


  • 中文名:李子健
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學
  • 學歷:博士
  • 教學職稱:博士生導師
  • 臨床職稱:研究員
  • 執業地點:北京大學第三醫院


2008.1-2010.1   美國Emory大學           博士後
2003.9-2005.9   北京大學第三醫院       博士後      
2000.9-2003.7   吉林大學                      博士


2003.10- 今     北京大學第三醫院
1992.7-2003.9   吉林大學第一醫院






Molecular Pharmacology編委(Editorial Board Member)(2013年—今)




長期從事心血管受體與心血管疾病研究。利用蛋白質組學、活細胞單分子追蹤技術等交叉學科方法發現了介導心血管疾病發生髮展最重要的G蛋白偶聯受體(GPCR)在疾病過程中的非G蛋白偶聯的保護性信號通路,揭示了心血管疾病G蛋白偶聯受體G蛋白非依賴保護理論。相關研究作為課題負責人已獲得了包括國自然重大研究計畫、重點國際合作項目、面上項目、“973”項目、“重大新藥創製”等國家各級課題的系列資助。研究成果已有5項獲得國家發明專利的授權。2017年受邀作為國際著名雜誌Molecular Pharmacology特邀主編,為該雜誌組稿一期中國專刊(發表在2017年第九期),並特邀撰寫了中國受體與疾病研究的評述,推動中國分子藥理學在國際上影響力。2018年又受邀在Cell系列權威期刊Trends in Pharmacological Sciences上發表G蛋白偶聯受體綜述文章。




