》編委。
林福財,閩南師範大學教授,福建省數學會常務副理事長,現為閩南師範大學科學技術處(社會科學處)副處長。主要研究方向為基礎數學的拓撲學方向,主要研究興趣為點集拓撲和拓撲代數記悼禁。2011年被聘為《Mathematical Reviews》(美國數學評論)評論員(No. 080581)。2014年被聘為《zbMATH》(德國數學文摘)評論員(No. 14892)。2014年被聘為期刊《International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics》編委。2017年被聘為拓撲學刊物《Applied General Topology》編委。
他在一般拓撲學領域的拓撲代數與廣義度量空間方面進行了深入的研究,已取得了一系列新成果,特別是在自由(仿)拓撲群、仿拓撲群、rectifiable空間的研究獨具特色,至今已經解決著名拓撲學家18個重要的公開問題,受到國內外同行專家關注。國內外海挨重要期刊發表論文61篇,其中在拓撲學的權威刊物Topology and its Applications發表27篇論文,38篇被SCI收錄。主持國家自然科學基金2項、福建省自然科學基金2項和達慨刪槳福建省教育廳項目3項,參與國家自然科學基金2項和福建省自然科學基金3項。其中“關於仿拓撲群”2014年榮獲第白判屑十一屆福建省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎(第1完成人)。2013年入選福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫,2014年被漳州市評為優秀共產黨員,2015年獲得福建青年五四獎章和入選漳州市第三批優秀人才計畫,2016年榮獲漳州市第六屆青年科技獎。2017年入選福建省高等學校新世紀優秀人才支持計畫。
序號 項目來源 項目編號龍祖肯 項目名稱 主持人勸嫌乎
1 國家自然科學基金 11201414仿拓撲群的廣義度量性質及其在緊化中的套用 林福財
2 國家自然科學基金 10971185 廣義度量方再詢贈頌法及其在 D 空間和感測器最優布局問題中的套用 林壽
3 國家自然科學基金 11471153 仿拓撲群的三空間問題 林壽
4 福建省自然科學基金2012J05013仿拓撲群的廣義度量性質 林福財
5 福建省教育廳JA13190福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫 林福財
6福建省教育廳JA09166拓撲群理論及其在緊化中的套用 林福財
7 精品課程漳師院[2010]206 解析幾何 林福財
8.國家自然科學基金 11571158 自由(仿)拓撲群中廣義度量性質的刻畫 林福財
[1]Fucai Lin*,Shou Lin, Chuan Liu,Countable tightness and k-property of free topological vector spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2019, 264: 369--381. (SCI)
[2] Chuan Liu,Fucai Lin*,An affirmative answer to Yamada's Conjecture, Topology and its Applications, 2019, 264:448--454. (SCI)
[3] Yongxing Wu,Fucai Lin*,The G-connected property and G-topological groups, Filomat, 2019, 33(13). (SCI)
[4]Meng Bao,Fucai Lin*,Feathered gyrogroups and gyrogroups with countable pseudocharacter, Filomat, 2019, 33(15). (SCI)
[1]Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, Masami Sakai*,Point-countable covers and sequence-covering maps, Houston Journal Math., 2018, 44(1): 385--397. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin*, Shou Lin, Chuan Liu,The kR-property of free Abelian topological groups and products of sequential fans, Topology and its Applications, 2018, 240: 78--97. (SCI)
[3] Zhongbao Tang, Shou Lin*,Fucai Lin,Symmetric products and closed finite-to-one mappings, Topology and its Applications, 2018, 234: 26--45. (SCI)
[4] Zhongbao Tang*, Shou Lin,Fucai Lin,A special class of semi(quasi)topological groups and three-space properties, Topology and its Applications, 2018, 235: 92--103. (SCI)
[1]Fucai Lin*, Chuan Liu, The k-spaces property of the free Abelian topological groups over non-metrizable Lašnev spaces,Topology and its Applications, 2017, 216: 38--47. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin*,Chuan Liu, Shou Lin,The topological properties of q-spaces in free topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2017, 220: 31--42. (SCI)
[3]Fucai Lin*, Chuan Liu, Kexiu Zhang, The countable type properties in free paratopological groups, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 2017,54(1): 27—41. (SCI)
[4]Fucai Lin*, Shou Lin, Chuan Liu, The kR-property in free topological groups,Indagationes Mathematicae, 2017, 28: 1056—1066. (SCI)
[5]Fucai Lin*, Ziqin Feng, Chuan Liu, Notes on countable tightness of the subspaces of free (Abelian) topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2017, 232: 214--221. (SCI)
[6]Fucai Lin*, Chuan Liu, Mapping i_2 on the free paratopological groups,Publications De L’institut Mathematique, 2017,101(115):1—9. (SCI)
[7] Xiaoting Li,Fucai Lin*, Shou Lin, Some topological properties of Charming spaces,數學研究通訊,2017,33(2):110-120.
