- 中文名:杜彥磊
- 國籍:中國
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:作物進化生態學
- 任職院校:蘭州大學生命科學學院
2007-2012年,蘭州大學生命科學學院,生態學專業, 理學博士(師從李鳳民教授)
PhD Lanzhou University (China), 2012 (Ecology)(Supervised by Professor Feng-Min Li)
BSc Lanzhou University (China), 2007 (Bio-science)
2020年12月-至今,蘭州大學生命科學學院/草地農業生態系統國家重點實驗室 青年教授
2018年6月-2020年12月,蘭州大學生命科學學院/草地農業生態系統國家重點實驗室 副教授
2018年12月-2019年12月,荷蘭瓦格寧根大學 作物系統分析中心 訪問學者
2012年12月-2018年6月,蘭州大學生命科學學院/草地農業生態系統國家重點實驗室 講師
2014年6月-12月,西澳大利亞大學 農業研究院 訪問學者
Professor, since Dec.2020, State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University
Associate Professor, Jun. 2018 - Dec.2020, State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University
Visiting Research Fellow, Dec. 2018 - Dec. 2019, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University
Lecturer, Dec, 2012 - Jun. 2018, State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University
Visiting Research Fellow, Jun. 2014 - Dec. 2014, the UWA Institute of Agriculture, The Univerity of Western Australia
1. 植物進化生態學(包括植株間相互作用、進化博弈論)
2. 植物生理生態學(包括非生物脅迫下根冠通訊理論、植物生長與功能調節)
3. 套用生態學(將作物進化生態學和生理生態學研究套用於小麥育種工作,包括高產優質小麥和飼草小麥新品種選育和育種理論研究)
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31670401,黃土高原半乾旱地區高產春小麥節水機制的生理生態學基礎研究,2017/01-2020/12,63萬,主持
2. 甘肅省自然科學基金面上項目,18JR3RA281, 甘肅旱地冬小麥產量提升的進化生態學問題研究,2018/06-2020/12,4萬,主持 (已結題)
3. 中央高校基金優秀青年教師項目,冬小麥個體植株間相互作用與群體產量的關係研究,2018/01-2019-12, 4萬,主持(已結題)
4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,31300328,旱地春小麥人工選擇過程中根系吸水能力的演化與產量形成的關係,2013/01-2016/12,22萬,主持(已結題)
5. 中央高校基金面上項目,lzujbky-2013-97,脫落酸對旱地小麥滲透調節和產量的調控機理,2013/01-2014/06,4萬,主持(已結題)
- Yan-Lei Du, Yue Xi, Ting Cui, Niels P.R. Anten, Jacob Weiner, Xinmao Li, Neil C. Turner, Yi-Min Zhao, Feng-Min Li*. 2020. Yield components, reproductive allometry and the tradeoff between grain yield and yield stability in dryland spring wheat. Field Crops Research, 257, 107930 (/doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107930)
- Jing-Wei Fan, Xiao-Wei Yang, Tao Wang, Yuan Li, Hong Zhao, Yan-Lei Du*. 2020. Contrasting growth, photosynthesis, antioxidant responses and water use efficiency in two Medicago sativa L. genotypes under different phosphorus and soil water conditions. Agronomy 10, 1534 (doi: 10.3390/agronomy10101534)
- Tao Wang, Feng-Min Li, Neil C. Turner, Bing-Ru Wang, Fan Wu, Niels P.R. Anten, Yan-Lei Du*, 2020. Accelerated grain-filling rate increases seed size and grain yield of recent naked oat cultivars under well-watered and water-deficit conditions. European Journal of Agronomy 116, 126047 (doi:10.1016/j/eja.2020.126047)
- Li Zhang, Yan-Lei Du, Xiao-Gang Li, 2020. Modern wheat cultivars have greater root nitrogen uptake efficciency than old cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences (doi:10.1002/jpln.201900353)
- Yin Jin, Jin He, Neil C. Turner, Yan-Lei Du*, Feng-Min Li*, 2019. Water-conserving and biomass-allocation traits are associated with higher yields in modern cultivars compared to landraces of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in rainfed water-limited environments. Environmental and Experimental Botany 168. 103883 (10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103883)
- Jing-Wei Fan, Zakaria M. Solaiman, Bede S. Mickan, Yan-Lei Du, Feng-Min Li, Lynette K. Abbott, 2019. Sequential defoliation impacts on colonisation of root of Lolium rigidum by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were primarily determined by root responses. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55, 789-800.
