


公司於2000年起,在國內率先從地暖的濕法作開始向乾法作業轉型,大力進行乾法作業(輻射模板)的研發、生產、施工活動 2010年暖魔方研發的第三代模組(FIII型冷暖輻射模板 以下簡稱暖魔方)再次獲得國家專利,並與2010年底投入生產。


  • 公司名稱:暖魔方(北京)新能源科技發展有限公司
  • 外文名稱:Company profile
  • 總部地點:北京市經濟技術開發區居住項目國家環保產業園區
  • 成立時間:2000年
  • 公司性質:有限公司
暖魔方簡介,詳細介紹,English interpreter,暖魔方金鼎2000系列產品,暖魔方專利,5mmPE鋁箔反射鋁管,產品五大特性,五大價值Five value,解決噪音難題,安裝工藝,溫控面板,施工單位的稱讚,盤古大觀,更多工程案例,


2010年暖魔方研發的第三代模組(FIII型冷暖輻射模板 以下簡稱暖魔方)再次獲得國家專利,並與2010年底投入生產。


Company profile暖魔方(北京)新能源科技發展有限公司生產基地有

English interpreter

Nuan Mo Fang new energy technological development limited company located in Beijing economic technology development zone, which is the professional company that combine with low humidity radiant floor heating products research, production, sales and construction together. It has Beijing production base, Hebei production base and Zhejiang production base. There are many highly specialized personnel in it.
From 2000, the company at the first to transfers the wet operation into dry operation; try the best to develop, operation and construction of dry operation, we have launched FI, FII type of product, accumulating much experience. In this field, we can more energy saving, more environmental protection and more safety. Some products have already widely used in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong northeast area.
In 2008,The third generation module that developed by Nuan Mo Fang owned national patent again, and put into production in 2012.This aroused widely concern of society.
We always believe people come first, quality comes first, and credit comes first.


Light (construction designer requirement): weight 3kg/m2, reduce buildings load, save the construction cost 10%.
.Thin (architect design requirement): ultrathin 23 MM-27MM.Guarantee building storey heights, increase comfortable space.三抗壓性強(用戶需求):抗壓2000KG/㎡,小汽車反覆碾壓不開裂,不變型,零維修。Compressive resistance(user requirement):Resist compression 2000kg/m2, car without deformation and cracking.
Quickly to heat (user requirement): aluminium sheet energy conservation type, 10 to 20 minutes can heat.
Energy conservation (user requirement): individual heating and household heat metering heating system, emery saving 30%.
High heating effect (HVAC designer requirement), Structure scientific reasonable, diathermancy good and temperature uniformity.
Insulation and sound insulation (user requirement): use rare air reach separate heat to reduce floor noise effect.八壽命長(用戶需求):材質與生活用水管同類,無毒無味,使用壽命大於50年。
Long life (user requirement): the material is the same as water service pipe, non-toxic and tasteless, service life over 50 years.九靈活性強(安裝工人需求):布管自由度大,可依據不同房間的熱負荷需求,任意疏密。
Strong flexibility(installation workers requirement): More flexibility, according to different house heat load demand, arbitrary encryption.
Cycle resources (user requirement): Circular economy, recycle use十一施工簡單、高效:比傳統地暖節省一半工時,熟練工100平米大約40分鐘左右。 Construction simple, efficient: save half time than before, skilled labor 100m2 use 40 minutes.


空氣隔熱專利項1 Air insulation patent 1:模組底部和PE鋁箔反射膜形成稀薄空氣,阻隔熱量向下傳遞,代替擠塑板和聚苯板。The bottom of module and PE aluminum foil reflectance coating form rare air cut off heat downward transmission, replace extruded sheet and polystyrene panel
縱橫貫通熱效更高專利2 Aspect through and thermal efficiency higher patent 2::結構科學合理,縱橫貫通,傳熱性好,溫度均勻。scientific rationality, good heat transfer, temperature uniformity. 地面溫度均勻度曲線Ground temperature uniformity curve地面溫度均勻度(%)Ground temperature uniformity (%)
暖魔方模組供暖系統(管間距150mm、200mm)Nuan Mo Fang module heating system (tube spacing 150mm, 200mm),
暖魔方模組地暖系統(管間距150mm)Nuan Mo Fang module heating system (tube spacing 150mm)暖魔方模組地暖系統(管間距200mm)
Nuan Mo Fang module heating system (tube spacing 200mm)
Conventional wet heating system (tube spacing 150mm)
Conventional wet heating system (tube spacing 2000mm)地面加熱管間距(mm)
Ground heating tube spacing (mm) 暖魔方模板熱效圖


