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  • 中文名:李曄
  • 畢業院校:英國南安普頓大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:船舶海洋與建築工程
  • 任職院校:上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程學院
人物經歷,研究方向,學術 成果,


2008 Ph.D. University of British Columbia
12/2013-Present, 上海交通大學,教授,上海交通大學多功能拖曳水池主任,
09/2011–Present visiting senior research fellow 能源和氣候變化中心, 英國南安普頓大學,University of Southampton, U.K.
07/2009 – 12/2013 美國國家可再生能源國家實驗室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA),高級研究員,
12/2007 - 07/2009 美國西北太平洋國家實驗室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA),海洋科學組和能源技術組,雙聘研究員


Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics,Fluid Structure Interaction,Vortical Flow
Optimization,Renewable Energy System

學術 成果

Li,Y.,Yi,J.,Song,H.,Wang,Q.,Yang,Z.,Kelley,N., and Lee K. “On Natural Frequency of Tidal Power Systems” Applied Physics Letters, 105(2), 023902 (2014)
Li,Y. Kerri,N. and Wang,Q. “Three-dimensional numerical analysis on blade response of vertical axis tidal current turbine AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6, 043123 (2014)
Yi J. and Li,Y. “ Effects of Rotor Control Algorithms and Wind Data on Optimal Blade Shape of Wind Turbines” Wind and Structures, 2014,18,195-213
Li, Y. “On the definition of the efficiency of tidal current energy devices.” Renewable Energy,2014,68,868-875
Li,Y. “The Status of Large Scale Wind Turbine Technology Development” Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics2013, 34(10): 1003-1011
? Churchfield, M., Li, Y. and Moriarty, P. “A LES simulation of a large-scale tidal current turbine farm and a large scale wind turbine farm.” Philosophical transaction of Royal Society A DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0421
Yu, Y. and Li, Y. “A numerical study of the heave response of a two-body floating point absorber wave energy system” Computer and Fluids DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.10.007
Maniaci, D. and Li.Y. “Preliminary investigation of introducing added mass effect into the general dynamic wake theory for tidal current turbines” Marine Technology Society Journal 2012,46(4),71-78
Li, Y. and Yu, Y. “A comprehensive review of numerical methods on studying point absorber type of wave energy converter.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2012,16,4352-4364
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Modeling of twin-turbine systems with vertical axis tidal current turbines: Part II-Torque Fluctuation.” Ocean Engineering, 2011,38,550-558
Li Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Three-dimensional effects and arm effects on modeling a vertical axis tidal current turbine.” Renewable energy, 2010, 35(10), 2325-2334
Li, Y. and Calisal, S.M. “Estimating power output from a tidal current turbine farm with first order approximation of hydrodynamic interaction between devices.” International Journal of Green Energy, 2010, 7(2), 153-163
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Modeling of twin-turbine systems with vertical axis tidal current turbines: Part I-Power output.” Ocean Engineering, 2010, 37, 627-637
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “A discrete vortex method for simulating a stand-alone tidal current turbine: modeling and validation.” Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2010, 132(3),1102-1110
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Numerical analysis of the characteristics of vertical axis tidal current turbines.” Renewable Energy, 2010, 35(2), 435-442
Li, Y. and Willman L. “Feasibility analysis of offshore renewables penetrating local energy systems in remote oceanic areas” Applied Energy,2014,117,42-53
Li, Y. Lence, B. J. and Calisal, S. M. “An integrated model for estimating energy cost of a tidal current turbine farm.” Energy Conversion and Management, 2011,52,1677-1687


