- 書名:材料力學行為
- 作者:考特尼
- ISBN:9787111145585
- 頁數:698
- 定價:65.00元
- 出版社:機械工業出版社
- 出版時間:2004-7
- 裝幀:簡裝本
- 叢書:時代教育國外高校優秀教材精選
1 Overview of Mechanical Behavior
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Elastic Deformation
1.3 Permanent Derormation
1.4 Fracture
1.5 Summary
2 Elastic Behavior
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Range of Elastic Moduli
2.3 Additional Elastic Properties
2.4 Basis for Linear Elasticity
2.5 Anisotropic Lineat Elasticity
2.6 Rubber Elasticity
2.7 Polymer Elasticity and Viscoelasticity
2.8 Mechanical Damping
2.9 Summary
3 Dislocations
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Yield Srtength of a perfect Crystal
3.3 The Edge Dislocation
3.4 Screw and Mised Dislocations
3.5 Twinning
3.6 Properties Of Dislocations
4 Plastic Deformation in Single and Polycry stalline Materials
5 Strengthening of Crystalline Materisls
6 Composite Materials
7 High Temperature Deformation Of Crystalline Materials
8 Deformation of Noncrystalline Materials
9 Fracture Mechanics
10 Thoughening Mechanisms and the Physics Of fracture
11 High -Temperature fracture
12 Fatigue of engineering Materials
13 Embrittlement