

中國地質大學(北京)土地科學技術學院土地整治工程教研室教師,博士、教授(Ph.D. and Professor)、博士生導師。中組部團中央第20批博士服務團成員(新疆生態環境廳環境保護科學研究院掛職副院長)。主要從事土地利用工程與土地利用管理方面的教學與科研工作。在Land Use Policy、Habitat International、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Environmental Earth Sciences、Journal of Urban Planning and Development、Journal of Mountain Science、農業工程學報、地球學報、中國土地科學等期刊發表論文100餘篇,其中以第一作者(通訊作者)發表文章50餘篇,三大檢索收錄15餘篇,主編和參編教材、著作7部,主持國家自然科學基金(低碳聯合培育(面上)項目、青年基金項目)、國家重點研發計畫子課題、教育部人文社科基金、北京市社科基金、國家科技支撐計畫子課題、國土資源部公益行業項目課題等。先後榮獲國土資源科學技術獎一等獎、北京市高等教育教學成果獎一等獎、中國農業工程學會特別優秀論文獎、中國自然資源學會優秀青年論文獎、中國自然資源學會優秀論文一等獎、朱訓青年教師教育獎、中國地質大學(北京)優秀共產黨員、北京市優秀輔導員、首都高校奧運工作先進工作者、中國地質大學(北京)優秀團總支書記、中國地質大學(北京)優秀班主任、中國地質大學(北京)暑假社會實踐先進工作者等。


  • 中文名:曹銀貴
  • 外文名:Yingui Cao
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1982年5月
  • 畢業院校:中國地質大學(北京)
  • 出生地:湖南常德
  • 代表作品:主編《典型礦農城複合區土地利用格局演化與管理對策》
  • 學位:博士
  • 職稱:教授









國土空間規劃(Land use planning)、耕地利用管理對策(Cultivated land use management countermeasure)、土地復墾與生態重建(Land reclamation and ecological reconstruction)、退化土地管理(Land degradation management)、資源資產評估(Evaluationonresourcesandproperty)。


中國土地學會青年工作委員會委員(China Land Science Society)、中國農業工程學會土地利用工程專業委員會委員(Chinese Society of Agricultural Engieering)、中國地理學會會員(The Geographical Society of China)、中國自然資源學會會員(China Society of Natural Resources)、中國生態學會(Ecological Society of China)、AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGNIEERS會員。


Landscape and Urban Planning、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Earth Science、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Geo-spatial Information Science、Environment, Development and Sustainability、Journal of Moutain Sciences、長江流域資源與環境(Resources and Environment in The Yangtze Basin)、農業環境科學學報(Journal of Agro-Environment Science)、中國農業資源與區劃(Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning)


[21]況欣宇, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 羅古拜, 李樹志, 白中科. 基於不同重構土壤材料配比的草木樨生物量差異分析. 農業資源與環境學報, 2019, 36(4): 453-461. (Kuang Xinyu, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Luo Gubai, Bai Zhongke. Analysis of biomass difference of Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb based on different ratios of different reconstructed soil materials. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2019, 36(4): 453-461.)
[20]羅古拜, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 白中科, 黃雨晗, 王舒菲. 露天礦區排土場復墾地土壤容重差異、GPR特徵識別與反演. 農業資源與環境學報, 2019, 36(4): 441-452. (Luo Gubai, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Bai Zhongke, Huang Yuhan, Wang Shufei. Soil bulk density difference, GPR feature identification and simulation for reclaimed soil profile in dumping site of open pit mining area. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2019, 36(4): 441-452.)
[19]王文旭, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 宋蕾, 蘇銳清, 莊亦寧, 周偉. 中國耕地變化驅動力研究進展:驅動因子與驅動機理. 中國農業資源與區劃, 2019, 接收. (Wang Wenxu, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Song Lei, Su Ruiqing, Zhuang Yining, Zhou Wei. Driving forces of cultivated land change in China: Driving factors and driving mechanism. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2019, accepted.)
