《木架上弄》是2009年4月3日由Pan Macmillan出版的圖書,作者是布瑞恩·麥克基洛衛。本書介紹了多個讓人心驚膽戰的懸疑故事,是一本懸疑驚悚類讀物。
- 書名:木架上弄
- 作者:布瑞恩·麥克基洛衛
- 原版名稱:Gallows Lane
- ISBN:9780230707696
- 頁數:340
- 出版社:Pan Macmillan
- 出版時間:2009-04-03
- 裝幀:平裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙
所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Mystery & Thrillers(神秘與驚悚)
定 價:¥82.80
Taking its title from the name of the road down which condemned Donegal criminals were once led, "Gallows Lane" follows Inspector Benedict Devlin as he investigates a series of gruesome murders in and around the Irish borderlands. When a young woman is found beaten to death on a building site, in what appears to be a sexually-motivated killing, Devlin's enquiries soon point to a local body-builder and steroid addict. But days later, born-again ex-con James Kerr is found nailed to a tree - crucified - having been released from prison and returned to his hometown to spread the word of God.Increasingly torn between his young family and his job, Devlin is determined to apprehend those responsible for the murders before they strike again, even as the carnage begins to jeopardise those he cares about most.
以冠軍的道路的名字放在多尼哥罪犯曾經譴責主導,“木架上車道"跟隨檢查員教皇本篤十六世,他對……的一系列可怕的謀殺及周邊地區愛爾蘭邊遠地區。當一個年輕女人是發現被毆打至死一個工地上,似乎是一種sexually-motivated捕殺,……的詢問很快指向一個當地的健美運動員和類固醇的毒癮患者。但天之後,詹姆斯·克爾是再生聽歌釘在樹上發現- - - - - - - - - - - -已經被釘在十字架上從監獄裡釋放出來,回到了他的家鄉傳播神的道。越來越多的家人之間徘徊,他的工作,決心理解……那些負責謀殺之前,他們的再次發生,正如屠殺開始損害那些他關心最多。
Brian McGilloway was born in Derry, Northern Ireland in 1974, and teaches English at St Columb's College, Derry. He lives near the borderlands, with his wife and their two sons.
""Gallows Lane" is the heart-stopping follow-up to Brian McGilloway's acclaimed debut."
"Brian McGilloway joins the roll-call of excellence in Irish crime fiction."
--Marcel Berlins, The Times
"A satisfying mystery with an attractive central character."
--Sunday Telegraph
"Another masterly thriller."
--Irish News