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李李 學歷/學位:研究生/工學博士 四川師範大學物理與電子工程學院講師
2003年6月本科畢業於安徽建築工業學院電子信息工程專業;2008年6月畢業於安徽大學通信與信息系統專業,獲工學碩士學位;2012年12月畢業於上海交通大學通信與信息系統專業,獲工學博士學位。在校期間,參與863項目及其國家自然科學基金項目各一項,擔任IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,IEEE Communications Letters,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,International Journal of Communication Systems等期刊審稿人。研究興趣:認知無線電和異構網路中的資源分配,干擾信號管理等
1、參與研究863項目“支持新一代自組織、泛在與異構網路終端中的切換技術研究(No. 2007AA01Z224)”;
2、參與研究國家自然科學基金“多小區認知無線網路的干擾抑制與利用問題研究(No. 61071079)”
1、Li Li, Changqing Xu and Meixia Tao, “Resource Allocation in Open Access OFDMA Femtocell Networks,” (IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol.1, No.6, pp. 625-628, Dec.2012).
2、Li Li, Changqing Xu, Pingzhi Fan and Jian He,“Hybrid Resource Allocation Scheme with Proportional Fairness in OFDMA-Based Cognitive Radio Systems,”(IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,Vol.E95-A,No.8,pp.1430-1434,Aug. 2012. SCI收錄).
3、Li Li, Changqing Xu, Pingzhi Fan and Jian He,“Resource Allocation in OFDMA-based Cognitive Radio Systems with Minimum Rate Constraint,”(Accepted by International Journal of Communication Systems. SCI收錄).
4、Li Li, Changqing Xu, and Jian He,“Jointly Optimizing Sensing Time and Resource Allocation in Multichannel Cognitive Radio Networks,”(Accepted by International Journal of Communication Systems. SCI收錄).
5、Li Li, Changqing Xu and Jian He,“Resource Allocation for OFDMA-based Cognitive Radio Systems with Minimum Rate Constraints,”(ICWMNN 2010, IET 3rd International Conference,EI收錄).
6、Li Li, Changqing Xu and Jian He,“Resource Allocation for OFDMA-based Cognitive Radio Systems with Primary User Activity Consideration,”(ICC 2011,pp. 1-5, 2011. EI收錄).