[18]黃雨晗, 況欣宇, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 羅古拜, 王舒菲, 楊庚, 白中科. 乾旱草原露天礦區復墾地與未損毀地土壤物理性質對比. 生態與農村環境學報, 2019, 35(7): 940-946. (Huang Yuhan, Kuang Xinyu, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Luo Gubai, Wang Shufei, Yang Geng, Bai Zhongke. Comparison of soil physical properties between reclaimed land and undamaged land in arid grassland opencast mining area. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 2019, 35(7): 940-946.)
[17]王舒菲, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 羅古拜, 況欣宇, 宋蕾, 白中科. 黃土露天礦區重構土壤典型物理性質差異及對植被生長狀況的影響. 農業資源與環境學報, 2019, 36(3): 344-354. (Wang Shufei, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Luo Gubai, Kuang Xinyu, Song Lei, Bai Zhongke. The difference of reconstructing soil physical properties in open cast mining area of loess and its effect on vegetation growth. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment, 2019, 36(3): 344-354.)
[16]蘇銳清, 曹銀貴(通訊作者). 中國耕地利用變化的研究方法分析:立足驅動與模擬研究. 中國農業資源與區劃, 2019, 40(6): 96-105. (Su Ruiqing, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author). Methods analysis on cultivated land use changes in China: Based on driving and simulation. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2019, 40(6): 96-105.)
[15]羅古拜, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 白中科, 況欣宇, 王舒菲, 宋蕾. 黃土露天礦區重構土壤體積含水率表征與反演. 生態與農村環境學報, 2019, 35(4): 529-537. (Luo Gubai, Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Kuang Xinyu, Wang Shufei, Song Lei. Representation and inversion of reconstructed soil volumetric mositure content in Loess open pit mining area. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 2019, 35(4): 529-537.)
[14]宋蕾, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 蘇銳清. 潮白河流域耕保新問題與對策. 中國土地, 2019, (2): 28-30. (Song Lei, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Su Ruiqing. New issues and management countermeasures on Chaobaihe basin, Jing-Jin-Ji of China. China Land, 2019, (2): 28-30.)
[13]Song Lei,Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Zhou Wei, Kuang Xinyu, Luo Gubai. Study on the variation of arable land use and management countermeasures under rapid urbanization: The application of a gravity model in a regional perspective. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019, 191: 120.
[12]Huang Yuhan, Kuang Xinyu, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Bai Zhongke. The soil chemical properties of reclaimed land in an arid grassland dump in an opencast mining area in China. RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 41499-41508.
[11]Sheng Xiaowen, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Zhou Wei, Zhang Hui, Song Lei. Multiple scenario simulations of land use changes and countermeasures for collaborative development mode in Chaobai River region of Jing-Jin-Ji, China. Habitat International, 2018, 82: 38-47.
[10]盛曉雯, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 周偉, 成陸, 張輝. 京津冀地區土地利用變化對生態系統服務價值的影響. 中國農業資源與區劃, 2018, 39(6): 79-86. (Sheng Xiaowen, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Zhou Wei, Cheng Lu, Zhang Hui. Impact of land use changes on ecosystem service value in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Chinese Jounral of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2018, 39(6): 79-86. )
[9]宋蕾, 曹銀貴(通訊作者), 周偉, 何灝, 況欣宇, 羅古拜. 基於SD模型的三峽庫區快速城鎮化地區耕地利用模擬研究. 長江流域資源與環境, 2018, 27(4): 818-827. (Song Lei, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Zhou Wei, He Hao, Kuang Xinyu, Luo Gubai. Simulation study on cultivated land utilization in rapid urbanization area of Three Gorges Reservoir Area based on SD model. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2018, 27(4): 818-827.)