- Jacob Weiner, Yan-Lei Du, Cong Zhang, Xiao-Liang Qin, Feng-Min Li, 2017. Evolutionary Agroecology: Individual fitness and population yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Ecology 98, 2261-2266.
- Yan Fang#, Yan-Lei Du#, Jun Wang, Aijiao Wu, Sheng Qiao, Bingcheng Xu, Suiqi Zhang, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Yinglong Chen*. 2017. Moderate drought stress affected root growth and grain yield in old, modern and newly released cultivars of winter wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00672.
- Jin He, Yi Jin,Yan-Lei Du*, Tao Wang, Neil C. Turner, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Feng-Min Li*. 2017. Genotypic variation in yield, yield components, root morphology and architecture, in soybean in relation to water and phosphorus supply. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01499.
- Tao Wang, Yan-Lei Du* Jin He, Neil C. Turner, Bing-Ru Wang, Cong Zhang, Ting Cui, Feng-Min Li*. 2017. Recently-released genotypes of naked oat ( Avena nuda L.) out-yield early releases under water-limited conditions by greater reproductive allocation and desiccation tolerance. Field Crops Research 204, 169–179.
- Jing-Wei Fan, Yan-Lei Du, Bing-Ru Wang, Neil C. Turner, Tao Wang, Lynette K. Abbott, Katia Stefanova, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Feng-Min Li*. 2016. Forage yield, soil water depletion, shoot nitrogen and phosphorus uptake and concentration, of young and old stands of alfalfa in response to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisation in a semiarid environment. Field Crops Research 198, 247-257.
- Jin He, Yan-Lei Du, Tao Wang, Neil C. Turner. 2016. Conserved water use improves the yield performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under drought. Agricultural Water Management 179, 236-245.
- Jiayin Pang, Neil C. Turner, Tanveer Khan, Yan-Lei Du, Jun-Lan Xiong, Timothy D. Colmer, Rosangela Devilla, Katia Stefanova, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. 2016. Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to terminal drought: leaf stomatal conductance, pod abscisic acid concentration, and seed set. Journal of Experimental Botany 61, 335-345.
- Yu Guan, Zhen Qiao, Jiu-Yuan Du, Yan-Lei Du*, 2015. Root carbon consumption and grain yield of spring wheat in response to phosphorus supply under two water regimes. Journal of Intergative Agriculture 15(7): 1595-1601.
- Jin He, Yan-Lei Du*, Tao Wang , Neil C. Turner, Yue Xi, Feng-Min Li*. 2015. Old and New Cultivars of Soya Bean (Glycine max L.) Subjected to Soil Drying Differ in Abscisic Acid Accumulation, Water Relations Characteristics and Yield. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 202, 372-383.
- Jing-Wei Fan#, Yan-Lei Du# , Neil C. Turner, Bing-Ru Wang, Yan Fang, Yue Xi, Xiao-Ran Guo, Feng-Min Li*. 2015. Changes in root morphology and physiology to limited phosphorus and moisture in a locally-selected cultivar and an introduced cultivar of Medicago sativa L. growing in alkaline soil. Plant and Soil 392, 215-226.
- Yan-Lei Du, Zhen-Yu Wang, Jing-Wei Fan, Neil C. Turner, Jin He, Tao Wang, Feng-Min Li*. 2013. Exogenous abscisic acid reduces water loss and improves antioxidant defense, desiccation tolerance and transpiration efficiency in two spring wheat cultivars subjected to a soil water deficit. Functional Plant Biology 40(5), 494-506.
- Yan-Lei Du, Zhen-Yu Wang, Jing-Wei Fan, Neil C. Turner, Tao Wang, Feng-Min Li*. 2012. β-aminobutyric acid increases abscisic acid accumulation, desiccation tolerance and decreases water use but fails to improve grain yield in two spring wheat cultivars under soil drying. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 4849-4860.
- Jiayin Pang, Neil C. Turner, Yan-Lei Du, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. 2017. Pattern of water use and seed yield under terminal drought in chickpea genotypes. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (1375). doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01375
- Jing-Wei Fan, Yan-Lei Du, Neil C. Turner, Feng-Min Li*, Jin He. 2012. Germination characteristics of switchgrass and its seedling establishment with different agricultural practice in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. Crop Science. 52, 2341-2350.