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  • 中文名:李棟 
  • 國籍中國 
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 出生日期:1990年5月 
  • 畢業院校海南大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:大學教師 
  • 專業方向:土壤污染與植物修復 
  • 職務:副教授 


1. 2023.11 -至今 海南大學, 熱帶農林學院, 農業資源與環境系, 副教授
2. 2021.9 -2023.10 海南大學,生態與環境學院,博士後


(1) 土壤污染與植物修復
(2) 作物植物營養與施肥


1. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金, 42207467, 多組學聯合解析王草與耐性菌協同修復Cd-Cr複合污染土壤的共調控效應及機制研究, 2023-01至2024-12, 20萬, 在研, 主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,42377016,根系分泌物驅動王草-促生菌協同調控土壤 Cd/Cr 的生物有效性及其轉運的分子機制,2024-01至2027-12,49萬,在研,參與;
3. 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目, 72261147460, 廢塑膠源-流-匯區域演化過程、資源效率及環境效應研究, 2023-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 300萬元, 在研, 參與;
4. 國家自然科學基金地區項目, 42067027, 印度梨形孢-王草根際土壤系統中功能菌群與根系分泌物協同介導鎘和鉻活化的調控機制, 2021-01至2024-12, 35萬, 在研, 參與.
5. 海南省自然科學基金青年基金項目,422QN27,植物-微生物聯合修復複合污染土壤中根際微環境介導鎘、鉻活化的調控機制,2022-01-01至2023-12-31, 6萬,在研,主持.
6. 海南省博士後研究資助,RZ2300001354,“土壤-微生物-作物”系統中污染物阻控機理示範與研究,20211101~20220601,10萬元,在研,主持.


