


  • 中文名:李鐵
  • 畢業院校:日本近畿大學大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:動力機械工程
  • 任職院校:上海交通大學



2000.10~2004.03 日本近畿大學大學院工業技術研究科 博士學位
1997.09~2000.06 中國大連理工大學動力機械工程系 碩士學位
1993.09~1997.06 中國大連理工大學動力機械工程系 學士學位


2014.06~現在 上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程學院 研究員,教授
2012.01~2014.05 上海交通大學機械與動力工程學院 特別研究員
2004.04~2011.10 日本北海道大學大學院工學研究科能源及環境工學科 助教授
2000.10~2004.03 日本廣島大學地域共同研究中心能源變換工學研究室 客座研究員


ITTC Specialist Committee on Energy Saving Method, NSFC評審專家,科技部重大科研項目評審專家、造船學會船舶力學學術委員會委員,造船學會輪機分會委員、中日汽車技術研究交流會幹事與理事,燃燒學會年會分會場主席等。
《內燃機學報》特邀編委,長期擔任Combustion Flame, Energy, ECM,FUEL,IJER等學術期刊特邀審稿專家。





2018.01-2021.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51776125)多成分燃料高壓射流噴霧局部濃度及蒸發率的瞬時測試方法研究 負責人
2018.01-2022.12 工信部高技術船舶科研項目(YF19001-4)大型郵輪創新工程(一期)郵輪動力系統及輔助系統集成及調試技術研究 負責人
2017.07-2020.06 上海市科技創新行動計畫政府間國際科技合作項目(17590711000)套用於高增壓高稀釋比發動機的先進點火技術,負責人
2016.01-2018.12 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫(91541104) 超臨界低氧氛圍高壓噴霧射流減速瞬時火焰回撤現象研究,負責人
2014.04-2017.03 國家國際科技(中加政府間)合作重大專項 (2014DFG61320)柴油機中生物醇類燃料高效清潔燃燒的關鍵技術合作研究, 負責人
2013.01-2016.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目(52276115)含水乙醇乳化燃料高壓噴霧燃燒時消煙作用的機理研究,負責人
2016.04-2016.12 海洋工程國家重點實驗室課題(GKZD010065)柴油微引燃天然氣發動機噴霧模型構建研究,負責人
2015.04-2015.12 海洋工程國家重點實驗室課題(GKZD010068)柴油微引燃天然氣發動機高效清潔燃燒機理與最佳化設計研究,負責人
2014.01-2016.12 教育部留學回國人員啟動基金(20120904581)小型化高增壓直噴汽油發動機碳煙排放的生成機理與控制研究,負責人
2013.10-2016.09 中央千人計畫青年項目 基於W2W(油井到車輪)效率評估的燃料與燃燒系統設計 負責人
2013.09-2015.08 上海市浦江人才計畫(A類)(13PJ1404300)米勒循環、廢氣再循環及進氣增壓協同作用下抑制小型化高壓縮比直噴汽油機爆震的機理和策略研究,負責人
2013.01-2015.12 教育部博士點基金(20120073120059) 直噴均質混合氣火花點火發動機顆粒物排放的特性與機理研究,負責人


2016.10-2018.3 P2混合動力車型能量管理研究, 上海汽車工業科技發展基金會課題, 負責人
2016.5.1-2016.12 中船重工711研究所 流動式定壓燃燒彈系統設計開發, 負責人
2016.2-2016.12 康迪電動車 新能源汽車關鍵技術諮詢項目 負責人
2014.12-2016.12 寧波豐沃渦輪增壓器有限公司 廢氣渦輪增壓器關鍵技術開發 負責人
2013.03-2013.12 哈爾濱東安汽車發動機製造有限公司, DAE 4G15T 發動機增壓冷卻EGR系統預研究 負責人
2012.01-2012.12 美國福特汽車公司國際合作項目, DISI發動機過熱噴霧中閃沸過程的機理分析,負責人
2012.02-2012.12 美國通用汽車研發中心國際合作項目, VVT技術對高壓縮比小型化直噴發動機性能的影響,共同負責人
2010.04-2012.03 日本石油產業活性化中心(JPEC) 壓縮著火發動機燃用汽油時低溫預混合燃燒運行範圍擴大的可能性,共同負責人


1. Zhifei Zhang, Tie Li*, Shuai Huang. Influence of the pressure and temperature on LIBS for gas concentration measurements. Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectra 155 (2019) 24-33. SCI & EI
2. Zhifei Zhang, Tie Li*, Weiquan Shi. Ambient Tracer-LIF for 2-D Quantitative Concentration Measurement in Gas Jets. Energy 171 (2019) 372-384. SCI & EI
