*Study on the convection heat transfer coefficient of coolant and the maximum temperature in the grinding process, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2009,Vol.42(11-12)
*Analysis and simulation of grinding wheel surface topography, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 2008, Vol. 359-360
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* Prediction of Surface/Subsurface Crack Damage of Ground Ceramics Key Engineering Materials, Vols.304-305(2005)
* A Model for Estimation of Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient of Fluid through the Grinding Zone, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.304-305(2005)
* Evaluation and Measurement of Surface/Subsurface Crack Damage of Ground Ceramics, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 471-472(2004)
* Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Mechanism of Nanometric Machining of Single-crystal Silicon, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 471-472(2004)
* Study on the Wear Capability of Several Kinds of New-style Glue Rolls, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.259-260(2004)
* Study on Mechanism for Material Removal and surface Generation by Molecular Dynamics Simulation in Abrasive Processes, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.259-260 (2004)
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*Investigation of tool geometry in nanometric cutting by molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 138 (2002)
*Study of synthesis identification in the cutting process with a fuzzy neural network, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 138 (2002)
* Analysis of material removal in alumina ceramic honing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 138 (2002)
* Study of Formation and Propagation Condition of Grinding Crack for Ceramics, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.202-203(2001)