[8]宋蕾, 曹銀貴(通訊作者). 中國耕地變化文獻分析: 數量特徵、研究區域與文獻來源. 中國農業資源與區劃. 2018, 39(1): 31-40. (Song Lei, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author). Analysis on cultivated land change in China: Quantitative characteristics, research region and literature sources. Chinese Jounral of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning. 2018, 39(1): 31-40.)
[7]Liu Xiaoyang, Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Bai Zhongke (Corresponding author), Wang Jinman, Zhou Wei. Evaluating relationships between soil chemical properties and vegetation cover at different slope aspects in a reclaimed dump. Environmental Earth Science, 2017, 76(23): 508-560.
[6]Cao Yingui, Martin Dallimer, Lindsay C. Stringer, Bai Zhongke, Yim Ling Siu. Land expropriation compensation among multiple stakeholders in a mining area: Explaining “skeleton house” compensation. Land Use Policy, 2017.
[5]Pan Jian, Bai Zhongke (Corresponding author), Cao Yingui (Corresponding author), Zhou Wei, Wang Jinman. Influence of soil physical properties and vegetation coverage at different slope aspects in a reclaimed dump. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(30): 23953-23965.
[4]Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Sun Qi, Zhou Wei. Rural settlement changes in compound land use areas: Characteristics and reasons of changes in a mixed mining-rural-settlement area in Shanxi Province, China. Habitat International, 2017, 61: 9-21.
[3]Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei, et al.. Analyses of traits and driving forces on urban land expansion in a typical coal resource-based city in a loess area. Environmental Earth Science, 2016, 75(8): 1191-1205.
[2]Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei, et al.. Characteristic analysis and pattern evolution on landscape types in typical compound area of mine rural urban in Shanxi Province, China. Environmental Earth Science, 2016, 75(7): 585-599.
[1]Cao Yingui, Zhou Wei, Bai Zhongke, et al.. Differentiations in nutrients of reconstructed soils on open-cast mine dump of Loess Area. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25(7): 2331-2342.
[6]Cao Yingui. Forces driving changes in urban construction land of urban agglomerations in China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2015, 141(2): 05014011-1-05014011-11.
[5]Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei. A Gradient analysis of urban construction land expansion in the Chongqing Urban Area of China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2015, 141(1): 05014009-1-05014009-10.
[4]Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei, et al.. Forces driving changes in cultivated land and management countermeasures in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10(1): 731-745.
[3]Cao Yingui, Zhou Wei, Wang Jing, et al.. Spatial-temporal pattern and differences of land use changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China during 1975-2005. Journal of Mountain Science, 2011, 8(4): 551-563.
[2]Cao Yingui, Wang Jinman, Bai Zhongke, et al.. Differentiation and mechanisms on physical properties of reconstructed soils on open-cast mine dump of loess area. Environmental Earth Science, 2015, 74(8): 6367-6380.
[1]Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhao Zhongqiu, et al.. Development of soil physicochemical properties of reclaimed croplands in a large opencast mining area on the Loess Plateau. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2014, 12(2): 1045-1053.
[10]曹銀貴, 張笑然, 白中科, 等. 黃土區礦-農-城複合區土地利用時空轉換特徵. 農業工程學報, 2015, 31(7): 238-246. (Cao Yingui, Zhang Xiaoran, Bai Zhongke, et al.. Temporal-spatial transformation characteristics of land use types in composite area of ore-agriculture-urban in Loess Area. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2015, 31(7): 238-246.)
[9]曹銀貴, 周偉, 王靜, 等. 基於主成分分析與層次分析的三峽庫區耕地集約利用對比. 農業工程學報, 2010, 26(4): 291-296. (Cao Yingui, Zhou Wei, Wang Jing, et al.. Comparative on regional cultivated land intensive use based on principal component analysis and analytic hierarchy process in Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2010, 26(4): 291-296. )
[8]曹銀貴, 周偉, 王靜, 等. 三峽庫區30年間土地利用景觀特徵的粒度效應. 農業工程學報, 2010, 26(6): 315-321. (Cao Yingui, Zhou Wei, Wang Jing, et al.. Effect of spatial grain size on landscape pattern of land use in Three Gorges Reservoir Area in 30 years. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2010, 26(6): 315-321.)
