李梢,1973年10月出生於醫學世家,清華大學長聘教授、博士生導師、清華信息國家實驗室中醫藥交叉研究中心主任、生物信息學部副主任。在Cell子刊、Cancer Research、Molecular Systems Biology等刊物發表論文100餘篇,代表論文兩次被《自然中國》(Nature China)作為亮點報導,被國際千名醫學家(F1000)推薦為“必讀論文”和“傑出論文”,被美國《華爾街日報》長篇報導,評為“2014世界中醫藥十大新聞”。由於在中醫藥網路藥理學上的開拓性工作和成果,獲2012年國家傑出青年科學基金。先後入選國家“萬人計畫”科技創新領軍人才、科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才、教育部新世紀優秀人才等,兼任世界中醫藥學會聯合會網路藥理學專業委員會會長、中國藥理學會網路藥理學專業委員會副主任委員等職。

- Zhang P, Yang M, Zhang Y, Xiao S, Lai X, Tan A, Du S, Li S*. Dissecting the single-cell transcriptome network underlying gastric premalignant lesions and early gastric cancer. Cell Reports 2019; 27,1934-1947
- Guo Y, Bao C, Ma D, Cao Y, Li Y, Xie Z*, Li S*. Network-based combinatorial CRISPR-Cas9 screens identify synergistic modules in human cells. ACS Synthetic Biology 2019; 8:482−490 (封面論文)
- Cui J, Cui H, Yang M, Du S, Li J, Li Y, Liu L, Zhang X*, Li S*. Tongue coating microbiome as a potential biomarker for gastritis including precancerous cascade. Protein & Cell (Accepted)
- Tan A, Huang H, Zhang P, Li S*. Network-based cancer precision medicine: a new emerging paradigm. Cancer Letters 2019; 458;39-45
- Liao S, Han L, Zheng X, Wang X, Zhang P, Wu J, Liu R, Fu Y, Sun J, Kang X, Wang S, Liu K, Fan TP*, Li S*, Zheng X*. Tanshinol borneol ester (DBZ), a novel synthetic small molecule angiogenesis stimulator inspired by botanical formulations for angina pectoris. British Journal of Pharmacology (Accepted)
- Zheng J, Wu M, Wang H, Li SS, Wang X, Li Y, Wang D, Li S*. Network pharmacology to unveil the biological basis of health strengthening herb medicine in cancer treatment. Cancers 2018; 10(11):461:1-23
- Zhang T, Xue R, Wang X, Zhao S, An L, Li Y, Zhang Y*, Li S*. Network-based drug repositioning: a novel strategy for discovering potential antidepressants and their mode of action. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2018; 28:1137-1150
- Zuo J, Wang X, Liu Y, Ye J, Liu Q, Li Y*, Li S*. Integrating network pharmacology and metabolomics study on anti-rheumatic mechanisms and antagonistic effects against methotrexate-induced toxicity of Qing-Luo-Yin. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018; 9:1472; 17pages
- Zhang B, Wang X, Li Y, Wu M, Wang S, Li S*. Matrine is identified as a novel macropinocytosis inducer by a network target approach. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018; 9:10; 11pages
- Qiao H, Wang F, Xu R, Sun J, Zhu R, Mao D, Ren X, Wang X, Jia Y, Peng P, Shen D, Liu L, Chang Z, Wang G, Li S, Ji J, Liu Q, Ni J*. An efficient and multiple target transgenic RNAi technique with low toxicity in Drosophila. Nature Communications 2018; 9(1):4160
- Guo Y, Nie Q, MacLean A, Li Y, Lei J*, Li S*. Multiscale modeling of inflammation-induced tumorigenesis reveals competing oncogenic and onco-protective roles for inflammation. Cancer Research 2017;77(22):6429-6441
- D Xi*, T Bao, Qi Chen, S Chen, Y Cheng, J Cullen, D Frank, J Friedberg, I Kronish, J Lee, M Levine, P Li, S Li, W Lu, J Mao, S Keefe, L Rubinstein, M Shah, L Standish, C Paller, E Chu. State of the Science: Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapeutics Research—NCI Strategic Workshop Highlights of Discussion Report. JNCI Monographs 2017;52:lgx003
- Lin X, Hu L, Gu J, Wang R, Li L, Tang J, Zhang B, Yan X, Zhu Y, Hu C, Zhou W, Li S, Liu J, Gonzalez F, Wu M, Wang H*, Chen L*. Choline Kinase Alpha mediates interactions between the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and mTORC2 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells to promote drug resistance and xenograft tumor progression. Gastroenterology 2017;152:1187–1202
- Huang Q, Xu L, Qu W, Ye Z, Huang W, Lin J, Li S*, Ma H*. TLC Bioautography-guided Isolation of Antioxidant Activity Components of Extracts from Sophora flavescens Ait. European Food Research and Technology 2017;243:1127-1136
- Li S*. Exploring traditional Chinese medicine by a novel therapeutic concept of network target. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 2016;22(9):647-652 (Feature Article)
- Qi Q, Li R, Li H, Cao Y, Bai M, Fan X, Wang S, Zhang B*, Li S*. Identification of the anti-tumor activity and mechanisms of nuciferine through a network pharmacology approach. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2016;37:963-972
- Zhang Y, Mao X, Guo Q, Bai M, Zhang B, Liu C, Sun Y, Li S*, Lin N*. Pathway of PPAR-gamma coactivators in thermogenesis: a pivotal traditional Chinese medicine-associated target for individualized treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Oncotarget 2016;7(13):15885-15900
