


  • 中文名:曹洪健
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:美國北卡羅來納大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:夫妻關係質量及穩定性的發展變化及其影響因素
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學




1. 一般與特殊需要學前兒童常見的心理與行為問題(如社會退縮、焦慮、多動、攻擊性強、感統失調等)的發生髮展過程、影響因素與早期干預,尤其關注家庭關係因素(如婚姻暴力、父母虐待、親子依戀、教養方式等)在其中的作用,並以實證研究為基礎設計和開發相關的親職教育(家長學校)與家園合作共育的課程與方案。
2. 以人類發展的生態系統模型為指導,探討青少年發展的影響因素,特別是家庭關係因素在其中發揮的作用,如夫妻關係(如婚姻衝突)如何通過塑造父母的養育行為而影響青少年的內化問題(如抑鬱等)和外化問題(如網路成癮等)。
3.家庭生命周期和生命發展歷程的視角出發,研究家庭過渡時期的壓力因素對家庭關係及個體發展的影響,尤其是新婚過渡期(Transition to Marriage)夫妻關係的調試以及在初為人父母的過渡期(Transition to Parenthood)的壓力應對以及適應過程及其對身心健康的影響,近期特別關注母親產前和產後抑鬱的預測因素,包括夫妻關係、兒童早期的虐待經歷以及基因如何互動作用影響抑鬱的產生和發展變化。
4. 夫妻關係質量及穩定性的發展變化及其影響因素,尤其是:(1)不同水平的因素之間(如個體因素、夫妻互動因素及外在環境因素)如何互動作用來塑造夫妻關係的發展駝狼元變化軌跡;和(2)近現代中國社會的主要變遷(如改革開放,新婚姻法,獨生子女政策,開放二胎政策等)如何通過影響中國民眾關於婚姻、家庭、性別等議題的價值觀念而對中國夫妻的婚姻關係產生深遠影響。
5. 社會邊緣化的弱勢群體夫妻(如LGBT夫妻、有特殊孩子的夫妻、經濟貧困的夫妻等)的壓力適應過程及夫妻關係,尤其是在何種條件下以及通過何種生理-心理-社會機制,一般性的生活壓力(如人際衝突等)和特異性的辣迎生活壓力(如社會歧視等)單獨或協同作用來影響弱勢群體夫甩寒婚重妻關係的發展變化。


