1. 國際化學與工業學會(Society of Chemistry and Industry)會員;
2. Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Carbon, Separation Science and Technology, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Hazardous Materials, J Chemical Technology and Biotechnology和Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research等國際學術刊物的稿件評審員。
主持國家自然科學基金、山東省博士基金等多項課題,參與多項國家級項目和英國EPSRC項目研究。在《J.Am.Chem.Soc.》、《Advanced Materials》、《Small》、《Chemistry of Materials》、《Journal of Physical Chemistry B》、《Applied Physics Letters》、《Carobn》等國際著名學術期刊上發表SCI論文43篇,被《Science》、《Angewandte Chemie-International Edition》、《Nano Letters》、《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Journal of the American Chemical Society》等國際著名刊物引用1150餘次。另發表國際、國內會議論文9篇,合作申請專利2項。
1. Li, YH; Zhao, YM; Ma, RZ; et al. Novel route to WOx nanorods and WS2 nanotubes from ws2 inorganic fullerenes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (37): 18191-18195 2006.
2. Li, YH; Zhao, YM; Roe, M; et al. In-plane large single-walled carbon nanotube films: in situ synthesis and field-emission properties. Small, 2 (8-9): 1026-1030 2006.
3. Li, YH; Xu, CL; Wei, BQ; et al. Self-organized ribbons of aligned carbon nanotubes. Chemistry of Materials, 14 (2): 483-485 2002.
4. Li YH, Zhao YM, Zhu YQ, et al. Mechanical and NH3 sensing properties of long multi-walled carbon nanotube ropes. Carbon 44 (9): 1821-1825 2006.
5. Li YH, Di ZC, Ding J, et al. Adsorption thermodynamic, kinetic and desorption studies of Pb2+ on carbon nanotubes. Water Research 39 (4): 605-609 2005.