[1]Fucai Lin*, Li-Hong Xie, Jing Zhang, Direct limit topologies of quasi-uniform spaces and paratopological groups,Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 10(1),2016:48-70. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu, Jiling Cao*,Two weak forms of countability axioms in free topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2016, 207: 96--108. (SCI)
[3] Xiaoting Li,Fucai Lin*, When is an almost locally compact space supercomplete?,數學季刊,2016,31(4): 430-434.
[1] Fucai Lin, Chuan Liu, Shou Lin, StefanCobzas,Free Abelian paratopological groups over metric spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 183: 90--109.
[2] Shou Lin, Fucai Lin, Li-Hong Xie,The extensions of some convergence phenomena in topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 180: 167--180.
[3] Zhaowen Li, Fucai Lin, Chuan Liu,Networks on free topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 180: 186--198.
[1] Fucai Lin, Chuan Liu. S_w and S_2 on free topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2014, 176: 10--21.[2] Fucai Lin, Kexiu Zhang. A problem of M. Tkachenko on semitopological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 172: 10--13.
[3] Fucai Lin, Kexiu Zhang, Changqing Li, Weichen. Some Problems of Arhangel'skii on Diagonal-flexible spaces and Rotoids, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 167: 26--30.
[4] Fucai Lin. The operators of rotoids in homogeneous spaces or generalized ordered spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 161: 248--262.
[5] Fucai Lin. Pseudocompact rectifiable spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 164: 215--228.
[6] Fucai Lin. Local minimalities in paratopological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 165: 69--83.
[7] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Sequence-covering mapping on generalized metric spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 2014, 40(3):927--943.[8] Fucai Lin,Shou Lin. About remainders in compactifications of paratopological groups, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 2014, 40: 713--719.
[9] Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu, Li-Hong Xie. Remainders of semitopological groups or paratopological groups, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2014, 66: 500-509.
10] Fucai Lin. The Vietoris topology on rectifiable spaces, Semigroup Forum, 2014, 88: 273--278.
[11] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Some notes on closed sequence-covering maps, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 2014, 34(1): 97--104.
[12] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, Iván Sánchez. A note on pseudobounded paratopologicalgroups, Topological Algebra and its Applications, 2014, 2: 11--18.
[1] Fucai Lin, Lin Shou.\pi-metrizable spaces and strongly \pi-metrizable spaces.Houston J. Math., 2013, 39(1) : 273--285.
[2] Fucai Lin. A note on paratopological groups with countable networks of sequential neighborhoods, Topology Proceedings, 2013, 41: 9--16.
[3] Fucai Lin. Compactly generated rectifiable spaces or paratopological groups, Math. Commun. 2013, 18: 417-427.
[4] Fucai Lin. Metrizability of rectifiable spaces, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2013, 36(4): 1099-1107.
[5] Jing Zhang, Fucai Lin, Wei He. On hereditarily normal rectifiable spaces, Filomat, 2013, 27(7): 1329-1331.
[6] Weijian Rong, Fucai Lin, Soft connected spaces and soft paracompact spaces, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013, 51(21): 667—681.
[1] 林福財,拓撲代數與廣義度量空間,廈門大學出版社,2012.
[2] Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu. On paratopological groups, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 : 2764--2773.