[7]曹銀貴, 白中科, 周偉, 等. 山西平朔露天礦區復墾農用地表層土壤質量差異對比. 農業環境科學學報, 2013, 32(12): 1540-1538. (Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei, et al.. Soil quality of surface reclaimed farmland in large open-cast mining area of Shanxi Province. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 2013, 32(12): 1540-1538.)
[6]曹銀貴, 白中科, 周偉, 等. 基於尺度差異的山西省採煤土地損毀影響因素分析. 中國礦業, 2014, 23(8): 75-82. (Cao Yingui, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei, et al.. Impact factors of coal mining land damage at different scales in Shanxi Province. China Mining Magazine, 2014, 23(8): 75-82.)
[5]曹銀貴, 白中科. 土地利用變化對區域生態服務價值的影響研究. 水土保持研究, 2013, 20(6): 45-54.
[4]曹銀貴, 周偉. 青海省2000-2008年間城鎮建設用地變化及驅動力研究. 乾旱區資源與環境, 2012, 27(6): 40-46.
[3]曹銀貴, 周偉, 王靜, 等. 中國東部地區城市建設用地變化與利用效益分析. 地理科學進展, 2012, 31(7): 869-877.
[2]曹銀貴, 周偉, 袁春. 基於土地利用變化的區域生態服務價值研究. 水土保持通報, 2010, 30(4): 241-246.
[1]曹銀貴, 周偉, 袁春, 等. 不同發展階段的煤炭型城市土地集約利用研究. 地球學報, 2010, 31(1): 122-128.
[19]曹銀貴, 袁春, 周偉, 等. 三峽庫區耕地城鎮化及城鎮擴展測度. 農業工程學報, 2009, 25(6): 254-260.
[18]曹銀貴, 袁春, 周偉. 基於城市分類的城市土地集約利用評價. 土壤, 2009, 41(2): 288-294.
[17]曹銀貴, 袁春, 周偉. 區域城市土地集約利用挖潛及模式研究. 農業系統科學與綜合研究, 2009, 25(2): 167-171.
[16]曹銀貴, 周偉, 袁春. 全國城市土地集約利用評價及結果檢驗. 河南師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 37(2): 34-38.
[15]曹銀貴, 袁春, 王靜. 1997~2005年區域城市土地集約度變化與影響因子分析. 地理科學進展, 2008, 27(3): 86-93.
[14]曹銀貴, 袁春, 周偉, 等. 基於文獻的城市土地集約利用現狀研究. 生態經濟, 2008, (9): 45-49.
[13]曹銀貴, 袁春, 周偉. 基於主成分分析的全國建設用地集約度評價. 生態環境, 2008, 17(4): 1657-1661.
[12]曹銀貴, 姚林君, 陶金. 基於GIS與BP神經網路的中國耕地變化與模擬研究. 乾旱區地理, 2008, 31(5): 765-771.
[11]曹銀貴, 袁春, 周偉, 等. 中國耕地變化的驅動因子及省域差異分析. 中國土地科學, 2008, 22(2): 17-22.
[10]曹銀貴, 王靜, 程燁, 等. 三峽庫區開縣30年耕地變化分析. 中國土地科學, 2007, 21(1): 43-47.
[9]曹銀貴, 王靜, 劉愛霞, 等. 三峽庫區城鎮建設用地驅動因子路徑分析. 中國人口資源與環境, 2007, 17(3): 66-69.
[8]曹銀貴, 王靜, 陶嘉, 等. 基於CA與AO的三峽庫區土地利用變化模擬研究. 地理科學進展, 2007, 26(3): 88-95.
[7]曹銀貴, 王靜, 劉愛霞, 等. 基於BP神經網路的三峽庫區開縣耕地面積預測研究. 中國農業資源與區劃, 2007, 28(4): 30-34.