3. Hao Jiang, Tie Li, Yifeng Wang, Pengfei He, Bin Wang. The Evolution of Soot Morphology and Nanostructure along Axial Direction of Diesel Spray Jet Flames. Combustion and Flame 199 (2019) 204-212. SCI & EI
4. Zhou Xinyi, Li Tie, Lai Zheyuan. Modeling spray tip and tail penetrations after end-of-injection. Fuel 237 (2019) 442-456. SCI & EI IF4.601
5. Hongpu Xia, Tie Li, Bin Wang, Pengfei He, Yuxin Chen. Energy Management Optimization for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Real-World Driving Data. SAE Paper 2019-01-0161; 2019.
6. Simon Leblanc, Prasad Divekar, Xiaoye Han, Jimi Tjong, Tie Li, Ming Zheng. Preliminary Testing of n-Butanol HCCI on High Compression Ratio Diesel Engines. SAE Paper 2019-01-0577; 2019.
7. 賀鵬飛,李鐵,姜浩,王怡峰,吳剛,柴油噴霧火焰中碳煙顆粒形貌及納觀結構特性,《內燃機學報》 已錄用,2018.
8. 顧雨濛,李鐵,魏義傑,賴哲淵,王斌,柴油噴霧蒸發仿真中KH-RT模型的數值試驗研究,《內燃機工程》2019 40(1) 36-41.2019/02.
9. 吳重敏,李鐵,鄧康耀,大缸徑點燃式天然氣發動機爆震的影響因素,《內燃機學報》 36(6)(2018)507-511.
10. Zhang Xiaoqing, Li Tie, Wang Bin, Wei Yijie. Superheat limit and micro-explosion in droplets of hydrous ethanol diesel emulsions at atmospheric pressure and diesel-like conditions. Energy 154 (2018) 535-543. SCI & EI IF4.601
11. Zhou Xinyi, Li Tie, Lai Zheyuan, Wang Bin. Scaling fuel sprays for different size diesel engines. Fuel 225C (2018) 358-369. SCI & EI IF4.601
12. Jiang Hao; Li Tie; Wang Yifeng; He Pengfei. Morphology and nano-structure analysis of soot particles sampled from high-pressure diesel jet flames under diesel-like conditions. Measurement Science and Technology 29 (4) (2018) 045801. SCI & EI IF1.585
13. Li Tie, Yin Tao, Wang Bin. Application of the Newly Developed KLSA Model into Optimizing the Compression Ratio of a Turbocharged SI Engine with Cooled EGR. SAE Paper 2018-32-0037; 2018.
14. Zhou Xinyi, Li Tie, Lai Zheyuan, Wang Bin. Theoretical Study on Similarity of Diesel Combustion. SAE Paper 2018-01-0235; 2018.
15. Tongyang Gao, Shui Yu, Tie Li and Ming Zheng. Impact of multiple pilot diesel injections on premixed combustion of ethanol fuel. Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 232 (6) (2018) 738-754.
16. Yu Shui, Dev Shoulvlk, Yang Zhengyi, Leblanc Simon, Yu Xiao, Han Xiaoye, Tie Li, Ming Zheng. Early pilot injection strategies for reactivity control in Diesel-ethanol dual fuel combustion. SAE Paper 2018-01-0265; 2018.
