曾亮 (Leung Tsang)是遙感(Remote Sensing)領域的世界知名專家。現為密西根大學安娜堡分校(Univeristy of Michigan, Ann Arbor)電子工程系的教授。
- 中文名:曾亮
- 外文名:Leung Tsang
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:香港
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:麻省理工學院
- 代表作品:遙感領域論著4部
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1996 to 2000.
- Member, Editorial Board of IEEE ACCESS, 2016-present
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1987-1995, and 2001-2009.
- Member, Editorial Board of Proceeding of IEEE, 2007 to 2012.
- Guest Editor, Special issue of Proceedings of IEEE , ''Satellite Remote Sensing Missions for Monitoring Water, Carbon and Global Climate Change'' , May 2010.
- Associate Editor, Radio Science, 1988-1993.
Major Professional Activities
- President, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society(GRSS), 2006-2007.
- Member, IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB), 2008-2009, 2013-2015
- Member, IEEE Conference Committee, 2014-2015
- Member, IEEE Technical Program Integrity Committee (TPIQ) 2015-present
- Member, IEEE Fellow Committee 2015-present
- Chair, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Fellow Evaluation Committee, 2012-2014
- Member, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Fellow Evaluation Committee, 2010-2014.
- Member, IEEE Electromagnetics Award Committee, 2013-2015
- President, Electromagnetics Academy, March 2008-present
- Chair, IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee, 2008-2009.
- Chair, IEEE TAB Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee 2010-2011
- Chair, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Nominations Committee, 2010-2011
- Member, IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), 2006-2009.
- Member, Administrative Committee, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, 2002-2010.
- Member, IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) Periodicals Committee, 2007, 2010-2011.
- Member , IEEE TAB Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee, 2012-2013
- Member, IEEE TAB Finance Committee, 2008-2009.
- Member, IEEE TAB Nominations Committee, 2010-2011.
- Executive Vice President, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society , 2004-2005.
- Member, Commissions B and F of URSI.
- General Chair, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGASS98), 1998, Seattle, WA.
- Technical Chair, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 1995, Seattle, WA.
- Technical Chair, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, 1994, Seattle, WA.
- 電磁波傳輸和散射,隨機介質,隨機粗糙表面在環境遙感中的套用;
- 計算電磁學
- 信號完整性,電磁兼容
- 等離子
- L. Tsang, J. A. Kong, and R. Shin, Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1985.
- L. Tsang, J.A. Kong, and K.H. Ding, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves, Vol. 1:Theory and Applications , Wiley Interscience, 2000, 426 pages.
- L. Tsang, J.A. Kong, K.H. Ding and C.O. Ao, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves, Vol. 2: Numerical Simulations, Wiley Interscience, 2001, 705 pages.
- L. Tsang and J.A. Kong, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves, Vol. 3: Advanced Topics, Wiley Interscience, 2001, 413 pages.