抗壓性強用戶需求:抗壓2000KG/㎡,小汽車反覆碾壓不開裂,不變形,0維修,沒有後顧之憂,同時對管線有很好的保護作用。Resist compression 2000kg/m2 without crack and variant after small car spreading again and again. At the same time, it can protect line pipe very well.
起熱迅速用戶需求:鋁板節能型10-20分鐘起熱,對於獨立供暖和分戶計量採暖系統節能效果最明顯。Aluminum energy-saving in 10 to 20 minutes can be heat. For those separate heating and individual measurement can be good effect.


產品材料:塑膠基、代替擠塑板、聚苯板 replace extruded sheet and polystyrene panel
5、節能:清華大學檢測暖魔方金鼎2000濕式鋪裝熱損失僅為14%,而傳統濕式鋪裝為20%-30%,節能效果顯著。暖魔方(3*3*3法則)三重安全閥一重安全:承重2000KG,抗壓性強triple security bearing 2000KG, compressive resistance二重安全:模板安全保護管徑不受損傷,維修便捷formwork safety, easy to maintenance三重安全:環保低碳;environmental protection 三重保溫鎖Stay warm一重保溫:PE鋁箔反射膜PE aluminum box foil reflecting film二重保溫:模板空腔與反射膜形成密閉空氣保溫層template empty cavity form closed air thermal insulation layer with reflecting film三重保溫:模板凹型支點使管路架空在板面上形成保溫層module concave type fulcrum form thermal insulation layer of board 三重節能環Energy-saving一重節能:起熱快,熱效高,節能30% saving 30%二重節能:薄、輕,建築結構用材及重量降低10% construction structure reduce 10%三重節能:鋪裝簡單高效工時縮短一半,可循環利用easy to pave, shorten the half time, it can recycling use.
地板Floor、管線pipeline、模組PE膜module PE film、地面ground凹型支點保溫Spill fulcrum heat preservation 密閉空氣層airtight air layer PE鋁箔反射膜, PE aluminum foil reflecting film

五大價值Five value

1、差異價值Value variance: 用料上,暖魔方薄型地暖模組是塑膠基輕薄型地暖模組,代替了聚苯板、擠塑板。工藝上及結構上,暖魔方模組都有革命性的改革。抗壓強度非常強,能承受2000kg重量。(差異價值不是加之,給消費者有利的才叫價值)Nuan Mo Fang thin floor heating module instead of polystyrene board, extruded plate. In the process and the structure, Nuan Mo Fang take the great reformation. Compressive strength is very strong; it can bear 2000kg weight.
2、安全價值Safety value:暖魔方薄型地暖模組常年埋在地下,不會塌陷,變形,腐爛,用戶使用安心,放心。Nuan Mo Fang thin floor heating module buried under the ground for a long time, it will not collapse, and decay,the users can at ease and rest assured.
3、層高價值Storey height value: 房子的使用面積和空間決定客戶房屋的舒適性.以100平方為例: 用暖魔方薄型地暖模組比傳統濕式鋪裝增加4立方使用空間。乾式鋪裝時,比傳統濕式鋪裝增加6立方使用空間。當今房價寸土寸金,我們盡力為您節省空間、提高空間使用率,保證舒適度。the house use area and space decide client house comfort and reliability, take 100m2 as example: Nuan Mo Fang thin floor heating module can increase 4m3 use space compared with traditional wet paving. When use dry paving, it can increase 6m3 space compared with traditional paving. Nowadays the price of house is expensive, we try our best to save the space, at the same time it increase the efficiency of life.
4、節能價值:暖魔方鋁板節能型模組,即時起熱,即開即熱,空間溫度10-20分鐘起熱,節能30%,是分戶計量的首選。energy-saving value: Nuan Mo Fang aluminum energy-saving module easy to start, it can save 30% energy.
5、環保價值:所有材料均為環保材料。Environmental protection value: all the materials are environmental. 尚品原生塑鋁板節能型——奢華極致的享受Shang Pin original plastic aluminum board energy-saving--luxury enjoyment尚品原生塑原材料採用為PP原生料,唯一用作飲用水杯的材料。Shang Pin original material adopt PP raw material that is only used for drinking cup0.44mm厚純鋁板0.44mm thick pure aluminum