17. Nuchturee C, Li T. A review of energy efficient methods for all-electric ships. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2018; 188(1): 012050.
18. Wu CM, Li T, Huang S, Wang B, Deng KY. Experimental Investigations on the cyclic variability of a large bore CNG engine. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2018; 188(1): 012040.
19. 周昕毅,李鐵,賴哲淵,王斌,柴油機非蒸發噴霧相似性研究[J],《內燃機工程》 (2018)39(5): 1-7. 2018/10.
20. 賴哲淵,李鐵,周昕毅,王斌,柴油機噴霧燃燒相似性理論基礎研究[J],《內燃機工程》(2018)39(3): 1-7. 2018/06.
21. Tie Li, Tao Yin, Bin Wang. A Phenomenological Model of Knock Intensity in Spark-Ignition Engines. Energy Conversion and Management 148C (2017) 1233-1247. SCI & EI IF5.589
22. Tie Li, Tao yin, Bin Wang. Anatomy of the cooled EGR effects on soot emission reduction in boosted spark-ignited direct-injection engines. Applied Energy 190 (2017) 43-56. SCI & EI IF7.182
23. Tie Li, Xiao-Qing Zhang, Bin Wang, Tao Guo, Qi Shi, Ming Zheng. Characteristics of non-evaporating, evaporating and burning sprays of hydrous ethanol diesel emulsified fuels. Fuel 191 (2017) 251-265. SCI & EI IF4.601
24. Xiaoqing Zhang, Tie Li, Pengfei Ma and Bin Wang, Spray combustion characteristics and soot emissions reduction of hydrous ethanol diesel emulsion fuel using color-ratio pyrometry. Energies 10 (12)-2062 (2017) 1-13. doi:10.3390/en10122062 SCI & EI IF2.262
25. Wei Y., Li T., Wang B., Shi W., Simultaneous Measurement of the Flame Lift-Off Length on Direct Injection Diesel Sprays Using High Speed Schlieren Imaging and OH Chemiluminescence. SAE Paper 2017-01-2307; 2017. EI
26. 王斌,李鐵,張小卿,郭濤,石奇,柴油蒸發噴霧液相貫穿距波動的量化分析[J],《汽車工程》(2017) 39 (3): 256-261, 2017. 2017/03/25. EI
27. 史衛全,李鐵,姜浩, 噴油速率測試控制系統設計與開發, 《機電一體化》已錄用,2017.
28. 史衛全,李鐵, 基於NI CompactRIO的壓力反饋式噴油控制系統設計與開發, 《車用發動機》2017 (6) :48-51,2017.
29. 陳楨皓,李鐵,王斌,Tongyang Gao, Ming Zheng. 柴油微引燃乙醇發動機燃燒、性能及排放特性研究,《車用發動機》2017 (6) :7-12.
30. 張小卿,李鐵,郭濤,王斌,石奇,賀鵬飛,柴油含水乙醇乳化燃料物性及噴霧燃燒特性研究[J],《內燃機工程》 (2017)38(5):9-14.
31. 陳楨皓,李鐵,王斌,鄭明,進氣壓力對柴油微引燃乙醇發動機的影響,《船舶工程》(2017) 39 (11): 40-43. 2017/03.