1. Dong Li#, Xiaoxiao Zheng#, Li Lin, Qianli An, Yangqiu Jiao, Qiuli Li, Zhidong Li, Yihong, Kailu Zhang, Can Xie, Jing Yin, Haixiang Zhang, Baijie Wang, Yueming Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu*. Remediation of soils co-contaminated with cadmium and DDTs by king grass associated with Piriformospora indica: Insights into the regulation of root excretion and reshaping of rhizosphere microbial community structure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422: 126936.
2. Xiaoyan Sun, Huiping Feng, Jialiang Luo, Li Lin, Haixiang Zhang, Yali Duan, Fan Liu, Kailu Zhang, Baijie Wang, Dong Li*, Yueming Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu*. A novel N-arachidonoyl-l-alanine- catabolizing strain of Serratia marcescens for the bioremediation of Cd and Cr co-contamination. Environmental Research, 2023, 222:115376.
3. Yali Duan#, Dong Li#, Zhidong Li, Jialiang Luo, Xiaoyan Sun, Haixiang Zhang, Yangwenzheng Li, Fan Liu, Kailu Zhang, Yueming Hu, Xin Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhu*. Enhancing phosphorus bioavailability in lateritic red soil: Combining Bacillus subtilis inoculated microbial organic fertilizer with reduced chemical input. Soil Use and Management, 2023, 11.
4.Kailu Zhang, Haixiang Zhang, Can Xie, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Li Lin, Qianli An, Xin Zhang*, Weidong Wu, Dong Li*. Piriformospora indica colonization enhances remediation of cadmium and chromium co-contaminated soils by king grass through plant growth promotion and rhizosphere microecological regulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 462: 132728.
5. Hailin Liu#, Dong Li#, Yanyan Huang, Qinghuo Lin, Lina Huang, Shimin Cheng, Shaolong Sun* Zhiqiang Zhu*. Addition of bacterial consortium produced high-quality sugarcane bagasse compost as an environmental-friendly fertilizer: Optimizing arecanut (Areca catechu L.) production, soil fertility and microbial community structure, Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 188:104920.
6. Hong Yi#, Dong Li#, Can Xie, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Jing Yin, Zhidong Li, Kailu Zhang, Yangqiu Jiao, Baijie Wang, Yueming Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu*. Combined apatite, biochar, and organic fertilizer application for heavy metal co-contaminated soil remediation reduces heavy metal transport and alters soil microbial community structure. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 851: 158033.
7. Weidong Yang, Dong Li, Zhidong Li, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Yi Hong, Yangqiu Jiao, Lizhen Huang, Xinran Gao, Fengliang Zhao, Zhiqiang Zhu* and Yong Liu. Comparison of Salix Genotypes for Co-Phytofiltration of Iron and Manganese from Simulated Contaminated Groundwater in a Floating Culture System. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 2019, 999:1-7.
8. Fan Liu , Kailu Zhang , Yang Zhao, Dong Li, Xiaoyan Sun, Li Lin, Huiping Feng, Qing Huang , Zhiqiang Zhu. Screening of cadmium-chromium-tolerant strains and synergistic remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil using king grass combined with highly efficient microbial strains. Science of The Total Environment, 2023: 168990.
9. Hongwei Zhao, Qiuli Li, Xiaotuo Jin, Dong Li, Zhiqiang Zhu*, and Qing X. L.Chiral enantiomers of the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol selectively affect community structure and diversity of soil microorganisms, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 797: 148942.
10. Zhidong Li, Yangqiu Jiao, Jing Yin, Dong Li, Beibei Wang, Kailu Zhang, Xiaoxiao Zheng,Yi Hong, Haixiang Zhang, Can Xie, Yangwengzheng Li, Yali Duan, Yueming Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Yong Liu*. Productivity and quality of banana in response to chemical fertilizer reduction with bio-organic fertilizer: Insight into soil properties and microbial ecology, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021, 322:107659.
11. 尹靜,李棟,李楊文正,段亞麗,焦陽秋,石慶勝,程寧寧,朱治強*, 改性木質素緩釋肥的養分釋放特徵評價方法比較, 農業資源與環境學報, 2022, 39(6): 1155-1163.
1.朱治強,孫曉燕,李棟,張楷露,張海翔,段亞麗,李楊文正,劉帆,羅嘉梁. 一種修復鎘-鉻複合污染的菌株及其套用, 2023.4.5, ZL 202111614715.2, 發明專利, 授權.
2.朱治強, 羅嘉梁, 段亞麗, 李棟, 馮慧萍, 張楷露, 張海祥, 孫曉燕, 劉帆. 一種植物不同生育期的根系分泌物採集裝置, 2022.12.14, ZL 202222294542.7, 實用新型專利, 授權.
3.朱治強, 張楷露, 李棟, 張海祥, 段亞麗, 王柏潔, 李楊文正, 羅嘉梁, 孫曉燕, 劉帆, 尹靜, 謝璨 . 一種原位盆栽試驗pH檢測裝置, 2022.9.23, ZL 202111197678.X, 發明專利, 授權.
4.朱治強, 張楷露, 李棟, 張海祥, 段亞麗, 王柏潔, 李楊文正, 羅嘉梁, 孫曉燕, 劉帆, 尹靜, 謝璨, 王麗君. 一種完整收集盆栽植物根系的裝置, 2022.7.8, ZL 202111327095.4, 發明專利,授權.
5.朱治強, 尹靜, 焦陽秋, 李棟.一種荔枝節肥增效的施肥方法, 2022.6.28, ZL 202010778461.7, 發明專利, 授權.
6.朱治強, 劉帆, 張楷露, 李棟, 張海祥, 王柏潔.微生物培養及定量取液裝置, 2022.6.3, ZL 202123409438.X, 實用新型專利, 授權.
7.朱治強,張楷露,李棟,張海祥,段亞麗,王柏潔,李楊文正,羅嘉梁,孫曉燕,劉帆,謝璨.尹靜. 一種原位收集根際和非根際土壤的多功能採集裝置, 2022.4.22,ZL 202110890912.0, 發明專利, 授權.
8.朱治強, 焦陽秋, 尹靜, 李棟. 一種適用於芒果節肥增效的全生育期組合施肥方法, 2022.3.29, ZL 202010964234.3, 發明專利, 授權.
9.朱治強, 張海祥, 張楷露, 李棟, 段亞麗, 謝璨, 李楊文正. 一種根系分泌物原位採集裝置, 2022.3.4, ZL 202110619533.8, 實用新型專利, 授權.
10.朱治強, 張海祥, 張楷露, 段亞麗,李棟, 謝璨, 李楊文正. 一種植物完整性根型採集裝置, 2021.12.7, ZL 202121255535.5, 實用新型專利, 授權.
11.朱治強, 李治東, 李棟, 鄭瀟瀟. 一種土壤通氣培養裝置, 2020.11.6, ZL 202020191338.0, 實用新型專利, 授權.
12.朱治強, 李棟, 鄭瀟瀟. 一種植物根系分泌物原位收集實驗裝置, 2019.7.26, ZL 201920491468.3, 實用新型專利, 授權.
13.朱治強, 李棟, 鄭瀟瀟. 一種植物根際和非根際土壤採集裝置, 2019.7.26, ZL 201920499342.0, 實用新型專利, 授權.
14.朱治強,謝璨,李棟,洪怡. 一種重金屬在污染土壤中遷移模擬的土壤淋溶裝置, 2021.3.16, ZL 202021571111.5, 實用新型專利, 授權.


