密蘇里科學技術大學成立初期名為密蘇里礦業和冶金學院(Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy)主要致力於採礦和冶金方面的研究。然而,發展到20世紀20年代,密蘇里科學技術大學已經發展成為集土木、電子、機械、化工等等多學科於一體的綜合性大學。其能源、土木、材料等學科處於全美前列,採礦工程學科排名全美第二,辦學歷史悠久,科研實力雄厚。該校在2017USNEWS美國綜合性大學排名第164
- 中文名:密蘇里科技大學
- 英文名:Missouri University of Science and Technology
- 簡稱:Missouri S&T
- 創辦時間:1870年
- 類別:公立大學
- 學校類型:科技技術
- 所屬地區:美國密蘇里州
- 別名:密蘇里理工大學
- 原名:密蘇里大學羅拉分校
- 在校人數:4,900 本科生, 1,400 研究生
- 校園面積:284英畝
- 學校網址:http://www.mst.edu/
好評項 | 1.54% of students surveyed felt that dorms were more spacious than average 2.57% of students surveyed felt that the amount it costs to live while at school was better than average 3.95% of students surveyed said that the career center is very helpful and provides services to students beyond help landing a job 4.The school has academic and career counseling available to help you when you need it |
差評項 | 1.53% of students surveyed said that there's no way they would live here after graduation 2.There is no public transportation in Rolla, save for the occasional taxi that's around. It's a pretty small town of about 15,000. If you need to get somewhere, I'm sure you can find someone who would give you a ride. |