32. Tongyang Gao, Shui Yu, Hua Zhu, Tie Li, Jimi Tjong, Graham Reader, Ming Zheng. A feasibility study of using DI Butanol as an ignition source for duel-fuel combustion. SAE Paper 2017-01-0770; 2017. EI
33. Tie Li, Bin Wang, Bin Zheng. A Comparison between Miller and Five-Stroke Cycles for Enabling Deeply Downsized, Highly Boosted, Spark-Ignition Engines with Ultra Expansion. Energy Conversion and Management 123 (2016) 140~152. 2016 Sept. 1 SCI & EI
34. Bin Wang, Tie Li, Linlin Ge, Hideyuki Ogawa. Optimization of combustion chamber geometry for natural gas engines with diesel micro-pilot-induced ignition. Energy Conversion and Management 122 (2016) 552~563. SCI & EI
35. Qi Shi, Tie Li, Xiaoqing Zhang, Bin Wang, Ming Zheng. Measurement of Temperature and Soot (KL) Distributions in Spray Flames of Diesel-butanol Blends by Two-color Method Using High-speed RGB Video Camera. SAE paper 2016-01-2190; 2016. EI
36. Wang Y, Zhu Z, Yao M, Li T, Zhang W, Zheng Z. An investigation into the RCCI engine operation under low load and its achievable operational range at different engine speeds. Energy Conversion and Management 123 (2016) 399~413. Sept. 2016. SCI & EI
37. Yifeng Wang, Mingfa Yao, Tie Li, Weijing Zhang, Zunqing Zheng. A parametric study for enabling reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) operation in diesel engines at various engine loads. Applied Energy 175 (2016) 389~403. SCI & EI
38. 石奇,李鐵,張小卿,王斌,賀鵬飛,柴油丁醇混合燃料噴霧火焰的兩色法測試研究,《車用發動機》2016 (6) :83-89.
39. 鄭斌, 李鐵, 尹濤. 米勒循環改善增壓直噴汽油機熱效率的機理分析——部分負荷工況分析[J]. 內燃機工程, (2016) 37 (6): 116-121. 2016/12/15
40. 郭濤,李鐵, 王斌,張小卿,預燃式定容燃燒彈的研製與噴霧特性研究[J],機電一體化,2016(3):24-29.
41. 尹濤,李鐵,鄭斌,趙非,冷卻EGR結合壓縮比最佳化改善增壓汽油機燃油經濟性研究,車用發動機,2016(2):28-34.
42. 陳龍華,李鐵,尹濤,鄭斌,考慮多參數影響的增壓發動機現象學爆震預測模型,《內燃機工程》 4 (2016) 199-205. EI
43. Tie Li, Bin Zheng, Tao Yin. Fuel conversion efficiency improvements in a highly-boosted spark-ignition engine with ultra-expansion cycle. Energy Conversion and Management 103 (2015) 448~458. SCI & EI
44. Ming Zheng, Tie Li, Xiaoye Han, Direct injection of neat n-butanol for enabling clean low temperature combustion in a modern diesel engine, Fuel 142 (2015) 28-37. SCI & EI
45. 薛亮,李鐵,柴油-含水乙醇乳化燃料配製及理化特性研究,車用發動機[J]. 2015(2): 70-76.
46. 鄭斌, 李鐵, 尹濤. 高負荷下套用米勒循環提升高壓比汽油機熱效率機理研究[J]. 車用發動機. 2015, 220(05) 20-25
47. Longhua, Chen, Tie Li, Tao Yin, Bin Zheng, A Predictive Model for Knock Onset in Spark-Ignition Engines with Cooled EGR, Energy Conversion and Management 87 (2014) 946~955. ISSN: 0196-8904, WOS: 000343337200096, SCI & EI
48. Tie Li, Yi Gao, Jiasheng Wang, Ziqiang Chen, The Miller Cycle Effects on Improvement of Fuel Economy in a Highly Boosted, High Compression Ratio, Direct-Injection Gasoline Engine: EIVC vs. LIVC, Energy Conversion and Management 79 (2014) 59~65. SCI & EI
49. Jianye Su, Min Xu Tie Li, Yi Gao, Jiasheng Wang, Combined effects of cooled EGR and a high geometric compression ratio on thermal efficiency improvement of a downsized boosted spark-ignition direct-injection engine, Energy Conversion and Management 78 (2014) 165~73. SCI & EI
50. Qian Xiong, Kazuki Inaba, Tie Li, Gen Shibata, and Hideyuki Ogawa, Influence of Fuel Properties on Operational Range and Combustion Characteristics of Premixed Diesel Combustion with High Volatility Fuel, International Journal of Engine Research, 15 (5): 557-564, Jun. 2014.SCI & EI 0.969.