[3] Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu, Shou Lin. A note on rectifiable space, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 : 2090--2101.
[4] Fucai Lin. A note on free paratopological groups, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 :3596--3604.
[5] Fucai Lin. Topologically subordered rectifiable spaces and compactifications, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 : 360--370.
[6] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, J. K. Junnila. Regular bases at non-isolated points and metrization theorems, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 2012,49(1): 91—105.
[7] Fucai Lin. Topological monomorphism between free paratopological groups, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, 2012, 19(3): 507--521.
[8] Kedian Li, Fucai Lin. Characterizations of Quasi-Pseudo-Metrizable Spaces, Topology Proc., 2012, 40: 121-129.2011
[1] Fucai Lin, Rongxin Shen. On rectifiable spaces and paratopological groups, Topology and Its Applications, 2011, 158 : 597--610.
[2] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Some weak versions of the M_1 spaces, Topology and Its Applications, 2011, 158 : 1019--1024.
[3] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Uniform bases at non-isolated points and maps, Houston J. Math., 2011, 37(2) : 677--688.
[4] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Pseudobounded or w-pseudobounded paratopological groups, Filomat, 2011, 25(3) : 93--103.[5] Fucai Lin. Local properties on the remainders of the topological groups, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2011, 34: 505–518.
[6] Fucai Lin, wb-compact spaces and locally wb-compact spaces, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, 2011, 3(1) : 96--103.
2010 [1] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Open uniform (G) at non-isolated points and maps, Questions and Answers in General topology, 2010, 28 : 147--156.
[2] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Maps on submetrizable spaces, Questions and Answers in General topology, 2010, 28: 203--217.
[3] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, On sequence-covering boundary compact maps of metric space, Advances in Mathematics (China), 2010, 39(1) :71--78.
[4] Fucai Lin, Rongxin Shen, Some notes on \sigma-point-discrete sn-networks, Advances in Mathematics (China), 2010, 39(2) : 212--216.
[5] Fucai Lin, \sigma-point-discrete cs^{\ast}-networks and wcs^{\ast}-networks}, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, 2010, 2(3) : 7--12.
[1] Fucai Lin, Rongxin Shen. A note on supercomplete spaces, Acta Math. Hungar, 2009, 123(3) : 229--232.
[2] Fucai Lin, Sequentially Connected in LF Topology Spaces, Fuzzy systems and Mathematics , 2009, 23(1) : 76--79.
2008[1] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, Uniform covers at non-isolated points, Topology proceedings, 2008, 32 : 259-275.
[1] Fucai Lin, The Nearly Ultra-fuzzy Compactness of Relative Products, Fuzzy systems and Mathematics , 2007,21(6) : 72--75.
[2] Fucai Lin, The Junila's Chracteization of Meta-Lindelof spaces, Journal of Zhangzhou Normal University(Nat. Sci.), 2007, 58(4) : 11--14.
- 2014年榮獲漳州市優秀共產黨
- 2014年論文《關於仿拓撲群》榮獲第十一屆福建省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎
- 2013年入選福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫
6福建省教育廳JA09166拓撲群理論及其在緊化中的套用 林福財
7 精品課程漳師院[2010]206 解析幾何 林福財
8.國家自然科學基金 11571158 自由(仿)拓撲群中廣義度量性質的刻畫 林福財
[1]Fucai Lin*,Shou Lin, Chuan Liu,Countable tightness and k-property of free topological vector spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2019, 264: 369--381. (SCI)
[2] Chuan Liu,Fucai Lin*,An affirmative answer to Yamada's Conjecture, Topology and its Applications, 2019, 264:448--454. (SCI)
[3] Yongxing Wu,Fucai Lin*,The G-connected property and G-topological groups, Filomat, 2019, 33(13). (SCI)
[4]Meng Bao,Fucai Lin*,Feathered gyrogroups and gyrogroups with countable pseudocharacter, Filomat, 2019, 33(15). (SCI)
[1]Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, Masami Sakai*,Point-countable covers and sequence-covering maps, Houston Journal Math., 2018, 44(1): 385--397. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin*, Shou Lin, Chuan Liu,The kR-property of free Abelian topological groups and products of sequential fans, Topology and its Applications, 2018, 240: 78--97. (SCI)