[6]曹銀貴, 王靜, 程燁, 等. 三峽庫區土地利用變化與影響因子研究. 長江流域資源與環境, 2007, 16(6): 748-753.
[5]曹銀貴, 王靜, 劉正軍, 等. 三峽庫區近30年土地利用變化時空特徵分析. 測繪科學, 2007, 32(6): 167-170.
[4]曹銀貴, 白中科, 劉澤民, 等. 安太堡露天礦區土地類型變化研究. 西北林學院學報, 2007, 22(2): 44-48.
[3]曹銀貴, 王靜, 程燁, 等. 三峽庫區耕地變化研究. 地理科學進展, 2006, 25(6): 117-125.
[2]曹銀貴, 程燁, 白中科. 安太堡露天礦區土地景觀格局變化及土地復墾的原則. 資源與產業, 2006, 8(5): 7-11.
[1]曹銀貴, 白中科, 程燁. 安太堡露天礦區土地利用變化及驅動力分析. 資源與產業, 2006, 8(4): 102-106.
3、 其他作者學術論文(2016-至今):
[8]Liu Xiaoyang, Bai Zhongke, Zhou Wei, Cao Yingui, Zhang Gengjie. Changes in soil properties in the soil profile after mining andreclamation in an opencast coal mine on the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 98: 228-239.
[7]Zhang Xiaoran, Bai Zhongke, Fan Xiang, Lu Yuanqing, Cao Yingui,Zhao Zhongqiu, Sun Qi, Pan Jian. Urban Expansion Process, Pattern, and Land Use Response in an Urban Mining Composited Zone from 1986 to 2013. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2016, 142(4): online.
[6]郭平, 周偉, 曹銀貴. 衰退型資源城市土地集約利用研究. 江蘇農業科學, 2016, 44(4): 486-490.
[5]Wang Jinman, Wang Hongdan, Cao Yingui, et al.. Effects of soil and topographic factors on vegetation restoration in opencast coal mine dumps located in a loess area. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 1523-1532.
[4]許婧雪(本科生), 曹銀貴(通訊). 基於文獻數據統計的中國耕地變化研究. 浙江農業科學, 2016, 57(9): 1365-1370.
[3]於天(本科生), 曹銀貴(通訊), 許婧雪. 基於不同尺度的中國耕地變化驅動力研究進展. 中國農學通報, 2016, 32(24): 194-198.
[2]王洪丹, 王金滿, 曹銀貴, 等. 黃土區露天煤礦排土場土壤與地形因子對植被恢復的影響研究. 生態學報, 2016, 36(16): 線上.
[1]張笑然, 白中科, 曹銀貴, 等. 特大型露天煤礦區生態系統演變及其生態儲存估算. 生態學報, 2016, 36(16): 線上.
[11]孫琦, 白中科, 曹銀貴, 等. 特大型露天煤礦土地損毀生態風險評價. 農業工程學報, 2015, 31(17): 278-288.
[10]周偉, 曹銀貴, 白中科, 等. 煤炭礦區土地復墾監測指標探討. 中國土地科學, 2012, 26(11): 68-73.
[9]周偉, 曹銀貴, 王靜, 等. 三峽庫區近30a農村居民點格局變化與特徵分析. 農業工程學報, 2011, 27(4): 294-300.
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[1] 鐵染和羥基提取系統.
[2] ASTER影像礦物異常信息提取系統.
[3] 礦區土地信息採集與綜合評價系統.
[4] 集約利用評價與分析系統.
[6] 一種適用於內蒙古草原礦區的重構土壤以及一種土壤改良方法.
[5] 一種礦區復墾地表層土壤非均質程度的確定方法及系統.
[4] 一種土壤有效土層厚度的確定方法及系統.
[3] 一種土壤重構物及其製備方法和套用(A).
[2] 一種土壤重構物及其製備方法和套用(B).
[1] 一種環形土壤切割鑽.




