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  • 中文名:李元滿
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:計算機視覺、圖像增強
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


於2012年獲重慶大學軟體工程專業學士。畢業後以全額獎學金保送到澳門大學,並分別於2015年和2018年獲得澳門大學軟體工程碩士和計算機科學博士學位。2018年9月至2019年8月於澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室從事博士後研究。長期從事計算機視覺,子空間學習,圖像增強,信息安全等領域的科研和教學工作。在IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS), IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (T-SC), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 等國際權威期刊和會議上發表文章10餘篇。擔任IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security等多個期刊的審稿人。




[1]. Y. M. Li and J. T. Zhou, “Fast and Effective Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection via Hierarchical Feature Point Matching”, IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (T-IFS), 2019. (JCR一區, CCF A, IF=6.211)
[2]. J. Duan, J. T. Zhou, and Y. M. Li, “Secure and Verifiable Outsourcing of Large-scale Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)”, IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (T-SC), 2019. (JCR一區,IF=5.707)
[3]. Y. M. Li, J. T. Zhou, and A. Cheng, “SIFT Keypoint Removal via Directed Graph Construction for Color Images”, IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (T-IFS), 2017. (JCR一區, CCF A, IF=6.211)
[4]. Y. M. Li, J. T. Zhou, A. Cheng, X. M. Liu, and Y. Y. Tang, “SIFT Keypoint Removal and Injection via Convex Relaxation”, IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security (T-IFS), 2016. (JCR一區, CCF A, IF=6.211)
[5]. Y. M. Li and J. T. Zhou, “Anti-Forensics of Lossy Predictive Image Compression”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 2015. (JCR二區, IF=3.268)
[1]. Y. M. Li, J. T. Zhou, X. W. Zheng, J. Y. Tian and Y. Y. Tang, “Robust Subspace Clustering with Independent and Piecewise Identically Distributed (i.p.i.d.) Noise Modeling”, IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. and Pattern Recogn. (CVPR), 2019 (Oral, Accept Rate ≈ 5.6%, CCF A).
[2]. H.W.WU, J.T. Zhou, Y.M.Li, “Image Reconstruction from Local Descriptors Using Conditional Adversarial Networks“, In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC-2019), 2019. (Oral)
[3]. Y. M. Li and J. T. Zhou, “Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Hierarchical Feature Point Matching”, In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC-2016), 2016. (Oral)
[4]. J. Duan, J. T. Zhou, and Y. M. Li, “Secure and Verifiable Outsourcing of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)”, In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec-16), 2016.
[5]. Y. Y. Li, J. T. Zhou, and Y. M. Li, “Ciphertext-Only Attack on an Image Homomorphic Encryption Scheme with Small Ciphertext Expansion”, In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (ACM MM-15), 2015.
[6]. A. Cheng, Y. M. Li, and J. T. Zhou, “SIFT Keypoint Removal via Convex Relaxation”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME-15), 2015 (Oral, Accept Rate ≈ 15%).
[7]. Y. Y. Li, J. T. Zhou, Y. M. Li, and O. C. Au, “Reducing the Ciphertext Expansion in Image Homomorphic Encryption via Linear Interpolation Technique”, In Proceedings of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP-15), 2015.
[8]. Y. M. Li and J. T. Zhou, “Sparsity-driven reconstruction of L-decoded images”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-14), 2014. L. Dong, J. Wang, Y. M. Li and Y. Y. Tang, “Sector projection fourier descriptor for Chinese character recognition”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), 2013.