51. Tao Yin, Tie Li, Longhua Chen, Bin Zheng, Fei Zhao, Optimization of compression ratio of a boosted PFI SI engine with cooled EGR, SAE Technical Paper No. 2014-01-2552, 2014.
52. 黃偉,張玉銀,許敏,李鐵,孔令遜,王家盛,採用兩次噴油策略降低直噴增壓汽油機爆震和碳煙排放及改善冷啟動特性的研究,《內燃機工程》,35(2) (2014): 48~53.
53. Tie Li, Da Wu, Min Xu, Thermodynamic Analysis of EGR Effects on the First and Second Law Efficiencies of a Boosted Spark-Ignited Direct-Injection Engine, Energy Conversion and Management, 70(2013): 130~138. SCI IF2.98
54. Tie Li, Riichi Moriwaki, Hideyuki Ogawa, Ryuta Kakizaki, Masato Murase, Dependence of Premixed Low-Temperature Diesel Combustion on Fuel Ignitability and Volatility. International Journal of Engine Research, 13 (1): 14-27, Feb. 2012.SCI & EI 0.969
55. 吳達,許敏,李鐵,廢氣再循環對增壓直噴汽油機熱效率的影響,《車用發動機》,3(2013): 50~55.
56. Tie Li, Hideyuki Ogawa, Analysis of the Trade-off between Soot and Nitrogen Oxides in Diesel-Like Combustion by Chemical Kinetic Calculation, SAE International Journal of Engines: 5(2): 94-101 May 2012. EI
57. Tie Li, Hideyuki Ogawa, Riichi Moriwaki, Teruo Suzuki, Effects of EGR and Pilot Injection on Characteristics of Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engines with Low Ignitability Fuel, SAE Paper 2012-01-0853, 2012. EI
58. 高永興,張玉銀,許敏,蘇建業,孔令遜,李鐵,基於LIVC和雙VVT技術的增壓直噴汽油機抑制爆震試驗研究,《車用發動機》,1(2012): 63~67.
59. Tie Li, Keiya Nishida, and Hiroyuki Hiroyasu. Droplet Size Distribution and Evaporation Characteristics of Fuel Spray by a Swirl Type Atomizer. Fuel, 90 (7): 2367-2376, 2011. SCI & EI, IF3.791.
60. Hideyuki Ogawa, Tie Li, Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaust Gas from Diesel Engines under Various Operating Conditions, International Journal of Engine Research, 12 (1): 30-40, 2011. SCI & EI.
61. 李鉄,柿崎隆太,森脇理一,小川英之,村瀬真人,燃料の著火性が予混合化ディーゼル燃焼の運転可能范囲に及ぼす影響,日本機械學會論文集B編, 77(781), 1852-1857, 2011. EI.
62. 李鉄,森脇理一,小川英之,鈴木昭雄,低セタン価燃料のディーゼルエンジンへの適用,日本機械學會論文集B編,77(781), 1844-1851, 2011. EI.
63. Tie Li, Masaru Suzuki, and Hideyuki Ogawa, The Effect of Two-Stage Injection on Unburned Hydrocarbon and Carbon Monoxide Emissions in Smokeless Low Temperature Diesel Combustion with Ultra-High Exhaust Gas Recirculation, International Journal of Engine Research, 11 (5): 345-354, 2010. SCI & EI
64. 李鉄,小川英之,すすと窒素酸化物のトレードオフに関する化學反応動力學的考察,日本機械學會論文集B編,76 (772): 286-291/2280-2285, 2010. EI
65. 李鉄,鈴木勝,小川英之,大量EGR無煙低溫ディーゼル燃焼の未燃炭化水素および一酸化炭素排出に及ぼす二段燃料噴射の効果,日本機械學會論文集B編,76 (766): 72-77/1004-1009, 2010. EI
66. 李鐵,鈴木勝,小川英之,壓縮比及燃料十六烷值對超高EGR低溫柴油燃燒的影響,汽車安全與節能學報,1 (1): 74-82, 2010. 創刊號受邀投稿. EI
67. Tie Li, Masaru Suzuki, Hideyuki Ogawa, Effects of Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether Addition to Diesel Fuel on Characteristics of Combustion and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engines, Fuel, 88(10): 2017-2024, 2009. SCI & EI
68. Tie Li, Hideyuki Ogawa, Regulated Emissions and Speciated Hydrocarbon Emissions from Smokeless Low Temperature Combustion Diesel Engines with Ultra-High EGR and Exhaust Oxidation Catalyst, Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, 223 (D5): 673-683, 2009. DOI: 10.1243/ 09544070JAUTO1047. SCI & EI.
