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朱道義,男,中共黨員,湖北武漢人,1989年3月生,漢族,博士,副教授,碩士生導師,天山青年計畫(優秀青年),中國石油大學(北京)克拉瑪依校區副教授,Petroleum Science 副主編,主要從事油田化學、封堵學理論與技術、油氣藏低能耗開採理論與方法等方面的教學科研工作。








1. 新工科背景下石油高等院校《油藏工程》課程思政建設,校級,2020.12-2021.12,主持,在研。



1. 油田化學(富媒體),石油工業出版社,2020.8


1. 實用油藏工程(第三版),石油工業出版社,2017.1.
2. 提高採收率基本原理,石油工業出版社,2018.3.
3. 油氣藏流體相態特徵,石油工業出版社,2020.7.


(2)2020年,Petroelum Science優秀青年編委。


1. Zhu, D., Xu, Z., Sun, R., et al., 2021. Laboratory evaluation on temporary plugging performance of degradable preformed particle gels (DPPGs). Fuel, SCI/EI.
2. Zhu, D., Peng, S., Zhao, S., et al., 2021. Comprehensive Review of Sealant Materials for Leakage Remediation Technology in Geological CO2 Capture and Storage Process. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.
3. Shi, G., Tang, K., Wang, F., Luo, Q., Bai, L., Sun, P., & Zhu, D. 2021. Visualized Study of a Nanoparticle-Assisted Foam System to Enhance Oil Recovery by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Online Flooding Experiment. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.
4. Zhu, D., Fang, X., Sun, R., et al., 2020. Development of degradable pre-formed particle gel (DPPG) as temporary plugging agent for petroleum drilling and production. Petroleum Science, SCI/EI.
5. Sun, X., Bai, B., Alhuraishawy, A., Zhu, D., 2020. Understanding the Plugging Performance of HPAM-Cr (III) Polymer Gel For CO2 Conformance Control. SPE Journal, SCI/EI.
6. Zhai, K., Yi, H., Liu, Y., Geng, Y., Fan, S., & Zhu, D. 2020. Experimental Evaluation of the Shielded Temporary Plugging System Composed of Calcium Carbonate and Acid-Soluble Preformed Particle Gels (ASPPG) for Petroleum Drilling. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.
7. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Chen, Y., et al., 2019. Evaluation of terpolymer-gel systems crosslinked by polyethylenimine for conformance improvement in high-temperature reservoirs. SPE Journal, SCI/EI.
8. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Wei, Q., et al., 2019. Development of a high-temperature-resistant polymer-gel system for conformance control in Jidong oil field. SPE Researvoir Evaluation & Engineering, SCI/EI.
9. Hou, J., Luo, M., Zhu, D*., 2018. Foam-EOR method in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs: Mechanism analysis and injection parameter study. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, SCI/EI.
10. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Wang, J., et al., 2018. Acid-alternating-base (AAB) technology for blockage removal and enhanced oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs. Fuel, SCI/EI.
11. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Chen, Y., et al., 2018. In-situ surface decorated polymer microsphere technology for enhanced oil recovery in high-temperature petroleum reservoirs. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.
12. Zhu, D., Bai, B., Hou, J., 2017. Polymer gel systems for water management in high-temperature petroleum reservoirs: A chemical review. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.
13. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Wei, Q., et al., 2017. Development of a high-temperature resistant polymer gel system for conformance control in Jidong oilfield. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, EI.
14. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Meng, X., et al., 2017. Effect of different phenolic compounds on performance of organically cross-Linked terpolymer gel systems at extremely high temperatures. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.
15. Zhu, D., Hou, J., Wei, Q., et al., 2017. Terpolymer gel system formed by resorcinol–hexamethylenetetramine for water management in extremely high-temperature reservoirs. Energy & Fuels, SCI/EI.


1.模擬縫洞型碳酸鹽岩油藏吞吐實驗裝置及方法. 2018. 授權公告號CN 104612674 B
2. 縫洞型碳酸鹽岩吞吐物理模擬實驗裝置. 2018. 授權公告號CN 105134188 B
3. 模擬縫洞型碳酸鹽岩油藏注氣的可視化實驗裝置及方法. 2018. 授權公告號 CN 105221122 B


Petroleum Science 優秀青年編委/審稿人
Geofluids 編委/技術編輯
Fuel 傑出審稿人
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 傑出審稿人
SPE Production & Operations 技術編輯/審稿人
SPE Journal 審稿人
Energy Science and Engineering 審稿人
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 審稿人
Energy & Fuels 審稿人
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 審稿人
Geofluids 審稿人
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 審稿人


