多年來華仁都參予聖雲仙善會(Vincent de Paul Society)賣物會 的,同學們幫助善會籌到許多善款,全都用來幫助窮人。當時他們的 口號是“The poor get your money; we give you a run for it.”他 們除了籌款以外,其實也希望使捐助者能分享快活與歡樂。這次賣物會連續舉辦十小時的攤位遊戲活動,大概到深夜十二時結朿。同學們最傷 腦汁的要算是準備獎品了。據他們粗略估計,每小時送出一百份獎品,整 天便要1000多份獎品了。他們除了自製了許多模型飛機外,又到街市採購 如手杖、電筒、小玩具、罐頭、化裝品等作為當天的獎品。
例如劍社成立時,同學們對班社的期望是:“香港的學生們,素來就缺乏了集團生活的……我們三班甲(Class 3A)有見及此,知道沒有社團的組織,不獨於同學感情,缺乏了聯絡,並且將來棲身社會之後,必定互相失散,那么,對將來落伍的舊同學們,便很難有提攜扶助的可能了。” 弓社成立時有這 樣的記錄:“……The Sword Club ran the Refugee Camp at Fanling; the Star Club is running a free night school. We cannot rest quiet; we feel we must follow the lead they have given. Some charitable and useful work of similar kind is the aim we have set before ourselves in founding this club.”
Fr. Donnelly在同期STAR亦有一篇記述的文字:“What will happen then to "our" refugees? We do not know; but this much is sure: that the memory of our work in the Fanling camps will remain with us until our dying day, and that Wah Yan will be proud in years to come of the part played by her sons in this war-work for the refugees.”
校歌於1960年由一位當時為香港音樂家之菲藉修女Sister Carmeia作曲,歌詞則由在該校任教職並任立法局議員之耶穌會神父Fr. Patrick McGovern S.J.填寫。
(To the beloved Fathers)
This is the dear school where we learn how to treasure And keep for a lifetime all that's noble and true, To serve the Lord God in the love of our neighbour, O Wah Yan, we are proud of and grateful to you.
In all that we do whether duty or pleasure, we count not the cost, but unselfishly strive, What's mean and unmanly we shun with displeasure, Come praise or come blame, we hold our heads high.
Old Boys of Wah Yan cherish fond recollections Of those who here taught us the best things to choose; Home of our friendships, our hopes, and affections, O Wah Yan all our lives we'll be worthy of you.