[3] Zhongbao Tang, Shou Lin*,Fucai Lin,Symmetric products and closed finite-to-one mappings, Topology and its Applications, 2018, 234: 26--45. (SCI)
[4] Zhongbao Tang*, Shou Lin,Fucai Lin,A special class of semi(quasi)topological groups and three-space properties, Topology and its Applications, 2018, 235: 92--103. (SCI)
[1]Fucai Lin*, Chuan Liu, The k-spaces property of the free Abelian topological groups over non-metrizable Lašnev spaces,Topology and its Applications, 2017, 216: 38--47. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin*,Chuan Liu, Shou Lin,The topological properties of q-spaces in free topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2017, 220: 31--42. (SCI)
[3]Fucai Lin*, Chuan Liu, Kexiu Zhang, The countable type properties in free paratopological groups, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 2017,54(1): 27—41. (SCI)
[4]Fucai Lin*, Shou Lin, Chuan Liu, The kR-property in free topological groups,Indagationes Mathematicae, 2017, 28: 1056—1066. (SCI)
[5]Fucai Lin*, Ziqin Feng, Chuan Liu, Notes on countable tightness of the subspaces of free (Abelian) topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2017, 232: 214--221. (SCI)
[6]Fucai Lin*, Chuan Liu, Mapping i_2 on the free paratopological groups,Publications De L’institut Mathematique, 2017,101(115):1—9. (SCI)
[7] Xiaoting Li,Fucai Lin*, Shou Lin, Some topological properties of Charming spaces,數學研究通訊,2017,33(2):110-120.
[1]Fucai Lin*, Li-Hong Xie, Jing Zhang, Direct limit topologies of quasi-uniform spaces and paratopological groups,Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 10(1),2016:48-70. (SCI)
[2]Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu, Jiling Cao*,Two weak forms of countability axioms in free topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2016, 207: 96--108. (SCI)
[3] Xiaoting Li,Fucai Lin*, When is an almost locally compact space supercomplete?,數學季刊,2016,31(4): 430-434.
[1] Fucai Lin, Chuan Liu, Shou Lin, StefanCobzas,Free Abelian paratopological groups over metric spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 183: 90--109.
[2] Shou Lin, Fucai Lin, Li-Hong Xie,The extensions of some convergence phenomena in topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 180: 167--180.
[3] Zhaowen Li, Fucai Lin, Chuan Liu,Networks on free topological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2015, 180: 186--198.
[1] Fucai Lin, Chuan Liu. S_w and S_2 on free topological groups,Topology and its Applications, 2014, 176: 10--21.[2] Fucai Lin, Kexiu Zhang. A problem of M. Tkachenko on semitopological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 172: 10--13.
[3] Fucai Lin, Kexiu Zhang, Changqing Li, Weichen. Some Problems of Arhangel'skii on Diagonal-flexible spaces and Rotoids, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 167: 26--30.
[4] Fucai Lin. The operators of rotoids in homogeneous spaces or generalized ordered spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 161: 248--262.
[5] Fucai Lin. Pseudocompact rectifiable spaces, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 164: 215--228.
[6] Fucai Lin. Local minimalities in paratopological groups, Topology and its Applications, 2014, 165: 69--83.
[7] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Sequence-covering mapping on generalized metric spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 2014, 40(3):927--943.[8] Fucai Lin,Shou Lin. About remainders in compactifications of paratopological groups, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 2014, 40: 713--719.
[9] Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu, Li-Hong Xie. Remainders of semitopological groups or paratopological groups, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2014, 66: 500-509.
10] Fucai Lin. The Vietoris topology on rectifiable spaces, Semigroup Forum, 2014, 88: 273--278.
[11] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Some notes on closed sequence-covering maps, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 2014, 34(1): 97--104.
[12] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, Iván Sánchez. A note on pseudobounded paratopologicalgroups, Topological Algebra and its Applications, 2014, 2: 11--18.