- Zhang Y, Mao X, Guo Q, Lin N, Li S*. Network pharmacology-based approaches capture the essence of Chinese herbal medicines. Chinese Herbal Medicines 2016;8:107-116
- Li S*. Mapping ancient remedies: applying a network approach to traditional Chinese medicine. Science 2015;350(6262 Suppl):S72-S74 (傳統醫學增刊)
- Wu M, Lu P, Shi L*, Li S*. Traditional Chinese patent medicines for cancer treatment in China: a nationwide medical insurance data analysis. Oncotarget 2015;6(35):38283-38295
- Zu S, Chen T, Li S*. Global optimization-based inference of chemogenomic features from drug-target interactions. Bioinformatics 2015;31(15):2523-2529
- Zhang B, Lu C, Bai M, He X, Tan Y, Bian Y, Xiao C, Zhang G, Lu A*, Li S*. Tetramethylpyrazine identified by a network pharmacology approach ameliorates methotrexate-induced oxidative organ injury. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015;175:638-647
- Zhang Y, Bai M, Zhang B, Liu C, Guo Q, Sun Y, Wang D, Wang C, Jiang Y, Lin N*, Li S*. Uncovering pharmacological mechanisms of Wu-tou decoction acting on rheumatoid arthritis through systems approaches: drug-target prediction, network analysis and experimental validation. Scientific Reports 2015; 5: 9463
- Li Y, Li R, Ouyang Z, Li S*. Herb network analysis for a famous TCM doctor’s prescriptions on treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015: 451319
- Su B, Luo T, Zhu J, Fu J, Zhao X, Chen L, Zhang H, Ren Y, Yu L, Yang X, Wu M, Feng G, Li S, Chen Y*, Wang H*. Interleukin-1β/IRAK-1 inflammatory signaling contributes to persistent Gankyrin activation during hepatocarcinogenesis. Hepatology 2015;61(2):585–597
- Liang X, Li H, Li S*. A novel network pharmacology approach to analyse traditional herbal formulae: the Liu-wei-di-huang Pill as a case study. Molecular BioSystems 2014,10(5):1014-1022 (封面論文)
- Wang L, Wang Y, Hu Q, Li S*. Systematic analysis of new drug indications by drug-gene-disease coherent subnetworks. CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 2014;3:e146, 9 pages
- Liang X, Li H, Tian G, Li S*. Dynamic microbe and molecule networks in a mouse model of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Scientific Reports 2014;4,4985
- Li S*, Fan T, Jia W, Lu A, Zhang W. Network pharmacology in traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014:138460 (Editorial)
- Li H, Zhao L, Zhang B, Jiang Y, Wang X, Guo Y, Liu H, Li S*, Tong X*. A network pharmacology approach to determine active compounds and action mechanisms of Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian decoction for treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014:495840
- Li R, Ma T, Gu J, Liang X, Li S*. Imbalanced network biomarkers for traditional Chinese medicine Syndrome ingastritis patients. Scientific Reports 2013;3:1543
- Li S*, Zhang B. Traditional Chinese medicine network pharmacology: theory, methodology and application [中藥網路藥理學:理論、方法與套用]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2013;11(2):110-120
- Zhang B, Wang X, Li S*. An integrative platform of TCM network pharmacology and its application on an herbal formula, Qing-Luo-Yin. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013:456747
- Zhang B, Liu L, Zhao S, Wang X, Liu L, Li S*. Vitexicarpin acts as a novel angiogenesis inhibitor and its target network. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013:278405
- Wang T, Gu J, Yuan J, Tao R, Li Y, Li S*. Inferring pathway crosstalk networks using gene set co-expression signatures. Molecular BioSystems 2013;9(7):1822-1828
- Jiang B, Liang X, Chen Y, Ma T,Liu L, Li J, Jiang R, Chen T, Zhang X*, Li S*. Integrating next-generation sequencing and traditional tongue diagnosis to determine tongue coating microbiome. Scientific Reports 2012;2:936
- Zhao S, Li S*. A co-module approachfor elucidating drug-disease associations and revealing their molecular basis. Bioinformatics 2012;28(7):955-961
- Chen Y, Gu J, Li D, Li S*. Time-course network analysis reveals TNF-alpha can promote G1/S transition of cell cycle in vascular endothelialcells. Bioinformatics 2012;28(1):1-4
- Gu J*, Li S*. Towards integrative annotating the cell-type specific gene functional and signaling map in vascular endothelial cells. Molecular BioSystems 2012;8:2041-2049
- Kanawong R, Ajayi T, Ma T, XuD, Li S*, Duan Y*. Automated tongue feature extraction for ZHENG classificationin traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012;912852:1-14