69. Tie Li, Masaru Suzuki, Hideyuki Ogawa, Characteristics of Smokeless Low Temperature Diesel Combustion in Various Fuel-Air Mixing and Expansion of Operating Load Range, SAE Paper 2009-01-1449; 2009.
70. 李鉄,柿崎隆太,鈴木勝,村瀬真人,小川英之,予混合化ディーゼル燃焼の燃料著火性依存性,自動車技術會論文集, 40 (6): 1503-1508,2009.
71. Tie Li, Masaru Suzuki, Toshio Shudo and Hideyuki Ogawa. Effect of Cetane Number on Mixture Formation and Combustion Characteristics of Ultra-High EGR Low Temperature Diesel Combustion. Review of Automotive Engineering (JSAE Review), 29 (4):463-470, 2008.
72. Tie Li, Hiroyuki Izumi, Toshio Shudo, Hideyuki Ogawa. Effect of Exhaust Catalysts on Regulated and Unregulated Emissions from Low Temperature Diesel Combustion with High Rates of Cooled EGR. SAE Technical Paper No.2008-01-0647, In-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control (SP-2168), pp.127-136, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricant, 1(1): 274-282, 2008.
73. 李鉄,鈴木勝,小川英之:大量EGR低溫ディーゼル燃焼に及ぼす圧縮比とセタン価の影響-予混合化と低溫化による各効果に対する検討-,自動車技術會論文集,39(6): 119-124,2008.
74. 李鉄,鈴木勝,首藤登志夫,小川英之:大量EGR?低溫ディーゼル燃焼排気中の微粒子粒徑分布,日本機械學會論文集B編,74(741): 207-212/1199-1204,2008. EI 083311461914
75. 李鉄,鈴木勝,首藤 登志夫,小川 英之:大量EGR?低溫ディーゼル燃焼の混合気形成および燃焼特性に及ぼすセタン価の影響,自動車技術會論文集,39 (3): 157-162,2008.The 59th JSAE Best Paper Award
76. Hideyuki Ogawa, Tie Li and Noboru Miyamoto. Characteristics of Low Temperature and Low Oxygen Diesel Combustion with Ultra-High EGR. International Journal of Engine Research, 8 (4): 365-378, 2007. SCI & EI Inspec 074010844540
77. Tie Li, Keiya Nishida, Yu-yin Zhang and Hiroyuki Hiroyasu. Effect of Split Injection on Stratified Charge Formation in DISI Engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 8 (2): 205-219, 2007. SCI & EI Inspec 072610679574
78. Tie Li, Hiroyuki Izumi, Toshio Shudo, Hideyuki Ogawa, Yukihiro Okabe. Characterization of Low Temperature Diesel Combustion with Various Dilution Gases. In-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control (SP-2082), pp.87-98, SAE Transactions Journal of Engines, 116 (3): 120-131, No. 2007-01-0126, 2007.
79. 李鉄,泉洋行,岡部 幸弘,首藤 登志夫,小川 英之:ETBE混合燃料の低溫ディーゼル燃焼特性,自動車技術會論文集,38(4): 127-132,2007.
80. 李鉄,泉洋行,首藤登志夫,小川英之:大量EGR?低溫ディーゼル燃焼における未規制有害物質排出特性および排気觸媒による浄化効果,日本機械學會論文集B編,73 (728): 221-226/1129-1134, 2007. EI 073110736298
81. 岡部幸弘,泉洋行,李鉄,首藤登志夫,小川英之:低溫ディーゼル燃焼における希釈ガスの効果(第一報)-各種導入ガスによる効果の比較-,自動車技術會論文集,38 (2): 143-148,2007.