1.Wenjing Wang, Yunhui Qiao, Zijian Li*. New Insights into modes of GPCR activation. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2018;39(4):367-386.
2.Aiju Tian, Chengzhi Yang, Baoling Zhu, Wenjing Wang,Kai Liu,Yunqi Jiang, Yuhui Qiao,Haian Fu, Zijian Li*. PEG-coated gold nanoparticles improve cardiac function after myocardial infarction in mice. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2018, 96(12): 1318-1327.  
3.Zijian Li*. A Chinese perspective on receptors and receptor regulation. Molecular pharmacology. 2017;92(3):185-187.
4.Sun R, Zhu B, Xiong K, Sun Y, Shi D, Chen L, Zhang Y, Li Z*, Xue L*. Senescence as a novel mechanism involved in β-adrenergic receptor mediated cardiac hypertrophy. PLoS One. 2017,4;12(8):e0182668.
5.Yhui Qiao, Baolin Zhu, Zijian Li*. The effects of AuNPs on ISO-induced cardiac hypertrophy. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2017:12 4709–4719.
6.Zhang N, Lian Z, Peng X, Li Z*, Zhu H*. Applications of Higenamine in pharmacology and medicine. J Ethnopharmacol. 2017;196, (20): 242–252.    
7.Jinlan Piao, Ke You, Yanli Guo, Youyi Zhang, Zijian Li*, Li Geng*. Substrate stiffness affects epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cervical cancer cells through miR-106b and its target protein DAB2. Int J Oncol. 2017 ;50(6):2033-2042.
8.Baoling Zhu, Kai Liu, Chengzhi Yang, Yuhui Qiao, Zijian Li*. Gender-related differences in β-adrenergic receptor-mediated cardiac remodeling. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2016; 94(12):1349-1355.
9.Tuerdi N, Xu L, Zhu B, Chen C, Cao Y, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Li Z*, Qi R. Preventive Effects of Simvastatin Nanoliposome on Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Remodeling in Mice. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2016, 12. 1899–1907.
10.Qian Yin, Chengzhi Yang, Jimin Wu, Haiyan Lu, Xiaohui Zheng,Youyi Zhang, Zhizhen Lv, Xiaopu Zheng*, Zijian Li*. Downregulation of β-Adrenoceptors in Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Remodeling through HuR. PLoS One. 2016,11(4):e0152005. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152005. eCollection 2016.  
11.Chengzhi Yang, Aiju Tian, Zijian Li*. Reversible cardiac hypertrophy induced by PEG-coated gold nanoparticles in mice. Scientific Reports. 2016, 1;6:20203.
12.Yuan Cheng; Yanli Guo; Youyi Zhang; Ke You; Zijian Li*; Li Geng* MicroRNA-106b is involved in transforming growth factor β1-induced cell migration by targeting disabled homolog 2 in cervical carcinoma. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2016,15;35(1):11.
13.Fang-Fang WANG, Bao-Xia CHEN, Hai-Yi YU, Lin MI, Zi-Jian LI*, Wei GAO*. The correlation between growth differentiation factor-15 and collagen metabolism indicators in patients with myocardial infarction and heart failure. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 2016,13(1):88~93.
14.Min Sun, Haiyi Yu, Youyi Zhang, Zijian Li* & Wei Gao*. MicroRNA-214 Mediates Isoproterenol-induced Proliferation and Collagen Synthesis in Cardiac Fibroblasts. Scientific reports, 2015, 22;5:18351.
15.Qian Yin, Haiyan Lu, Yajun Bai, Aiju Tian, Qiuxiang Yang, Jimin Wu, Chengzhi Yang, Taipin Fan, Youyi Zhang, Xiaohui Zheng, Xiaopu Zheng*, Zijian Li*  A metabolite of Danshen Formulae Attenuates β-Adrenergic Receptor Mediated Cardiac Fibrosis depending on NOX2/ROS/p38 Pathway. Br J Pharmacol. 2015;172(23):5573-5585.
16.Kangmin He, Rui Xing, Xiaohua Yan, Aiju Tian, Mingliang Zhang, Jinghe Yuan, Zhizhen Lv,Xiaohong Fang, Zijian Li* & Youyi Zhang*. Mammalian actin-binding protein 1/HIP-55 is essential for the scission of clathrin-coated pits by regulating dynamin-actin interaction. The FASEB Journal, 2015 29(6):2495-503.
17.Cheng, Yuan; Ma, Ding; Zhang, Youyi; Li, Zijian*; Geng, Li*, Cervical Squamous Cancer mRNA Profiles Reveal the Key Genes of Metastasis and Invasion. European journal of gynaecological oncology. 2015,3: 309-317
18.Hongnan Ye, Youyi Zhang, Li Geng* and Zijian Li*. Cdc42 expression in cervical cancer and its effects on cervical tumor invasion and migration. International Journal of Oncology. 2015. 46: 757-763,