- Li S*, Zhang B, Zhang NB. Network target for screening synergistic drug combinations with application to traditional Chinese medicine. BMC Systems Biology 2011;5(S1):S10 (F1000推薦論文)
- Yao X, Hao H, Li Y, LiS*. Modularity-based credible prediction of disease genes and detection of disease subtypes on the phenotype-gene heterogeneous network. BMC SystemsBiology 2011;5:79
- Lu L, Li Y, Li S*. Computational identification of potential microRNA network biomarkers for the progression stages of gastric cancer. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 2011;5:519-31
- 李梢. 網路靶標:中藥方劑網路藥理學研究的一個切入點.中國中藥雜誌 2011;36:2017-2020
- Zhao S, Li S*. Network-based relating pharmacological and genomic spaces for drug target identification. PLoSONE 2010;5(7):e11764 (Nature China 亮點論文)
- Li S*, Zhang B, Jiang D, Wei YY, Zhang NB. Herb network construction and co-module analysis for uncovering the combination rule of traditional Chinese herbal formulae. BMC Bioinformatics 2010;11(S11):S6
- Yan H, Zhang B, Li S*, Zhao Q*. A formal model for analyzing drug combination effects and its application in TNF-alpha-induced NFkappaB pathway. BMC Systems Biology 2010;4:50
- Ma T, Tan C, Zhang H, Wang M,Ding W, Li S*. Bridging the gap between traditional Chinese medicine and systems biology: the connection of Cold Syndrome and NEI network. Molecular BioSystems 2010;6:613-619
- Gu J, Chen Y, Li S*, Li Y*. Identification of responsive gene modules by network-based gene clustering and extending: application to inflammation and angiogenesis. BMC Systems Biology 2010;4:47
- Huang Y, Li S*. Detection of characteristic sub pathway network for angiogenesis based on the comprehensive pathway network. BMC Bioinformatics 2010;11(S1):S32
- Yao BP, Li S*. ANMM4CBR: acase-based reasoning method for gene expression data classification. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 2010;5:14
- Li S, Lu A*, Wang Y. Symptomatic comparisonin efficacy on patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia treated with two therapeutic approaches. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2010;18:21-27
- Li S. Network systems underlying traditional Chinese medicine syndrome and herb formula (Invited review). Current Bioinformatics 2009;4(3):188-196
- 李梢. 中醫證候生物分子網路標誌的構想與研究. 中醫雜誌 2009;50(9):773-776
- Wu X, Jiang R, Zhang MQ, Li S*. Network-based global inference of human disease genes. Molecular Systems Biology 2008;4:189 (Nature China 亮點論文)
- Zhang J, Ma T, Li YD, Li S*. dbNEI2.0: building multilayer network for drug-NEI-disease. Bioinformatics 2008;24:2409-2411
- Kang G, Li S*, Zhang JF. Entropy-based model for interpreting life systems in traditional Chinese medicine. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2008;5(3):273-279
- Wu M, Ma C, Wu Y, Li S*. Simultaneous LC analysis of five bioactive alkaloids in an anti-angiogenesis herbal formula, Qing-Luo-Yin. Chromatographia 2008;68:579-585
- Li S*, Zhang Z, Wu L, Zhang X, Li Y, Wang Y. Understanding ZHENG in traditional Chinese medicine in the context of neuro-endocrine-immunenetwork. IET Systems Biology 2007;1(1):51-60
- Li S*, Fang YH. Modelling circadian rhythms of protein KaiA, KaiB and KaiC interactions in cyanobacteria. Biological Rhythm Research 2007;38(1):43-53
- 李梢. 基於生物網路調控的方劑研究模式與實踐. 中西醫結合學報 2007;5(5):1-5
- 李梢. 中醫藥計算系統生物學與寒熱證候研究. 世界科學技術-中醫藥現代化 2007;9(1):105-111
- Li S*, Wu LJ, Zhang ZQ. Constructingbiological networks through combined literature mining and microarray analysis: a LMMA approach. Bioinformatics 2006;22:2143-2150
- Li S*, Wang R, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Layon AJ, Li Y, Chen M. Symptom combinations associated with outcome and therapeutic effects in a cohort of cases with SARS. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2006;34(6):937-947
- Zhuang YL, Li S*, Li YD. dbNEI: a specific database for neuro-endocrine-immune interactions. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2006;27:53-59
- Li S*, Lu A, Li B, Wang Y. Circadian rhythms on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones and cytokines ofcollagen induced arthritis in rats. Journal of Autoimmunity 2004;22(4):277-285
- Li S*, Lu A, Wang Y, Li Y. Suppressive effects of a Chinese herbal medicine Qing-Luo-Yin extract on the angiogenesis of collagen induced arthritis in rats. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2003;31(5):713-720
- 李梢. 從維度與階度探討中醫證候的特徵及標準化方法. 北京中醫藥大學學報 2003;26(3):1-4
- 李梢,王永炎,季梁,李衍達. 複雜系統意義下的中醫藥學及其案例研究. 系統仿真學報2002;14(11):1429-1432