82. 李鉄,岡部幸弘,泉洋行,首藤登志夫,小川英之:低溫ディーゼル燃焼における希釈ガスの効果(第二報)-二酸化炭素の化學的効果-,自動車技術會論文集,38(2): 149-153,2007.
83. Hideyuki Ogawa, Tie Li, Shingo Kido, Hejime Shimizu and Noboru Miyamoto. Dependence of Ultra-High EGR and Low Temperature Diesel Combustion on Fuel Injection Conditions and Compression Ratio. SAE Transactions Journal of Engines, 115(4): 925-931, No. 2006-01-3386, 2006.
84. 李鉄,木戸伸吾,小川英之: 超高EGR?低酸素ディーゼル燃焼の燃料性狀依存性,日本機械學會論文集B編,72 (719): 213-218/1857-1862, 2006. EI 064210173561
85. 小川英之,李鉄,木戸伸吾,清水 肇,宮本 登:超高EGR?低酸素濃度雰囲気ディーゼル燃焼の燃料噴射および圧縮比に対する依存性,日本機械學會論文集B編,72 (714): 543-549/543-549, 2006. EI 06179836003
86. Tie Li, Keiya Nishida, Yu-yin Zhang, Tuyoshi Onoe and Hiro Hiroyasu. Enhancement of Stratified Charge for DISI Engines through Split Injection – Effect and Its Mechanism. JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering, 48(4): 687-694, 2005. SCI & EI Inspec 06229902659
87. Tie Li. Characterization of Spray and Mixture Formation Processes of DI Gasoline Engines. Engine Technology, 39, Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 56-62, 2005. Invited article
88. Tie Li, Keiya Nishida, Yu-yin Zhang and Hiro Hiroyasu. An Insight into Effect of Split Injection on Mixture Formation and Combustion of DI Gasoline Engines. Direct Injection Gasoline Engines (SP-1891), No. 2004-01-1949, 2004.
89. Tie Li, Keiya Nishida and Hiro Hiroyasu. Characterization of Initial spray from a DI Gasoline Spray Injector by Holography and Laser Diffraction Method. Atomization and Sprays, 11(5): 477-494, 2004. SCI & EI 063110040294
90. Tie Li., Yu-yin Zhang, Keiya Nishida and Hiro Hiroyasu. Characterization of Mixture Formation Processes in DI Gasoline Engine Sprays with Split Injection Strategy via Laser Absorption and Scattering (LAS) Technique. SAE Transaction Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 112(4): 2296-2306, No. 2003-01-3161, 2003.
91. Tie Li, Masahisa Yamakawa, Dasuke Takaki, Keiya Nishida, Yu-yin Zhang and Hiro Hiroyasu. Characterization of Mixture Formation Processes in DI Gasoline Sprays by the Laser Absorption and Scattering (LAS) Technique – Effect of Injection Condition. SAE Transaction Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 112(4): 1115-1124, No. 2003-01-1811, 2003.
92. Masahisa Yamakawa, Daisuke Takaki, Tie Li, Yu-yin Zhang and Keiya Nishida. Quantitative Measurement of Liquid and Vapor Phase Concentration Distributions in a D.I. Gasoline Spray by the Laser Absorption Scattering (LAS) Technique. SAE Transaction Journal of Engines, 111(3): 2194-2206, No. 2002-01-1644, 2002.






2015 Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Combustion Institute
2014 Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer Award for Energy Conversion & Management
2013 SAE Ralph R. Teetor Award, Society of Automotive Engineers International
2013 上海市浦江人才計畫
2013 國家千人計畫 (青年)
2009 The 59th JSAE Medal Award, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE), 2009
中國教育部春暉學者, 2008, 2009, 2011
2000-2004 Japanese Government Scholarship


