


  • 軟體名稱:暴走部族
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:58.35MB


立刻玩“Crazy Tribes”,成為荒地中最令人敬畏的司令之一!招募許多瘋狂的部隊,用您的軍隊征服後世界末日土地。將您的 瘋狂部落 軍隊派去與成千上萬的其它玩家進行交戰,讓這個世界對您聞風喪膽。加入其它玩家的戰略聯盟,交換寶貴的資源。 功能: 首先升級您的第一個基地 建造無數不同的建築物,創建一個新的文明 招募一個瘋狂的軍隊,與其它司令對決 占領軍隊基地,征服荒地 獲取重要資源,與其它玩家交換 制定占領和保衛基地的有效戰略 與其它玩家組成部落 開發新技術,完成令人驚心動魄的任務 體驗設計精妙絕倫而內容豐富多彩的世界末日畫面 遊戲樂趣最大化:可單機玩,也可在社區玩 立刻免費下載應用程式,體驗“瘋狂的部落”世界中令人驚心動魄的戰鬥;iPhone和iPad版的世界末日大型多人線上遊戲令人愛不釋手。 您需要聯網才能玩“Crazy Tribes”。 Immediately play "Crazy Tribes", to become commander of one of the most formidable in the wasteland! Recruit a lot of crazy forces, the end of the world with your army to conquer the land. Your crazy tribal army sent to a war with thousands of other players, this world you will lose heart. Add the strategic alliance of the other players, the exchange of valuable resources. Functions: First upgrade your base The construction of numerous buildings, to create a new civilization Recruit a crazy military showdown with the other commander Occupation army base to conquer the wasteland Access to vital resources, and exchange with other players Develop effective strategy of occupation and defend the base Composed of tribal and other players Development of new technologies, to complete the task of staggering Experience exquisite design colorful doomsday picture Maximize the fun of the game: the stand-alone play, can play in the community Immediately download the application for free, thrilling combat experience "crazy tribal world; iPhone and iPad version apocalyptic massively multiplayer online games and attractive. You need networking to play "Crazy Tribes are.




