


  • 中文名:李成華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:副教授


2014.10至今: 四川大學生命科學學院生長代謝與衰老研究中心,副教授
2013.10-2014.10: 美國杜克大學醫學院,訪問學者
2012.7-2013.10: 四川大學生命科學學院生長代謝與衰老研究中心,副教授
2010.8-2012.6: 四川大學生命科學學院生長代謝與衰老研究中心,講師
2006.9-2010.7: 清華大學生命科學學院,博士
2003.8-2006.8: 重慶醫科大學基礎醫學院,助教、講師
2000.9-2003.7: 中南大學湘雅醫學院醫學遺傳學國家重點實驗室,碩士
1996.9-2000.7: 蘭州大學生命科學學院,學士


1. 腫瘤發生:利用哺乳動物細胞和小鼠作為模式生物,主要研究p63蛋白及其調控因子在腫瘤發生、發展中的作用
2. 金屬代謝:利用酵母和哺乳動物細胞作為模式生物,研究銅、鐵、鋅等金屬元素在細胞內代謝調控的分子機理


1. Anning Han, Juan Li, Yimin Li, Yang Wang, Johann Bergholz, Yujun Zhang, Chenghua Li, Zhi-Xiong Xiao. p63α modulates c-Myc activity via direct interaction and regulation of MM1 protein stability. Oncotarget, 2016, in press. ( Corresponding author)
2. Chen J, Shi H, Qi J, Liu D, Yang Z, Li C. JNK1 inhibits transcriptional and pro-apoptotic activity of TAp63γ. FEBS Lett. 2015, 589(23):3686-90. ( Corresponding author)
3. Li D,Li C, Wu M, Chen Q, Wang Q, Ren J, Zhang Y.PKCδ stabilizes TAp63 to promote cell apoptosis. FEBS Lett. 2015, 589(16):2094-9. ( Co-first author)
4. Chenghua Li, Zhi-Xiong Xiao. Regulation of p63 Protein Stability via Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway. BioMed Res Int, vol. 2014, 2014: 175721.
5. C Li, DL Chang, Z Yang, J Qi, R Liu, H He, D Li, ZX Xiao. Pin1 modulates p63a protein stability in regulation of cell survival, proliferation and tumor formation. Cell Death and Disease, 2013, 4: e943. ( Corresponding author)
6. Qiongqiong Chen, Decai Li, Jian Ren, Chenghua Li, Zhi-Xiong Xiao. MUC1 activates JNK1 and inhibits apoptosis under genotoxic stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2013,440(1):179-183. ( Corresponding author)
7. Lihua Liu, Jin Qi, Zemin Yang, Lianghong Peng, Chenghua Li. Low-affinity copper transporter CTR2 is regulated by copper-sensing transrciption factor Mac1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2012,420(3):600-604. ( Corresponding author)
8. Jin Qi, Anning Han, Zemin Yang, Chenghua Li. Metal-sensing transrciption factors Mac1p and Aft1p coordinately regulate vacuolar copper transporter CTR2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2012, 423(2): 424-8.( Corresponding author)
9. Xiaorong Li, Jing Chen, Yong Yi, Chenghua Li, Yujun Zhang. DNA damage down-regulates DNp63a and induces apoptosis independent of wild type p53. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2012, 423(2): 338-43. ( Corresponding author)
10. Chenghua Li, Juan Wang, Bing Zhou. The Metal Chelating and Chaperoning Effects of Clioquinol:Insights from Yeast Studies. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2010,21(4): 1249–1262.