19.Zenghui Meng, Chengzhi Yang, Jimin Wu, Aiju Tian, Youyi Zhang, Wei Gao, Zijian Li*and Lijun Guo*. Genetic background modulates myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury in mouse model. Experimental & Clinical Cardiology. 2014(20) 11: 6689-6703.
20.Rui Xing†, Shanshan Li†, Kai Liu, Yuan Yuan, Qing Li, Hao Deng, Chengzhi Yang, Jianyong Huang, Youyi Zhang, Jing Fang, Chunyang Xiong* and Zijian Li*. HIP-55 negatively regulates myocardial contractility at the single-cell level. Journal of Biomechanics. 2014. 14. 2715–2720.
21.Ning Liu†, Rui Xing†, Chengzhi Yang, Aiju Tian, Zhizhen Lv, Ningning Sun, Xiang Gao, Youyi Zhang and Zijian Li* HIP-55/DBNL–dependent regulation of adrenergic receptor mediates ERK1/2 proliferative pathway. Mol Biosyst. 2014.10(6): 1932--1939.
22.Zijian Li*, Hae Ryon Park, Zhi Shi, Zenggang Li, Cau Dinh Pham, Yuhong Du, Fadlo R. Khuri, Youyi Zhang, Qide Han, and Haian Fu*. Pro-oncogenic function of HIP-55/Drebrin-like (DBNL) through Ser269/Thr291-phospho-sensor motifs. Oncotarget. 2014,5(10):3197-209.
23.Haiyan Lu†, Aiju Tian†, Jimin Wu, Chengzhi Yang, Rui Xing,Pu Jia, Lingjian Yang, Youyi Zhang, Xiaohui Zheng* and Zijian Li* Danshensu inhibits β-adrenergic receptors-mediated cardiac fibrosis by ROS/p38 MAPK axis. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2014, 37(6) 961–967  
24.LIU Ning, SUN Ningning, GAO Xiang, LI Zijian*. Phosphosite Mapping of HIP-55 Protein in Mammalian Cell. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15(3), 4903-4914.
25.Xu Xinye, Nie Ying, Wang Fangfang, Bai yan, Lu Zhizhen, Yu Haiyi, Zhang youyi, Li Zijian*, Gao Wei*. GDF-15 blocks norepinephrine-induced myocardial hypertrophy via a novel pathway involving inhibition of EGFR transactivation. J. Biol. Chem. 2014, 289:10084-10094.
26.Chengzhi Yang, Zenggang Li, Zhi Shi, Rui Xing, Jiming Wu, Youyi Zhang, Zijian Li*. Regulation of cell survival by HIP-55 signaling network. Molecular BioSystems. 2014,10(6):1393-9.
27.Zijian Li, Wanchun Sun, Donglin Wu, Xiang Gao, Ningning Sun, Ning Liu . Mass spectrometry analysis coupled with de novo sequencing reveals amino acid substitutions in nucleocapsid protein from influenza A virus. INT J MOL SCI.  2014, 15, 2465-2474.  
28.Rong Chen, Yuan Cheng, Youyi Zhang, Zijian Li*, Li Geng*. RhoC Mediates Invasion and Migration of CaSki Cells Through the Rho-Associated Serine-Threonine Protein Kinase 1 Signaling Pathway. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 2014; 24(2):184-91.
29.MA Ding, CHENG Yuan, ZHANG You-yi, GUO Yan-li, LI Zi-jian* and GENG Li* Expression of CDC42 in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and its correlation with clinicopathologic characteristics. Chin J Cancer Res 2013;25(6):656-661.  
30.LI Zijian, HE Xin, PAN Chenyu, LIU Ning. Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Phosphorylation Modification in 14-3-3 Protein. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 41(11): 1653–1658.
31.Chengzhi Yang, Hui Yang, Jimin Wu, Zenghui Meng, Rui Xing, Aiju Tian, Xin Tian, Lijun Guo, Youyi Zhang,Guangjun Nie* and Zijian Li*. No overt structural or functional changes associated with PEG-coated gold nanoparticles accumulation with acute exposure in the mouse heart. Toxicology letter. 2013, 222:197–203.
32.Jimin Wu,Zijian Li* . Applications of nanotechnology in biomedicine. Chinese Science Bulletin 2013 Vol. 58 (35): 4515-4518.
33.Zong-shi Li, Yao-Song, Rui Xing, Hai-yi Yu, You-yi Zhang, Zi-jian Li*, Wei Gao*. Heat shock protein 70 acts as a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of heart failure. PLOS ONE. 2013, (8) 7: e67964.
34.MA Ding, ZHANG You-yi, GUO Yan-li, LI Zi-jian* and GENG Li*. Profiling of microRNA-mRNA reveals roles of microRNAs in cervical cancer. Chinese Medical Journal, 2012, 125(23):4270-4276.  
35.Ning Liu, Kai-zheng Gong, Yuan –bin Cai, Zi-jian Li*. Identification of proteins in response to adrenergic receptor subtype-specific hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes by proteomic approaches. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2011,76(10):1140-1146


3.Mass Spectrometry Application in Biology(2014) Edited by Greg Gorman. MDPI (Switzerland). 2014;
原著:(英)維拉斯(Willars,G.B.),   (英)查理斯(Challiss,R.A.J),北京大學醫學出版社,2008年3月;
《心力衰竭》(第2版Braunwald心臟病學姊妹卷). (美)曼恩. 北京大學醫學出版社, 2013年1月;
蛋白質-蛋白質相互作用 方法與套用. 原著:(美)Haian Fu,出版社:北京大學醫學出版社 2008年10月。  


