1Li Dongqing, Zhu Linnan . Similarity Analysis of Modeling Test of Frozen Soil Under Load, The 6th ICPP,1993, Vol.2,1164-1166.
2.Zhu Linnan, Li Dongqing and Guo Xingming. Similarity Analysis on A Modeling Test for Soil Freezing-thawing Process Without Pressure, The 6th ICPP,1993, Vol.1,835-839.
9Li Dongqing,Wu Ziwang,Fang Jianhong,et al. Modeling and Predicting Permafrost Degradation in the Huashixia Valley, Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Under Climatic Warming,1998,The 7th ICPP,page:647-650.。
10Li Dongqing,Fang Jianhong,Li Yichi. Modeling Analysis on the Heat Stability of Embankment for the Continuous Permafrost District of Chang Shitou Mountain in Hua Shixia Valley, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Bearing Capicity of Roads and Airfields,Trondheim, Norway. 6-8 July,1998,Vol.2:977-984.
12.Dongqing Li,Ziwang Wu,Jianhong Fang et al. Heat stability analysis of embankment on the degrading permafrost district in the East of Tibetan Plateau,China. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 28(1998):183-188.
13Li Dongqing,Wu Ziwang,Fang Jianhong,et al Heat stability analysis of embankment of the degrading permafrost district of Chang Shitou Mountain in Northwest China.International Symposium Proceedings on Geocryological Problems of Construction in Eastern Russia and Northern China,Yakutsk.1998,Vol.1.41-46.
17Li Dongqing,Fang Jianhong, Wu Ziwang. Calculation determination on the critical heights of embankment in the degrading permafrost region,Ground Freezing 2000,Thimus(ed.), 2000 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 1708:15-18.
18Li Dongqing, Fang Jianhong, Wu Ziwang. Analysis on Climate Change and Thermal Stability of Experimental Railway Embankment in Fenghuoshan Region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology(冰川凍土)[J], 2000, Vol.22, Suppl: 20-25.
21.Binxiang Sun, Xuezu Xu, Yuanming Lai, Dongqing Li, Shuangjie Wang, Jinzhao Zhang. Experimental researches of thermal diffusivity and conductivity in embankment ballast under periodically fluctuating temperature. Cold Regions Science and Technology, v38, n 2-3, April, 2004, p 219-227.
24Li, D.; Zhou Mengqing; Fang, J.; Peng, W.; Xu, A.; Huang, S. Experimental research on mechanical properties of an asphalt mixing material under cyclic frost actions. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cold Regions Engineering, Vol.13, 6p. ; Cold regions engineering 2006, 13th international conference on Current practices in cold regions engineering, Orono, ME, July 23-26, 2006. ISSN: 0270-546X. ISBN: 0- 7844-0836-X