He, C. andS. Zhu. 2018. Evolutionary Economic Geography in China. Berlin, Springer.
Zhu, S., J. Pickles and C. He. 2017. Geographical Dynamics and Firm Spatial Strategy in China. Berlin, Springer.
賀燦飛和朱晟君等. 2010. 中國製造業地理區位,科學出版社。
Zhu, S., C. Wang and C. He. 2019. “High-speed railnetwork and changing industrial dynamics in Chinese regions.”International Regional Science Review(Accepted)
Zhu, S., W. Jin and C. He. 2018. “Onevolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometricanalysis.”European Planning Studies(Online).
Zhou, Y.,S. Zhu(Corresponding author)and C. He. “Learning from yourself or learning from neighbors: knowledgespillovers, institutional context and firm upgrading.”Regional Studies(Online).
Zhu, S., C. He and X. Xia. “Geographyof productivity: evidence from China’s manufacturing industries.”Annals of Regional Science(Online)
Zhu, S., Z. Li andC. He. 2018. “Who leads regional industrial dynamics? “New industry creators”in Chinese regions.”Growth and Change(Online).
He, C.,S.Zhu (Corresponding author), X. Hu, and Y. Li. 2018. “Proximity matters:inter-regional knowledge spillovers and regional industrial diversification inChina.”Tijdschrift voor economische ensociale geografie. (Online).
Zhu, S., and C. He.Moving beyond Anglo-American Economic Geography: the significance ofnon-Anglo-American model.InternationalJournal of Urban Sciences. (Online).
He, C. andS. Zhu(Corresponding author). 2018. “Evolution of export product space in China:technological relatedness, national/local governance and regional industrialdiversification.”Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie.(Online).
Zhu, S., C. He and Q. Luo. 2018. “Good neighbors, bad neighbors: localknowledge spillovers, regional institutions and firm performance in China.”SmallBusiness Economics. (Online).
Zhu, S.and C. He. 2018. “Upgrading in China’s apparel industry: internationaltrade, local clusters and institutional contexts”Post-Communist Economies,30(2): 193-215.
Pan, F., F. Zhang,S.Zhu (Corresponding author)and D. Wójcik. 2017. “Developing by borrowing?Inter-jurisdictional competition, land finance and local debt accumulation inChina.”Urban Studies, 54(4): 897-916.
Zhu, S., C. He and Y. Zhou. 2017. “How to jump further and catch up?Path-breaking in an uneven industry space”Journal of Economic Geography,17(3): 521-545.
Zhu, S., T. Lan and C. He. 2017. “New generation, new path: Industrialrestructuring led by China’s “notorious” Fuerdai Generation.”The ChinaReview. 17(3): 1-30.
Zhu, S.(corresponding author)and T. Lan. 2016. “New economic geographies of manufacturing in China.”Geography Compass, 10(11): 470-481. (Invited by the Editor)
Zhu, S.(Corresponding author)and J. Pickles. 2016. “Institutional embeddedness and regional adaptability andrigidity in a Chinese apparel cluster.”Geografiska Annaler: Series B, HumanGeography, 98 (2): 127-143.
Zhu, S.and J. Pickles. 2015. “Turkishization of a Chinese Apparel Firm: FastFashion, Regionalization, and the Shift from Global Supplier to New EndMarkets.”Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8 (3):537-553.
Zhu, S., C. He and Y. Liu. 2014. “Going Green or Going Away: EnvironmentalRegulation, Economic Geography and Firms’ Strategies in China’sPollution-intensive Industries.”Geoforum, 55: 53-65.
Lan, T. andS. Zhu(corresponding author). 2014. “Chinese Apparel Value Chains in Europe:Low-end Fast Fashion, Regionalization, and Transnational Entrepreneurship inPrato, Italy.”Eurasian Geography and Economics, 55 (2): 156-174.
Zhu, S.andJ. Pickles. 2014. “Bringin, Go up, Go West, Go Out: Upgrading, Regionalisation and Delocalisation inChina`s Apparel Production Networks.”Journalof Contemporary Asia, 44 (1): 36-63.(Therunner-up to the winning article for theJournal of Contemporary AsiaPrize, for the best paper published in 2014)
Zhu, S.and C. He. 2013. “Geographical Dynamics and Industrial Relocation:Spatial Strategies of Apparel Firms in Ningbo, China.”Eurasian Geographyand Economics, 54 (3): 342-362.