

李得加,男,漢族,武漢大學公共衛生學院教授 博士研究生導師。2005年博士畢業於武漢大學生命科學學院,2006 年受Dongsheng Duan教授邀請赴美國從事博士後研究,在美國University of Missouri-columbia 工作期間,發表研究論文11篇,代表性成果發表在Hum Mol Genet、J Cell Sci、J Pathol、Am J Pathol、J Clin Invest、Hum Gen Ther和PLoS ONE等學術刊物上。2011年回國後繼續從事肌萎縮症和肺癌發病機理及基因治療的研究。共發表相關論文40餘 篇,其中SCI 收錄21 篇。現為美國基因治療協會會員,World Journal of Agricultural Science期刊編輯,國際期刊Molecular Biotechnology, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry和American Journal of Pathology特約審稿人。


  • 中文名:李得加
  • 職業:武漢大學公共衛生學院教授 博士研究生導師
  • 學術活動:美國基因治療協會會員
  • 研究方向:肌肉萎縮症發病機制等
李得加,武漢大學公共衛生學院教授,博士研究生導師, 楚天學子。
教授,2011年6月至今,武漢大學公共衛生學院勞動衛生與環境衛生系博士後, 2006年5月-2011年5月, 密蘇里哥倫比亞大學分子微生物與免疫學系講師,2005年7-2006年5月, 鄭州大學基礎醫學院生物化學與分子生物學系博士:2000年9月-2005年7月. 武漢大學生物化學與分子生物學系
World Journal of Agricultural Science期刊編輯
國際期刊Molecular Biotechnology, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry和American Journal of Pathology審稿人
代表性論著 :
1. Junchao Huang, Chengchao Sun, Ting Zhang, Lei Pan, Suqing Wang, Qiqiang He, Dejia Li. Potent antitumor activity of HSP90 inhibitor AUY922 in adrenocortical carcinoma. Tumor Biology (2014) May. (通訊作者)
2. Chuan-Feng Huang, Cheng-Chao Sun, Fang Zhao, Ya-Dong Zhang, De-Jia Li, miR-33a levels in hepatic and serum after chronic HBV-induced fibrosis, Journal of Gastroenterology, 2014, Aug. (通訊作者)
3. Dejia Li,Dongsheng Duan. Mitochondria-Targeted Antiaging Gene Therapy with Adeno-associated Viral Vectors.Biological Aging. Humana Press, 2013. 161-180.
4. Chao Huang , Ma Lu, Dejia Li. Association between myeloperoxidase G-463A polymorphism and lung cancer risk.Tumor Biology (2013): 1-7. (通訊作者)
5. Dejia Li, Jin-Hong Shin, and Dongsheng Duan, iNOS Ablation Does Not Improve Specific Force of the Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle in Dystrophin-Deficient mdx4cv Mice. PLoS One, 2011; 6(6): e21618.
6. E Allmann, L Pan, L Li, Dejia Li, S Wang, Y Lu. Presence of enteroviruses in recreational water in Wuhan, China.Journal of virological methods 193.2 (2013): 327-331.
7. Dejia Li, Yongping yue, Dongsheng Duan, Minimal level dystrophin expression improves clinical outcome of dystrophin/utrophin double knockout mice. PloS One, 2011, 5(12): e15286.
8. Dejia Li, Yongping yue, Yi Lai, Dongsheng Duan, Nitrosative stress elicited by nNOSµ delocalization inhibits muscle force in dystrophin-null mice.J Pathol. 2011, 223(1):88-98.
9. Dejia Li, Bareja A, Judeg L, Yue Y, Lai Y, Fairclough R, Davies KE, Chamberlain JS, Duan D. Sarcolemmal nNOS anchoring reveals a qualitative difference between dystrophin and utrophin.J Cell Sci. 2010, 123, 2008-2013.
10. Dejia Li, Chun Long, Yongping Yue and Dongsheng Duan. Sub-physiological sarcoglycan expression contributes to compensatory muscle protection in mdx mice. Hum Mol Genet, 2009, 18(7): 1209–1220.
11. Dejia Li, Yi Lai, Yongping YueYue Y, PS Rabinovitch, Chady Hakim and Dongsheng, Duan. Ectopic Catalase Expression in Mitochondria by Adeno-Associated Virus Enhances Exercise Performance in Mice. PLoS ONE, 2009, 4(8): e6673.
12. Yi Lai, Gail D. Thomas, Yongping Yue, Hsiao T. Yang, Dejia Li, Chun Long, Luke Judge, Brian Bostick, Jeffrey S. Chamberlain, Ronald L. Terjung, and Dongsheng Duan. Dystrophins carrying spectrin-like repeats 16 and 17 anchor nNOS to the sarcolemma and enhance exercise performance in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy. J. Clin Invest,2009, 119:624–635.