[1] Fucai Lin, Lin Shou.\pi-metrizable spaces and strongly \pi-metrizable spaces.Houston J. Math., 2013, 39(1) : 273--285.
[2] Fucai Lin. A note on paratopological groups with countable networks of sequential neighborhoods, Topology Proceedings, 2013, 41: 9--16.
[3] Fucai Lin. Compactly generated rectifiable spaces or paratopological groups, Math. Commun. 2013, 18: 417-427.
[4] Fucai Lin. Metrizability of rectifiable spaces, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2013, 36(4): 1099-1107.
[5] Jing Zhang, Fucai Lin, Wei He. On hereditarily normal rectifiable spaces, Filomat, 2013, 27(7): 1329-1331.
[6] Weijian Rong, Fucai Lin, Soft connected spaces and soft paracompact spaces, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013, 51(21): 667—681.
[1] 林福財,拓撲代數與廣義度量空間,廈門大學出版社,2012.
[2] Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu. On paratopological groups, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 : 2764--2773.
[3] Fucai Lin,Chuan Liu, Shou Lin. A note on rectifiable space, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 : 2090--2101.
[4] Fucai Lin. A note on free paratopological groups, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 :3596--3604.
[5] Fucai Lin. Topologically subordered rectifiable spaces and compactifications, Topology and Its Applications, 2012, 159 : 360--370.
[6] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, J. K. Junnila. Regular bases at non-isolated points and metrization theorems, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 2012,49(1): 91—105.
[7] Fucai Lin. Topological monomorphism between free paratopological groups, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, 2012, 19(3): 507--521.
[8] Kedian Li, Fucai Lin. Characterizations of Quasi-Pseudo-Metrizable Spaces, Topology Proc., 2012, 40: 121-129.2011
[1] Fucai Lin, Rongxin Shen. On rectifiable spaces and paratopological groups, Topology and Its Applications, 2011, 158 : 597--610.
[2] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Some weak versions of the M_1 spaces, Topology and Its Applications, 2011, 158 : 1019--1024.
[3] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Uniform bases at non-isolated points and maps, Houston J. Math., 2011, 37(2) : 677--688.
[4] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Pseudobounded or w-pseudobounded paratopological groups, Filomat, 2011, 25(3) : 93--103.[5] Fucai Lin. Local properties on the remainders of the topological groups, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2011, 34: 505–518.
[6] Fucai Lin, wb-compact spaces and locally wb-compact spaces, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, 2011, 3(1) : 96--103.
2010 [1] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Open uniform (G) at non-isolated points and maps, Questions and Answers in General topology, 2010, 28 : 147--156.
[2] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin. Maps on submetrizable spaces, Questions and Answers in General topology, 2010, 28: 203--217.
[3] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, On sequence-covering boundary compact maps of metric space, Advances in Mathematics (China), 2010, 39(1) :71--78.
[4] Fucai Lin, Rongxin Shen, Some notes on \sigma-point-discrete sn-networks, Advances in Mathematics (China), 2010, 39(2) : 212--216.
[5] Fucai Lin, \sigma-point-discrete cs^{\ast}-networks and wcs^{\ast}-networks}, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, 2010, 2(3) : 7--12.
[1] Fucai Lin, Rongxin Shen. A note on supercomplete spaces, Acta Math. Hungar, 2009, 123(3) : 229--232.
[2] Fucai Lin, Sequentially Connected in LF Topology Spaces, Fuzzy systems and Mathematics , 2009, 23(1) : 76--79.
2008[1] Fucai Lin, Shou Lin, Uniform covers at non-isolated points, Topology proceedings, 2008, 32 : 259-275.
[1] Fucai Lin, The Nearly Ultra-fuzzy Compactness of Relative Products, Fuzzy systems and Mathematics , 2007,21(6) : 72--75.
[2] Fucai Lin, The Junila's Chracteization of Meta-Lindelof spaces, Journal of Zhangzhou Normal University(Nat. Sci.), 2007, 58(4) : 11--14.
- 2014年榮獲漳州市優秀共產黨
- 2014年論文《關於仿拓撲群》榮獲第十一屆福建省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎
- 2013年入選福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