鋁板經過歐態柔性處理,攻克鋁板噪音難題。Aluminum after the process of European state flexible processing, conquer aluminum noise problem.起熱迅速,受熱均勻,很好的保護地板。Get heat quickly, uniform heated, it can protect floor well. 暖魔方火素節能王系列Nuan Mo Fang energy-saving King Series特性Characteristics:導熱快、節能、環保、無噪音、性能穩定heated fast, energy-saving, environmental protection, no noise, stable performance
一、 導熱快Heated fast黑體導熱層是一種高導熱和高熱輻射材料,裝飾層表面快速均熱,對裝飾層有較好的保護作用Black heat conduction layer is high thermal conductivity and high thermal radiation material, it can protect decoration layer well.
二、 節能energy-saving:起熱速度數倍提高,減少起熱時間:面傳熱係數高達550W/MK,但是垂直向下熱係數僅為10W/MK,近似於絕熱,正向熱貢獻效率非常高。easy to get heated, save heated time: surface heat transfer coefficient is 550W/MK, but vertical downward thermal coefficient is only 10W/MK, approximate adiabatic, thermal contribution rate is very high.
三、 環保Environmental protection:黑體導熱材料是一種含有碳元素的礦產和金屬的合成體,是不可多得的環保材料。black thermal material is the synthetic body that include carbon element and metal.四、 無噪音no noise:黑體表面非常光滑,解決了乾鋪模組摩擦的噪音問題。black cover is smooth, solve dry module friction noise problem.五、 性能穩定stable performance:黑體導熱層是礦石和金屬的合成體,材質具有導熱性。不需任何物理反應,導熱性能穩定。black heat conduction layer is synthetic body of mineral and metal, the material with thermal conductivity. Without any physical reaction,thermal performance is stable.六、層高Layer height:模組2.8cm-3.2cm的高度,留出更多的舒適空間。module 2.8cm-3.2cm, save more comfortable space. 低溫熱泵火素節能王:常用管徑近距離布管。專供低溫供水系統如:空氣源熱泵和地源熱泵等低溫供水設備的模組 Low temperature hot pump energy-saving King: pipe diameter close cloth tube. For low temperature water supply system such as : air source hot pump and ground source hot pump water supply module.


安裝工藝Install process工序簡單---省時、省力、設計模組化Process is simple---save time and power
步驟一Step one:設備定位,按照設計圖紙的位置定位熱源、分集水器和能量調節構件。equipment positioning, accroding to design drawings location positioning heat source, diversity water device and adjust energy.
步驟二Step two:鋪板,將暖魔方模組按照房間形狀有序鋪裝在平整的基層上,板與板之間有卡槽連線。pave the floor, pave the Nuan Mo Fang module on the ground orderly, card slot connection between plates
.步驟三Step three::盤管,按照固定板卡槽位置等距盤管,嵌入式布管可以避免工人在施工過程中損傷加熱管。according to the fix board location coil the pipe, it can avoid damaging heating pipe.
步驟四Step four:連加熱管,將加熱管兩端分別對應連線到分集水器的接口上並保壓測試。connect heating pipe, and do the pressure test.
步驟五Step five:直接鋪設地板或抹灰鋪磚,抹灰鋪磚時放15mm厚1:2.5水泥砂漿覆蓋找平,可以有效保護下面的地暖結構層,起到勻熱作用。pave the floor directly or pave the brick, when pave the brick , put 15mm cement paste make level , it can protect underground heating structural layer.
第六步Step six 安裝溫控面板及調試install temperature control panel and debugging 系統配置:System configuration1、 冷暖爐。cold and warm stove2、 能量調節構件energy adjust component3、 分集水器water collectormanifold4、 暖魔方模組及管路-Nuan Mo Fang module and pipeline