曹博士曾主持或作為核心成員參與包括中國國家自汽戒船炒然科學基金、中國教育部人文社會科學研究項目、美國國家兒童健康與人類發展協會(NICHD)的研究項目、美國心理學研究基金會(APF)青年基金項目等在內的多項國內、外國家級及省部級課題。目前,他已以腿敬境第一作者或通訊作者身份在婚姻家庭與兒童、青少年發展研究的國際頂尖期刊發表SCI/SSCI JCR Q1分區論文多篇,包括Journal of Marriage and Family, Family Process, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Family Theory& Review,Journal of Personality,Journal of Social and Personal Relationships等。
曹博士還以合作者身份發表SSCI論文多篇,以第一作者、通訊作者或合作者的身份在國內重要CSSCI期刊發表論文多篇,包括教育學拒漏陵報、套用心理學、心理與行為研究、中國臨床心理學雜誌、清華大學教育研究、中國特殊教育等,其中多篇辣斷采被中國人民大學《教育學》或《心理學》複印資料轉載。目前,曹博士還擔任著美國家庭關係研究協會(NCFR)旗艦期刊Journal of Family Theory& Review(SSCI,JCR Q2) 的編委,以及多個國內、外重要學術期刊的審稿人,包括Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Family Theory & Review, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Family Process,心理學報,教育學報等。
1. Cao, H.,Li, X.,Chi, P., Du. H., Wu, Q., Liang, Y., Zhou, N., & Fine, M. (2019). Within-couple configuration of gender-related attitudes and its association with marital satisfaction in Chinese marriage: A dyadic, pattern-analytic approach.Journal of Personality.
2. Cao, H.,Zhou, N.,Fine, M.,Li, X., & Fang, X. (2018). Sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction during the early years of Chinese marriage: A three-wave, cross-lagged, actor-partner interdependence model.The Journal of Sex Research.
3. Cao, H., Zhou, N., Leerkes, E., & Qu, J. (2018). Multiple domains of new mothers’ adaptation: Interrelations and roots in childhood maternal non-supportive emotion socialization.Journal of Family Psychology.
4. Cao, H.,Yuan, X., Fine, M., Zhou, N., & Fang, X. (2018).Neuroticism and marital satisfaction during the early years of Chinese marriage:The mediating roles of marital attribution and aggression.Family Process.
5. Cao, H.,Fine, M. A., Fang, X., & Zhou, N. (2018). Chinese adult children’s perceived parents’ satisfaction with adult children’s marriage, in-law relationship quality and adult children’s marital satisfaction.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
6. Cao, H.,Zhou, N., Fine, M., Liang, Y., Li, J., & Mills-Koonce, W. R. (2017). Sexual minority stress and same-sex relationship well-being: A meta-analysis of research prior to the U.S. nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage.Journal of Marriage and Family.
7. Cao, H.,Zhou, N., Fang, X., & Fine, M. (2017). Marital well-being and depression in Chinese marriage: Going beyond satisfaction and ruling out critical confounders.Journal of Family Psychology.
8. Cao, H.,Fang, X., Fine, A. M., Lan, J., Ju, X., & Zhou, N. (2016). Sacrifice, commitment, and marital quality in the early years of Chinese marriage: An actor-partner interdependence moderation model.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
9. Cao, H.,Mills-Koonce, W. R., Wood, C., & Fine, A. M. (2016). Identity transformation during the transition to parenthood among same-sex couples: An ecological, stress-strategy-adaptation perspective.Journal of Family Theory & Review
10. Cao, H.,Fang, X., Fine, M. A., Ju, X., Lan, J., & Liu, X. (2015). Beyond the average marital communication: Latent profiles of the observed interactions among Chinese newlywed couples.Journal of Family Psychology,
1. Cao, H.,Li, X.,Chi, P., Du. H., Wu, Q., Liang, Y., Zhou, N., & Fine, M. (2019). Within-couple configuration of gender-related attitudes and its association with marital satisfaction in Chinese marriage: A dyadic, pattern-analytic approach.Journal of Personality.
2. Cao, H.,Zhou, N.,Fine, M.,Li, X., & Fang, X. (2018). Sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction during the early years of Chinese marriage: A three-wave, cross-lagged, actor-partner interdependence model.The Journal of Sex Research.
3. Cao, H., Zhou, N., Leerkes, E., & Qu, J. (2018). Multiple domains of new mothers’ adaptation: Interrelations and roots in childhood maternal non-supportive emotion socialization.Journal of Family Psychology.
4. Cao, H.,Yuan, X., Fine, M., Zhou, N., & Fang, X. (2018).Neuroticism and marital satisfaction during the early years of Chinese marriage:The mediating roles of marital attribution and aggression.Family Process.
5. Cao, H.,Fine, M. A., Fang, X., & Zhou, N. (2018). Chinese adult children’s perceived parents’ satisfaction with adult children’s marriage, in-law relationship quality and adult children’s marital satisfaction.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
6. Cao, H.,Zhou, N., Fine, M., Liang, Y., Li, J., & Mills-Koonce, W. R. (2017). Sexual minority stress and same-sex relationship well-being: A meta-analysis of research prior to the U.S. nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage.Journal of Marriage and Family.
7. Cao, H.,Zhou, N., Fang, X., & Fine, M. (2017). Marital well-being and depression in Chinese marriage: Going beyond satisfaction and ruling out critical confounders.Journal of Family Psychology.
8. Cao, H.,Fang, X., Fine, A. M., Lan, J., Ju, X., & Zhou, N. (2016). Sacrifice, commitment, and marital quality in the early years of Chinese marriage: An actor-partner interdependence moderation model.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
9. Cao, H.,Mills-Koonce, W. R., Wood, C., & Fine, A. M. (2016). Identity transformation during the transition to parenthood among same-sex couples: An ecological, stress-strategy-adaptation perspective.Journal of Family Theory & Review
10. Cao, H.,Fang, X., Fine, M. A., Ju, X., Lan, J., & Liu, X. (2015). Beyond the average marital communication: Latent profiles of the observed interactions among Chinese newlywed couples.Journal of Family Psychology,