溫控面板。Temperature control panel
木材飾層Wooden layer1、 實木複合地板或地暖專用地板Mulitlayerd wood floor or floor heating special floor2、 混凝土填充層及暖魔方模組和管路(鋁板型和火速節能王系列可以乾式鋪裝不用混凝土填充層)Concrete fill layer and Nuan Mo Fang module and pipeline(aluminum board and energy-saving King can adopt dry pave, do not adopt concrete fill layer)3、 PE鋁箔反射膜5mm PE aluminum reflectance coating 5mm4、 找平後的基層,可以使用水泥地磚、大理石。the base after making level, it can use cement floor, marble. 石材瓷磚飾層
1、 石材瓷磚飾層2、 1.5cm-2cm粘磚水泥層
3、 暖魔方模組以及管路-Nuan Mo Fang module and pipeline
4、 PE鋁箔反射膜5mm 薄型地暖模組領航者Split heating floor leader
地暖模組化、地暖薄型化、地暖乾式化、地暖節能化是地暖在韓國日本及歐美和亞洲等全球的發展趨勢 Heating floor modularization, thinning, dry and energy-saving is the tendency of the world.


中信城——施工單位的稱讚Zhong Xin town---construction unit praise
中信城是二環內稀缺的百萬平米建築綜合體,品質高雅、功能完善、富有時代氣息。在鋪設過程中,地暖公司的李經理一再跟我強調,這個暖魔方模組非常的方便和節能。以前做工程的時候總需要交叉作業,水管非常容易破損,帶來很多隱患。而且水泥運輸非常不方便,已經不需要擔心這個問題,其他工程做完了,鋪木地板前直接鋪模組,布管就可以了。而且兩個熟練工一天可以鋪一千多平,非常快捷,安全係數也很高,運輸也很方便。Zhong Xin town is the rare building synthesis in second ring road, it has the good quality , complete function and full of times atmosphere.During the course of paving floor, the manager of floor heating Mrs .Li stressed to me much time, their Nu Mo Fang module is very convenient and energy-saving. The work before needed much time to do ,and the water pipe was easy to broken, it made much hidden trouble, but now we do not need to worry, you can directly pave module before paving wood floor, and also two skilled labor can pave 1,000m2 one day, it is very convenient to distribut and with high safety factor.


盤古大觀Pan Gu Da Guan盤古大觀的故事:盤古大觀緊鄰“鳥巢”,水立方西側,整體項目由寫字樓、國際公寓、七星級酒店和商業綜合體組成,總建築面積42萬平方米。他們的物業要求非常嚴格,每一顆螺絲釘都要經過嚴格的檢測才能選用,有一戶業主選用了一家德國公司的地暖系統,經測試地暖承載力太差不合格,後來又選用了一家美國公司的地暖系統,也不合格;業主非常生氣,要求地暖公司賠償損失,地暖公司壓力非常大,他們四處尋找更好的產品,終於找到了我們的暖魔方,我們配合地暖公司和業主做了多次溝通和協調。最終,業主同意做最後一次嘗試,這次終於成功了。業主對暖魔方模組非常滿意,也給我們暖魔方模組做出了很高的評價。稱我們為——“暖魔方模組”,至此我們盤古大觀已經鋪裝了數十套公寓。
Pa Gu Da Guan is close to bird's nest, it is made up of office building, international apartment,seven star hotel and commercial buildings, the total construcion area is 420,000m2. They pay highly attention to property, each screw should after strict test then can be choose to use, one of owner choose one German company floor heating system, after testing, floor heating Bearing capacity is worse, then thsy choosed one America company heating system, it is also unqualified; the owner was very angry, ask floor heating comnpany for compensation, floor heating company fely much pressure, they looked around for good product, finaly they found us Nuan Mo Fang, we cooperate with floor heating company and owners do much communication, at last ,the owner wanted to make the last try, they spoke highly of Nuan Mo Fang, until now we have paved many apartments of Pan Gu Da Guan.
青島瑜伽館Qing Dao yoga hall


上海中國人壽數據中心、棕櫚泉、獨墅逸致、原生墅、保利壟上、紅螺湖、龍熙順景、湯泉逸墅、海家園、廊坊金泰一期、翠島福緹島、安德魯斯、大西洋新城、陶然湖景、東方普羅旺斯、金地格林小鎮等。There are more project cases: Shang Hai PICC database center, Palm Spring, Andrews, east Provence, Atlantic new town, Tang Quan Villa etc.


